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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Henry S. Shiker is one of the successful and enterprising farmers of Powhattan township, Brown county. A native of the Buckeye state, he was born in Noble county, November 1, 1838. His father, Christopher Shiker, was born in Harrison county, Ohio, and was a son of Henry Shiker, who represented an old Pennsylvania Dutch family noted for industry, honesty and bravery.
He was born in Pennsylvania and was a soldier in the War of 1812. Both he and wife, Elizabeth Shiker, died at La Harpe, Illinois, at an advanced age. Christopher Shiker, the father of our subject, was reared in Ohio, and, having arrived at years of maturity, he married one of his old schoolmates, Nancy Lukins, who proved to him a faithful wife and a good helpmeet.
She was born in Harrison county, Ohio, a daughter of Charles Lukins, whose birth occurred near Baltimore, Maryland, and who died at Marietta, Ohio. Her mother, Elizabeth Mary Lukins, also died at the same place. This worthy couple became the parents of five children: Elizabeth; Charles W., who was a member of Company G, Seventy-eighth Ohio Infantry, during the civil war, and is now a resident of Noble county, Ohio; Henry S., of this review; Sarah Jane; and Columbus, who is now deceased. The mother of this family, who was a most estimable woman, died in Noble county, Ohio, at the age of fifty years, and the father passed away at the age of seventy-three.
He was a very industrious and hardworking man, who carried on farming as a means of livelihood. In politics he was a Republican, and both he and his wife were active members of the Methodist Church, in which he served as class leader. Amid the refining influences of a good home Mr. Shiker of this review was reared. He was early trained to habits of industry and economy, and early became familiar with all the duties and labors of the farm.
The public schools afforded him his educational privileges, but experience and reading in later life have added largely to his knowledge. When the country became engaged in civil war he determined to strike a blow in defense of the Union, and enlisted in November, 1861, as a member of Company G, Seventy-eighth Ohio Infantry, being under command of Captain Gerhardt and Colonel Leggett. He went with his command to the front, and participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills and the siege of Vicksburg.
He afterward went to Cairo, Illinois, where he veteranized and was granted a furlough. He was afterward with General Sherman's forces, and participated in the engagements at Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, the siege of Atlanta and the battle of Beaufort, North Carolina. He was captured on the 7th of July, 1864, by the rebels and was incarcerated at Andersonville for two months, after which he was released and joined his command. He rendered able and valiant service to the country, and when his term had expired received an honorable discharge and returned to his home with a creditable military record.
After the war Mr. Shiker again took up his abode in Noble county, Ohio, where he remained until 1871, the year of his arrival in Kansas. He located near Horton, Brown county, and, with the exception of three years spent in Nemaha county, has since resided in Brown county. In 1886 he purchased 160 acres of rich and arable land, and has made it a very valuable farm property, improved with a good house, substantial barns and other necessary outbuildings, good pastures, a bearing orchard and well tilled fields which yield to the owner a golden tribute for the care and labor he bestows upon them.
In 1861 Mr. Shiker married Miss Susie Davis, a native of Noble county, Ohio, and a daughter of Elijah and Susan (Holly) Davis. By the marriage there were born three children, two of whom are living, Mrs. Mary H. Richardson, and Carrie, wife of F. Trainer, of Noble county, Ohio. The mother died in Ohio in 1868, and Mr. Shiker was again married, in Noble county, in 1870, his second union being with Mary B. Moore, daughter of Peter and Fanny (Cooper) Moore, both natives of Noble county, Ohio. By this marriage the following named children have been born: Charles H., a resident of Nemaha county; Howard P., who is also living in that county; Sumner, at home; Mrs. Sarah Richardson; Fanny, at home; William C., Logan; and Hallie Allie and A. Alger, twins.
Mr. Shiker exercises his right to franchise in support of the
men and measures of the Republican party, but has never sought or desired public
office for himself. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, thus
continuing pleasant relations with his old comrades of the blue. His time
and attention are largely given to his business affairs, which are carefully
managed and are brining to him a good financial return. He is a citizen
who manifests a commendable interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of
the community, and his life is one in many respects well worthy of emulation.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:14
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