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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Samuel Jones Herrick, M. D.
The physician, if he be able and reliable, is never without honor in his own country. He lives nearer to the people than anyone else. The physician whose name is above is not only an able family practitioner and highly esteemed citizen, but he fills the important and responsible office of coroner of his county.
Dr. Samuel Jones Herrick, of Everest, Brown county, Kansas, whose name and reputation as a physician have within a few years become widely and favorably known, cast his fortunes with this county April 17, 1892. He went to the town soon after leaving college, confident of his strength in his chosen profession and in the full vigor of a man approaching middle life.
He met with a ready welcome at the hands of an appreciative people and his professional and social qualities have strengthened the confidence and solidified the friendship extended to him on his arrival.
Dr. Herrick is a New Hampshire man. His birth occurred at Lyndeboro, Hillsboro county, May 2, 1862. His lineage extends back into Colonial history so far that it almost seems to have originated in New England. The earliest account of the family would probably reveal its connection with one of the Massachusetts colonies.
Colonel Edward Herrick, whose commission, bearing the signature of John Hancock, is still in possession of a member of the family, went into New Hampshire and built a mill at Barnes' Falls while the Georges were yet exercising "the divine right of kings" over less than two million liberty loving colonists. Colonel Herrick was the great grandfather of Dr. Herrick.
One of his several sons was Israel Herrick, Dr. Herrick's grandfather, who grew up near the old mill below whose dam he chiseled his name in stone ninety years ago. The inscription was plainly visible when Dr. Herrick made his first visit to the historic spot in 1899.
Israel Herrick was graduated at Dartmouth College, practiced medicine in and about Barnes' Falls nearly half a century and voted the first Abolition ticket ever cast in his precinct. He was twice married, and his third child, William J. Herrick, Dr. Herrick's father, was born in 1827 and died in 1892.
He was a graduate in medicine, but preferred the career of a farmer to the exactions of a physician and practiced only a short time. In 1868 he came as far west as Chicago and two years later removed to Carroll county, Missouri, where he purchased a tract of railroad land and undertook the making of a farm.
In this he succeeded, for he remained on that spot and was connected with that vocation as long as he lived. During the Civil War he was a gun captain in the heavy artillery and was stationed at Fort Constitution, in New Hampshire.
In politics he was a Republican until the Greeley movement swept over the country, when he supported the great editor for the presidency. After that he was a Democrat.
William J. Herrick married Chloe Jones, a daughter of Samuel Jones, a new Hampshire farmer, born in that state. Mrs. Jones was a Miss Goodwin. The Herrick children were: Charles I., of Carroll county, Missouri; Emma E., the wife of Horace Wrightman, of the same county and state; Dr. Samuel J.; and Alice, now Mrs. William R. Phillips, of Livingston county, Missouri.
Dr. Herrick received the rudiments of a good English education in the country schools. He chose the medical profession early in his youth and only awaited the coming of a favorable opportunity to begin his preparation for it. He went to Braymer, a small place in Caldwell county, Missouri, and entered a drug store as the first step towards the acquisition of his medical education.
He read medicine under the instruction of Dr. C. C. Leeper, but his preceptor was Dr. Jacob Geiger of St. Joseph, Missouri. He attended lectures in the Marion Sims College, St. Louis, and also in the Ensworth Medical College, at St. Joseph, graduating at that institution in 1892.
He practiced in and around Braymer for a short time and located in Everest, Kansas, where his success has been noteworthy.
Dr. Herrick was married, August 7, 1883, in Carroll county, Missouri, to Emma E. Welker. Mrs. Herrick's father was a veritable old Missourian. He used to tell the boys he "killed the first skunk ever killed in Missouri and was there before the moon was completed." He probably never intended that this statement should be taken literally, but he was certainly among the pioneers there, going to the state from Ohio.
Dr. Herrick is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of several of the prominent insurance orders, being the medical examiner in some of the latter organizations. He is now completing his fourth year as the coroner of Brown county.
A man of much public spirit, he has a prominent part in every movement which his judgement commends as tending to the general good. A genial man of fine social qualities, he has many friends, some of them being the most prominent people of Brown and adjoining counties. He is a member of several medical societies and has contributed to the literature of his profession.
Dr. and Mrs. Herrick have two children, named Myrta and Leah.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:35
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