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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
George H. Norton, who is engaged in farming in Hiawatha township, Brown county, was born in the state of New York, May 19, 1849, and is a son of Henry H. and Hannah (Dibell) Norton, both of whom were natives of the Empire state. The grandfather, Dennis Norton, was a native of England. He married Eunice Wright and reared a large family. The grandfather on the maternal side was John Dibell. Mrs. Norton was born in 1823, is still living and makes her home with our subject.
In a family of four children George H. Norton was the second in order of birth. He was born in New York in 1857, his father pre-empting 160 acres of land in Hiawatha township, Brown county, in the spring of 1857 thus becoming one of the pioneer settlers as well as progressive farmers of the community. By additional purchases he extended the bounds of his farm until it comprised 200 acres, which he continued to cultivate and improve until his death in 1866. George H. Norton acquired the greater part of his preliminary education in Kansas, attending the district schools of the neighborhood through the winter months, while in the summer season he assisted his father upon the home farm until his death.
Mr. Norton is still residing upon the old homestead and is engaged in general agricultural pursuits, not only raising the cereals best adapted to this climate, but also making a specialty of the breeding of fine hogs, in which business he has met with creditable success.
On March 26, 1878, Mr. Norton was united in marriage to Miss Louellah J. White, a daughter of L. T. and Minerva White. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Norton has been blessed with four children: Nora E., Walter L. (deceased), Beryl L. and Florence L. In politics Mr. Norton is a stanch Republican and has served as trustee of Hiawatha township and a member of the school board for sixteen years. The cause of education has found in him a warm friend, as he has earnestly promoted the interest of the schools in this locality.
He takes quite an interest in the local and county politics
and is well informed on the subjects of general interest, both political and
otherwise. Socially he is a member of Hiawatha Lodge, No. 35, A. F. & A.
M., enjoying the warm regard of his brethren of the fraternity. His life
has been a useful one and thereby he has come to be regarded as among the
substantial and representative farmers of this community.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:08
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