Page 847-848, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney. Standard Publishing Company, Lawrence, Kan.: 1916. ill.; 894 pgs.


August Hinz, a prosperous farmer and stockman of Fairmont township, is one of Butler county's extensive land owners. Mr. Hinz was born in Germany, January 28, 1850, and is a son of Ernest and Augusta Hinz, both natives of Germany. When August was eight years old, the Hinz family immigrated to Canada, and the father located in the forests of the Province of Ontario, about eighty miles from the Michigan line. The family was poor, and had a hard struggle to establish themselves in their little home in the wilds of Canada, but by industry and thrift, they finally succeeded. There were six children in the Hinz family, and August was the third in order of birth.

August Hinz grew to manhood on the farm in Ontario, and in 1872, was married to Rosina Miller, who was also a native of Germany. After his marriage, August Hinz worked in a saw mill in Canada, and walked two miles to and from his work and frequently through snow four or five feet deep, working for $1.25 per day. During the first year of his married life, he saved $50 from his earnings, besides paying for his household goods and buying a cow, and at the end of four years, he bought a farm and made a substantial payment on the same. He built a log hut on his place and a small stable and began farming and clearing his land. He improved his place and built a large barn. He bought more land and in the course of time soon had 100 acres of well improved land, and even under adverse conditions he made money and prospered.

In 1884, Mr. Hinz sold his farm in Canada, and came to Kansas, and bought the northwest quarter of section 18, Clifford township. This place was practically unimproved. There was a small house and a stable on the place, but neither were of any particular account, and Mr. Hinz proceeded to improve his newly acquired farm and soon had the place in fairly good condition, with good substantial buildings. Coming from a heavily timbered country, like western Canada, the Hinz family could not readily resign themselves to the broad, wind-swept plains of Butler county. The strong winds of the early days here, were


particularly annoying, and in 1888, the family went in quest of a more agreeable abode. They rented their Butler county farm, and went to Oregon, where they remained about one year, when they returned to Butler county, and from that time on, Butler county has looked all right to the Hinz family. The more they saw of other parts of the country, the more they appreciated Butler county, and the Clifford township farm has been their home ever since, with no serious thoughts of a change.

Mr. Hinz has bought more land from time to time since returning from the coast, making his first purchase of an additional eighty in 1890. Two years later he bought another quarter section, until he has become the owner of 640 acres of land, one half of which is in Clifford township, and the balance in Fairmount township. He carries on general farming and stock raising extensively, and has been very successful in his undertakings, since returning to Butler county. He is one of the largest taxpayers in his township, and for many years has been considered one of the most substantial men, financially, in Fairmount township.

Mr. and Mrs. Hinz reared a family of seven children, all of whom are living and in comfortable circumstances. Mrs. Hinz died May 23, 1915. Mr. Hinz is a member of the Lutheran church, and he has always supported the Republican party, but is not active in political affairs.

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