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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Thomas Eglin, of this review, has reached the seventy-eighth milestone on life's journey and now in the evening of his career is enjoying the fruits of former toil and the respect which is ever accorded sterling worth. His has been an active, useful and honorable life and in all its relations his fidelity to duty and conscientious purpose have awakened the esteem and confidence of those with whom he has come in contact. A native of New Jersey, Mr. Eglin was born in Boonton, Morris county, on June 7, 1822, a son of John and Sarah (Miller) Eglin, the former a native of the Empire state, the latter of New Jersey.
The paternal grandfather also bore the name of John Eglin. He, too, was born in New York and was of German lineage. He made farming his life work and continued his residence in the state of his nativity until called to the home beyond. Both he and his wife were earnest Christian people, probably members of the Methodist Church, and Mr. Eglin was a great advocate of the work done by the American Tract Society. In their family were eleven children, namely: Cornelius, Bartholomew, Jacob, Thomas, John, Silas, Mrs. Nancy Avery, Mrs. Katie A. Anibal, Mary, wife of H. Welch, Mrs. Angelica Mason and Peter.
John Eglin, the father of our subject, was reared in New York but in early manhood went to New Jersey, where he married Sarah Miller, daughter of John Miller, a farmer of New Jersey, who spent his entire life in that state. She was the sixth in a family of nine children, the others being: Alexander, Stephen, David, Obediah, Aaron, Mrs. Ann Tuttle, Mrs. Phoebe D. Peer and Mrs. Betsy Pierson. After his marriage John Eglin took up his residence in New Jersey, where he worked at the hatter's trade until his death, which occurred in August, 1828. His wife long survived him and kept most of her children together until they were grown.
In old age she went to Illinois, where she joined her son, Thomas, with whom she lived until her death, which occurred about 1862. She was a consistent Christian woman, who did her whole duty by her children, who tenderly cherish her memory. She had one son and four daughters: Mrs. Catherine E. Smith, of New York City; Thomas; Mrs. Ann E. Blanchard, of Hamlin, Kansas; Mrs. Margaret D. Barbour, deceased, as is her husband; and Mrs. Julia McMuter, also deceased.
The subject of this review was only six years of age at the time of his father's death. He then went to live with a great-uncle in New York and was reared upon a farm in that state, remaining until he had attained his majority. In 1851 he was married and went to New York City, where he resided for four years, after which he removed to Illinois, locating on rented land in Kane county. He worked by the month for ten years and then, in 1865 removed by team to Kansas, locating in Brown county, where he soon afterward purchased eighty acres of land, constituting a part of his present farm. For this he paid two dollars and a quarter per acre.
He was the first settler on the high prairie in this neighborhood, when there was not a house in sight. He paid for his land, bought cottonwood lumber, erected a house, and also got some timber with which he made a rail fence. When those improvements were completed he found that his money was all gone and for some time the family lived in very plain style until the farm began to yield good returns for the care and labor bestowed upon it. As the years have passed by prosperity has come to Mr. Eglin.
From time to time he added to his land until he now has 240 acres, constituting one of the valuable farms of the neighborhood. He has upon the place a fine grove, which furnishes all the wood and timber needed. He has also planted an orchard, which is now in good bearing condition, has erected a stone dwelling and large barns and outbuildings and upon the place are found all the modern accessories and conveniences of the model farm. In addition to the cultivation of the cereals best adapted to this climate, he has also raised stock, feeding cattle, hogs and horses.
He is now practically living retired, having relegated the care of his farm to his son, while he is enjoying a well merited rest from arduous labor. In 1851 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Eglin and Miss Cordelia Quick, who was born in New York on January 22, 1822, and to her husband has proven a most faithful companion and helpmate. Her parents were Robert and Mary (Van) Quick, also native of the Empire state. The paternal grandparents were Elijah and Mary (Van) Quick, natives of New Jersey and farming people. In religious faith they were Baptists. In their family were eight children: Firman, Elijah, Morris, Gordon, Robert, John, Mrs. Nancy Disbrow and Mrs. Charlotte Willoby.
Robert Van Quick, the father of Mrs. Eglin was a shoemaker and followed that trade in connection with farming. During the war of 1812 he joined the army. Both he and wife were members of the Baptist church and died in the Empire state. They had a family of thirteen children, as follows: Mrs. Mary A. Willoby, Mrs. Rachel Toppy, Calvin, Mrs. Lucinda Humphrey, Mrs. Hannah Lewis, Micajah, Cordelia, Elijah, John, Edwin, Morris J., Luther and Mrs. Adalaide Howe. All the children lived to mature years with the exception of Morris, who died at the age of eighteen months.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Eglin was born but one child, Nathan P.,
whose birth occurred on February 2, 1858. He married Anna E. Berkley,
daughter of E. Berkley, and they have one child, Minnie, born in September,
1887. Nathan Eglin has charge of the old homestead farm and resides upon
the other farm belonging to his father. Mr. and Mrs. Eglin are both members of
the Missionary Baptist church, of Hamlin, and have lived consistent Christian
lives, worthy of emulation. If they are spared until October 22, 1901,
they will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Eglin is a stanch
advocate of Republican principles, but reserves his right to support the man
whom he thinks best qualified for office, regardless of party affiliations.
He has held some minor township offices, but has always preferred to give his
time and attention to his business affairs. Industry has been the keynote
to his success and his life record shows what can be accomplished through
determined purpose and energy.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:39
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