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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
S. C. Flickinger
The tilling of the soil has occupied the attention of man since the creation of the world, although great changes have occurred in the methods of this work.
Mr. Flickinger is accounted one of the most prominent and
progressive agriculturists of Brown county, and is today the owner of one of the
best farms of Morrill township.
He was born September 13, 1866, in Ohio, his parents being William M. and
Catherine (Peck) Flickinger, both of whom were natives of Somerset county,
Pennsylvania, in which locality they were married. The paternal
grandfather, Samuel Flickinger, was a native of the Keystone state and was of
German lineage, and was a Dunkard in religious faith.
His children were: Catherine, married C. G. Lint; William; Sally, married R. Arnold; Samuel H., of Nebraska; Eliza, married D. M. Fike; Susan, deceased, married D. Foss; and Elizabeth, married J. W. Peck.
William M. Flickinger, the father of our subject, was born March 6, 1835, removed to Ohio in 1865, purchased a farm, and there remained until 1868, when he became a resident and the owner of a farm in Carroll county, Illinois. There he resided until 1881, when he came to Brown county, Kansas.
He purchased two farms in Morrill township and also a half
section of prairie land, taking up his abode upon the farm which is now the home
of our subject. He made good improvements there, erected a large residence
and substantial barns and outbuildings, and added all the accessories and
conveniences known to farm life at the present day.
In connection with the cultivation of the fields he also handled short horn
cattle. In 1890, however, he sold his farms to two of his sons, but he
still owns the tract of prairie land. In 1890 he removed to McPherson,
Kansas, where he has since lived retired, enjoying a rest which he has truly
earned and richly deserves.
He has been twice married. His first wife was Catherine Peck, whom he married March, 1859. Her parents were Jonas and Fannie Saylor Peck, and the father of Jonas was Jacob Peck, also natives of Pennsylvania and were members of the Dunkard church.
Their children were: Barbara, who became Mrs. Hinebaw; Catherine, the mother of our subject; Jeremiah, of Waterloo, Iowa; Mrs. Sally Hershberger; Mrs. Mary Hershberger; Mrs. Matilda Forney, who after her first husband's death became the wife of Daniel Kingery; Mrs. Hattie Kimmell; Mrs. Eliza Miller; Susan, who became the second wife of Mr. Flickinger; and Mrs. Caroline Kline.
By his first marriage William M. Flickinger had five children: Lavina, born June 22, 1860, died January 9, 1863; Calvin W., born July 18, 1862, a merchant of Morrill; Anna, born March 5, 1864, who died at the age of 22 years; S. C., of this review, and Mrs. Harriet Potter, of Wilsey, Kansas, born January 17, 1871.
The mother died July 13, 1872. She was a faithful member of the Dunkard church and her many excellent qualities endeared her to a large circle of friends. The following year Mr. Flickinger married Susan Peck, a sister of his first wife, and they had three children: Joseph J., born October 21, 1874, a farmer; Ada, born July 9, 1878, and died January 1, 1894; and Delta A., born July 12, 1889. S. C. Flickinger, whose name from the caption of this review, accompanied his parents on their various removals, eventually becoming a resident of Kansas.
He was reared to farm pursuits and educated in the common schools, remaining under the parental roof until his marriage, when he purchased the old homestead, upon which he resided five years. He then removed to Illinois, but after two years returned and has since maintained his residence upon the old home farm.
He is now engaged in general farming and also raises some stock. His place is neat and thrifty in appearance and indicates his careful supervision.
In 1890 Mr. Flickinger wedded Ella Livingood, a cultured lady
who was born in Carroll county, Illinois, July 31, 1868, her parents being
Abraham and Fanny (Myers) Livingood, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania.
They removed to Illinois, where the father carried on farming for some years but
afterward engaged in merchandising at Millersville, where he died in February,
1890. His wife yet survives him and makes her home in Millersville.
Her father was Henry Myers, a farmer and a Dunkard preacher,
but spent his last days in the home of his daughter in Falls City, Nebraska. His
children were: Sally Livingood, Mrs. Mary Lichty, Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington;
Hannah, wife of U. Miller; Mrs. Lydia S. Saylor; Mrs. Kate Nedro; Philip, who
died in Falls City, leaving a wife and children; Henry, of Millersville,
Illinois; and Joseph, who with his family made a tour of the Holy Land and died
at Jerusalem in 1898.
The Livingood children by the father's first marriage were: Zachariah, a
minister of the Progressive Dunkard church and a merchant of Lanark, Illinois;
Joseph, a grain dealer of Seattle, Washington; Mary, wife of H. Walker; David,
who died at the age of 17 years; Lincoln, a farmer of Illinois; Anna, wife of W.
Miller, of Milledgeville, Illinois; Ella, now Mrs. Flickinger; Samuel, a
merchant of Milledgeville, Illinois; and Edward, of Colfax, Washington.
The family are members of the Progressive Brethren Church. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Flickinger has been blessed with one interesting little son, Edgar, who was born April 24, 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Flickinger are members of the Progressive Dunkard church and he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America.
Reared in the political faith of the Republican party, he was
identified therewith for some years, but is now giving his support to the
People's party. He filled the office of township trustee for two terms,
discharging his duties with promptness and fidelity. He is known as one of the
public spirited and progressive citizens of the community and withholds his
support from no measure which he believes will prove of public benefit.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:40:06
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