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Biographical Sketch
Lucius W. Campbell
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Lucius W. Campbell.

This gentleman has spent his entire life in Doniphan county, his birth having occurred in Wolf River township, July 2, 1868.  His father, Charles Campbell, was born in Jefferson county, New York, in January, 1839, and is a son of William Campbell.  His father was a Scotchman and his mother was a native of Wales.  Coming to America, the great-grandparents of our subject took up their abode in New York, where William Campbell was born.

Charles Campbell became a resident of Kansas in 1861, locating at Palermo.  He began working by the month for Alby Saxton, of St. Joseph, who owned a farm in Washington township, and thus he gained a start.  He supplemented his wages in the winter with money secured as a trapper and hunter, and as the result of his industry and economy he secured a small capital which enabled him to engage in business for himself.  He was prominently connected with the history of pioneer life in the west, for at an early day he had become one of the frontier settlers of Wisconsin, having emigrated from New York to the Badger state with his parents in 1842.

In 1858 he came to the west with a freight concern as night herder, and crossed the plains a number of times during his three years' connection with the freighting train.  Finally he decided to locate in Salem county, Kansas, and there secured a claim, but not long afterward he abandoned it preparatory to removing to Doniphan county. 

Here, after several years' hard labor in the service of others, he purchased a farm in 1867, becoming the owner of the southeast quarter of section 34, Wolf River township, east of Bendena.  There he spent his remaining days, devoting his time and energy to the cultivation of the fields, which yielded to him a good return.  His efforts were crowned with a gratifying degree of success, and he became one of the substantial farmers of the community.  In politics he was a Republican for many years, but becoming dissatisfied with that party he joined the People's party on its organization. 

His wife bore the maiden name of Ida M. Emmons, and their union was blessed with the following children: Charles A., now deceased; L. W., of this review; George, who has also passed away; Mary M., the wife of Frank Elliott, the publisher of the Troy Times; Hattie C., the wife of George Pope; Ida and John E.  The father of these children was called to his final rest June 16, 1898.

Lucius W. Campbell spent his youth upon his father's farm and early began work in the fields, following the plow as soon as he was old enough to hold the handles.  From early spring until the crops were harvested in the autumn he assisted in the work of the fields, and then entered the district school, where he pursued his studies through the winter months.  He continued at home until 1890 and then began general merchandising, in connection with E. Morgan, under the firm name of Morgan & Campbell.

Nine months later he withdrew from the business to accept the position of cashier in the Doniphan State Bank.  After a year there passed be became "short stop" in the Troy Club of the Kansas State League, which club won the pennant in the season of 1895.  In August, 1896, he opened a general store in Bendena, which he has since conducted.

On the 16th of November, 1898, Mr. Campbell wedded Miss Annie E. Pope, daughter of Clement Pope, the first operator of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company at Troy.  Later her father engaged in the lumber business in that city, but for some years past has devoted his energies to farming in Wolf River Township.  Mr. Campbell gives his political support to the Democracy, and on one occasion received its nomination for the office of county clerk.

He is now serving as a member of the school board.  In his business he has met with creditable success, and now has a large and well stocked store, carrying everything demanded by a general country trade.  His earnest desire to please his patrons, his reasonable prices and his honesty of purpose have brought to him a liberal support.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:05:47

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