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Biographical Sketch
Edward D. Spangler
Brown County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Edward D. Spangler

On the list of the enterprising and prominent farmers of Morrill township, Brown county, appears the name of Edward D. Spangler.  He is numbered among the worthy citizens that Pennsylvania has furnished to the Sunflower state, his birth having occurred in Johnstown, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, January 8, 1838.

He was reared, however, in Somerset county, in the Keystone state, to which place he went with his parents, Daniel and Charlotte (Mowre) Spangler.  The paternal grandfather, Christian Spangler, was a farmer of Somerset county and was of German lineage, his ancestors having come to the new world in colonial days.  The first of the name to seek a home in the new world were Abraham and Christian Spangler and others whose names are unknown.

Two of the number settled in Maryland and one in Pennsylvania, and from the latter branch is descended Edward D. Spangler.  His father was reared in Somerset county and there spent his entire life, his death occurring June 6, 1850.  He was one of seven children, the others being Henry, John, Michal, Samuel, Joseph, Susan and Sarah.

The last named became the wife of Dan Kesler and died in Wisconsin at the age of eighty-six years. Daniel Spangler learned the tailor's trade and followed that pursuit as a life occupation.  He wedded Charlotte Mowre, whose death occurred in 1842.  They were the parents of but four children: Edward D., Sarah, the wife of W. Wiggins; and two who died in infancy.  The sister and her husband came to Kansas, but after the grasshoppers destroyed their crops they returned to Illinois where they are yet living.

Mr. Spangler was left an orphan at an early age and when about ten years old was bound out to a farmer of the neighborhood.  At the age of fourteen he went to live with an uncle, but soon afterward returned to the man with whom he had formerly resided, there remaining until he had attained his majority.  Subsequently he was employed as a farm hand for some time.

Emigrating westward he located in Illinois, but after two years returned to Pennsylvania and in October, 1862, responded to the country's call for troops, becoming a member of the One Hundred and Thirty-third Pennsylvania Infantry, which was attached to the eastern department of the army.

He participated in the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg, and was detailed to go as a guard to an ammunition train.  He was never wounded or captured and on the expiration of his nine months term he was mustered out, receiving an honorable discharge at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

He then returned to Somerset county, where, in the fall of the same year, he was married.  In 1864 Mr. Spangler removed to Carroll county, Illinois, where during the first year of his residence he was employed as a farm hand by the month.  He then rented land, which he continued to operate until the fall of 1870, when he went to Falls City, Nebraska.

Later he came to Brown county and purchased a tract of unimproved land, upon which he located in 1871.  Here he erected a residence and fenced his land with wire.  He broke his own ground, planted crops and soon good harvests rewarded his labors.

His life has been a quiet yet useful and honorable one, in which he has successfully carried on general farming and stock raising.  He has worked hard, has dealt honestly with all men and his efforts have been crowned with a merited degree of prosperity.  He may well be proud of his success and his life should serve to encourage others who are forced to begin their business career empty handed.

He has made upon his farm good and permanent improvements and today he is enjoying the fruits of a well spent life in a pleasant and attractive home, five and a half miles north of Merrill.

In the autumn of 1862 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Spangler and Miss Elizabeth Lentz, an intelligent lady who has been to her husband a faithful companion and helpmate on life's journey.  She was born April 2, 1839, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Jacob and Sally (Shrock) Lentz, both of whom were natives of Somerset county.  The father was a mechanic and died in Pennsylvania.  He was one of four children, the others being Abraham, of Ohio; Mrs. Nancy Swain; and Eve, the wife of E. Clingerman.

His brothers were his seniors and his sisters were younger than himself.  His wife was the second of five children, the others being: Jacob; Polly; Kate, the wife of William Enfield; and Elizabeth I., now Mrs. Brown.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Lentz were born ten children: Cyrus; Joseph; Caroline, who married E. Hostetter and after his death became Mrs. Wolford; Mrs. Spangler; John; Sarah, wife of William Brown; Felan; Mrs. Amanda Forick; Mary, wife of N. Ringler; Edward; Milton and Mrs. Eliza Walls.

The parents were members of the Dunkard church.  The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Spangler has been blessed with eight children: Daniel, now a resident of Houston, Texas; Albert, who died at the age of twenty-three years; Dallas; Wilson, who is the principal of the high school at Longmont, Colorado, where he has followed teaching for eleven years; Milton, of Arizona; John, who died at the age of two years; Mary, wife of Harry Barker; Norman, a teacher; and Jesse, at home.

The family is one of prominence in the community and the members of the household enjoy the hospitality of many of the best homes in this section of the county.  The parents are members of the German Baptist or Dunkard church.

In politics Mr. Spangler is independent, preferring to cast his ballot with the men and measures whom he thinks best qualified for office, regardless of party affiliations.  He has several times been called to local official positions and his sterling worth and ability have made him acceptable in discharging his duties.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:36

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