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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Henry S. Litle
For a period of 31 years Mr. Litle has been a resident of Brown county, and is recognized as one of the prominent and influential farmers of Mission township.
He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania January 18, 1826, and is a son of William Litle, whose birth occurred in Delaware. The father, however, was reared in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and by occupation was a fuller of cloths, and subsequently engaged in farming.
He married Miss Mary Ann Patterson, who was born in the north
of Ireland and was 12 years old when she came to the United State with her
parents, James and Martha (Hamilton) Patterson, natives of Londonderry, Ireland.
William Litle and his wife spent almost their entire married life in Washington
county, Pennsylvania, and the father was a fuller and draper of cloth, and
that pursuit he gained the capital that enabled him to provide for his family.
In politics he was a Democrat, and both he and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
In their family were ten children, six sons and four daughters, namely: James; Henry S.; Alexander; William; Robert; Martha, now deceased; Mrs. Isabella Moore; Mrs. Jane Litle; Mrs. Kate McCreary; and Carpenter, who died in infancy. The mother died at the age of 86 years and the father passed away at the ripe old age of 92 years.
The subject of this review was reared to habits of industry, being taught that labor is the key that unlocks the portals of success. The educational privileges which he enjoyed were those afforded by the common schools, yet experience in the practical affairs of life has added greatly to his knowledge. He remained on the old homestead until 19 years of age, when he learned the cabinetmaker's trade, which he followed for many years.
He was married, September 30, 1851, to Miss Amanda Moore, who has been to him a faithful companion and helpmate on the journey of life for nearly 50 years. She was born in Maysville, Kentucky, July 2, 1835 and was a daughter of Benjamin Moore, whose birth occurred in the Empire state. The father was reared and educated in New York and, when a young man, removed to Maysville, Kentucky, where he married Miss Maria Bolinger, a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of John H. Bolinger who was of German parentage.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore had a family of seven children, namely: Mrs. Caroline Wise, John Henry, Mrs. Mary A. Walz, Susan E., Frazier, Charles, deceased, William and Mrs. Litle. The father of this family died of cholera, in 1835, when 41 years of age.
He was a wagonmaker by trade and an industrious and energetic man. His political support was given to the Whig party. His wife died at the age of 84 years at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Litle. She was a lady of many excellent qualities, which endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. Mrs. Litle was reared and educated in Maysville, Kentucky, and by her marriage has become the mother of five sons and five daughters, namely: Mary Susan, wife of J. G. Swartz, of Bearden, Indian territory; William, a resident of Washington county, Kansas; James B., who is living in Powhattan, Kansas; Benjamin M., of Nemaha county; Maria Belle, wife of Charles Humbard, of Bement, Oklahoma; Jennie, wife of W. A. Elliott, of Hiawatha, Kansas; Katie, who died in childhood; Stewart H., of Washington county, Kansas; Anna A., and Alex H., both at home.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Litle resided in Maysville, Kentucky, for a year and then removed to Washington, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in the furniture and cabinetmaking business and in the manufacture of furniture.
In 1867 he sought a home in Kansas and two years later he purchased the land upon which he now resides. It was on part of the Kickapoo Indian reservation and was a wild tract, which he has since improved, making it one of the best farms in the county. His home is a beautiful and commodious residence, which stands on a natural building site and is surrounded by stately shade and ornamental trees.
Its furnishings are tasteful and the household is noted for its gracious hospitality. Upon the place is a large orchard, good barns and sheds for the care of grain and stock, a modern windmill, corncribs and feed lots, in fact the farm is splendidly equipped and managed, well kept fences divide it into fields for cultivation and for meadow land, and the crops annually bring to him a good income. Mr. Litle is recognized as one of the most enterprising farmers of the community, his worth as a citizen being well known.
In politics he is a Populist, but in no sense is an office seeker, the only position he has filled being that of a member of the school board. The cause of education has found in him a warm friend who did everything in his power to promote its interests.
He and his wife are members of the Baptist church and in
their daily life exemplify their religious beliefs. As a self made man who
has been the architect of his own fortunes, Mr. Litle has builded wisely and
well and certainly deserves great credit for what he has accomplished.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:14
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