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Biographical Sketch
Isaac F. Martindale
Brown County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Isaac F. Martindale.

Among the pioneer settlers of Brown county is numbered Mr. Martindale, of this review, who arrived in this locality early in the year 1857.  He was born in Hancock county, Indiana, on December 6, 1832, and is the son of William Martindale, who was born in Tennessee in 1805, but reared in Kentucky, near Maysville.

In the latter state he married Mary Bridges, who was born in 1806, a daughter of Joseph Bridges.  By occupation William Martindale was a farmer and to some extent he dealt in live stock, which he drove into the Cincinnati markets.  From Kentucky he removed to Hancock county, Indiana, and during the old training days of the militia in that state he served as the captain of a company. 

He was reared in the Democratic faith, believing firmly in the principles of the party, and by the Democracy he was frequently elected a justice of the peace.  His children were Angeline, the wife of John Barrett, of Hancock county, Indiana; Calvin F., also a resident of that county; Isaac Fairchild; Caroline, who married William Taylor, of Hancock county, Indiana; and James K. P.

After William Martindale had removed to Hancock county, Indiana, he was there joined by his father, Thomas Martindale, and his wife.  The latter died in Hancock county, but the grandfather of our subject spent his last days in North Carolina.

Their children were William; Isaac; Alston; Mary, the wife of James Tague; Nellie, the wife of George Reeves; Annie, the wife of Richard Guynan; and Sarah, the wife of William Wynn.

Isaac F. Martindale, of this review, received but limited educational privileges, for during his boyhood his time was largely occupied with the work of the farm.  He remained under the parental roof until he attained his majority.  His father gave him a horse, saddle and bridle and he began farming on his own account.  He also operated a thresher and in both lines of business made some money. 

In September, 1856, he left Greenfield, Indiana, on his first trip to the west and spent the succeeding autumn and winter in Iowa with his uncle, Jesse Bridges.  He had expected to locate in the Hawkeye state, but the length of the winters and the severity of the climate decided him to seek a location farther south.  With a cousin he made the trip by stage to St. Joseph and spent the remainder of the winter at Iowa Point, Kansas.

In March he came to Brown county and noted the prairies covered with a thin growth of grass.  He was told that nothing would grow in this locality and he would have to go farther west, but he believed that luxuriant crops of grass indicated that other things could be cultivated and accordingly located one hundred and sixty acres of land.

There he built a cabin, making it his home until the following year, when he sold the claim to a party from Parkville, Missouri, who was in search of a location for a town and upon the place built the village of Robinson.  Mr. Martindale then pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 20, township 3, range 18, and still owns the tract.  When he left Indiana he had a capital of about three or four hundred dollars, not a very large amount with which to purchase land and establish a home in a new country, but with characteristic energy he began the work that lay before him, and as the result of his enterprise, economy and ability he became the owner of the most valuable farm property in this section of the state.

During the Civil War he served with the militia in Captain Swazey's company, but with the exception of that period he has always devoted his energies exclusively to the cultivation and improvement of the land and to the raising, feeding and shipping of stock. 

As his financial resources have increased he has extended the boundaries of the farm until it now comprises three hundred and eighty five acres and he also owns property in Robinson.

On the 24th of March, 1859, Mr. Martindale was married to Lucinda Abshire, the wedding being celebrated at the home of the bride, who is a daughter of Abraham Abshire, a representative of one of the old families of Lee county, Virginia.  He became one of the pioneers of Brown county, Kansas, and for many years was identified with agricultural interests.

He wedded Rebecca Hughes, who died in September, 1857, and his death occurred in 1875.  Their children were John, now of Sumner county, Kansas; Isaac, deceased; Mrs. Mary Sykes, also deceased; Elizabeth, the widow of Robert Lewis; Amelia, the wife of John H. Maxwell, deceased; Mrs. Martindale; and Alexander, who is living in Oklahoma.

Unto our subject and his wife have been born seven children: Alice, the wife of Thomas Glover, of Garfield county, Colorado; James A.; Calvin, who married Myrtle Nellins and resides in Robinson; Cora, the wife of John Proctor, of Willis, Kansas; Amelia, the wife of William Snyder, of Robinson; Isaac F., who wedded Ida Conkle; and William, who is also a resident of Robinson.

Mr. Martindale was reared as a Democrat, but soon after coming to Kansas he joined the ranks of the new Republican party and has since been one of the zealous advocates of its principles.  He has served as constable, justice of the peace and committeeman of the township, discharging his various duties with promptness and faithfulness and deserves great credit for his success in life, which has been achieved through determined and honorable effort.

As one of the pioneers of Brown county he ha witnessed much of its growth and development, has seen the wild lands transformed into beautiful homes and farms and its villages grow into thriving towns.  He has watched with interest the changes that have occurred and has ever borne his part in promoting all measures for the public good.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:28

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