Page 688-689, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney. Standard Publishing Company, Lawrence, Kan.: 1916. ill.; 894 pgs.


L. D. Himebaugh is one of the pioneer settlers of Butler county.

L. D. Himebaugh
Pioneer Farm View

Progressive Farm View

The illustrations show pioneer and progress on the southwest quarter of section 3, Richland township, pre-empted and still owned by L. D. Himehaugh.[sic] The cabin was built in the early spring of 1870. In 1872 the southwest quarter was pre-empted by Miss Watson, which later was merged into one farm at a meeting held in Waukesha, Wis., in August, 1882. In September, 1884, the cabin was vacated for the more modern home and has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Himebaugh for twenty-four years. In March, 1908, they moved to Wichita, their son, R. W. Himebaugh and family, succeeding them on the farm.

L. D. Himebaugh is a native of Ohio, coming to Kansas soon after reaching his majority, in the early spring of 1868, via a river transport, being nearly three weeks en route from Marietta, Ohio, to Kansas


City, from which point he paid ten cents per mile over the Kansas Pacific railroad to Topeka, his destination.

Being then about financially stranded, he spent the summer in the employ of a practical farmer near Topeka at twenty dollars per month. He taught a four-month term of school in district No. 9 that winter, and spent the following summer in the employ of the county superintendent, P. Kirby, near Burlingane, Osage county.

At the close of his winter term of school in district No. 3, he came direct to Butler county, locating on and pre-empting the land which he still owns, unincumbered to date (forty-six years) other than an oil lease recently given, in compliance of which a test well is now being sunk (March, 1916) by the Merchants Oil and Gas Company, of Wichita, with hopes and favorable prospects of a gusher when the oil sand is struck.

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Pages 688-689,