Page 711-712, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Butler County, Kansas by Vol. P. Mooney. Standard Publishing Company, Lawrence, Kan.: 1916. ill.; 894 pgs.


C. A. Glancey, of Benton, is a Butler county pioneer and Civil war veteran. He was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, in 1841, and is a son of Jesse and Jane Glancey, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of New York. Mr. Glancey has a brother and two half-sisters living in Ashtabula, Ohio.

Mr. Glancey was reared on a farm, and after receiving a common school education, was living the peaceful life of the average boy of the early sixties when the great Civil war broke out, and about the time he reached his majority, in 1862, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifth regiment, Ohio infantry, and served until the close of the war. He saw much hard service and participated in a number of important battles and a great many skirmishes and engagements of lesser importance. He was at the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Bentonville, Mis-


sionary Ridge and many others. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and mustered out of the service and returned to Ohio.

On October 7, 1866, Mr. Glancey was united in marriage with Miss Jane Fish, a daughter of Lyman and Elizabeth Fish, natives of New York. After their marriage, Mr. Glancey and his wife followed farming in Michigan until 1870, when they came to Kansas, locating on Dry creek, Butler county, where they pre-empted 160 acres of government land. Here they proceeded to establish a home on the wild and unbroken plains. Mr. Glancey had very little capital when he came to this county, and he earned his first money by digging wells, digging the first one for Thomas Harper. Mr. Glancey managed to support his little family and make a living in this way while his first crop was growing. He had two horses when he came here, but had the misfortune of losing one shortly after coming here. He could do very little with one horse and was forced to make a strong effort and considerable sacrifice to secure another. He had sufficient money with which to buy lumber for his little home when he came, but he built it himself, and narrowly escaped losing all his lumber in a prairie fire as an introduction to Butler county. His first house was built of one thickness of rough boards and shingles, but there was no ceiling, either overhead or on the side walls. The only heat they had was furnished by a small cooking stove in which they burned wood, and with this frail shack and the inadequate heating facilities the family suffered much with the cold during the first winter. However, as time went on, he made additional improvements and soon had a comfortable home for his family. In those early days Mr. Glancey did his trading at Augusta. Game was plentiful, and it was not a difficult matter for the early settlers to obtain all necessary meat and it only required a short time to go out and kill any number of prairie chickens or any other kind of wild game, which could be found in abundance. Mr. Glancey went on two buffalo hunting expeditions in the early days, and secured an ample supply of buffalo meat on both occasions.

When Mr. Glancey and his wife came to Butler county they had two children, who had been born in Michigan, Mary and Jesse, and after coming to Kansas two more children were born to them, Edith Estelle and Lyman. Their children are all now married and in comfortable circumstances.

Mr. Glancey is a Republican and has taken a keen interest and a prominent part in local politics for a number of years, and has often been a delegate to Republican conventions, and for years he has been treasurer of his school district. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

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Pages 711-712,