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Biographical Sketch
A. C. Price, M. D.
Brown County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

A. C. Price, M. D.

The world instinctively pays deference to the man whose success has been worthily achieved and who has gained a high reputation in his chosen calling by merit.  This Dr. Price has done, and, as the result of forty years' connection with the medical profession, in which period he has displayed marked skill and ability, he is today accorded a foremost place in the ranks of the medical fraternity of northeastern Kansas.

Greater than in almost any line of work is the responsibility that rests upon the physician.  The issues of life and death are in his hands; a false prescription, an unskilled operation, may take from man that which he prizes above all else--life.

The physician's power must be his own: not by purchase, by gift or by influence can he gain it.  He must commence at the very beginning, learning the very rudiments of medicine and surgery, completing his knowledge by close study, earnest application, and gain a reputation by merit.  This Dr. Price has done and therefore has won high standing as a representative of the calling to which he devotes his energies.

Dr. Price belongs to one of the old Virginia families that for many generations resided in the Old Dominion.  He was born there in 1834, and attended the University of Virginia, completing his course in Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, which is noted for the many prominent and successful men who claim it as their alma mater.

During the Civil War he served as a surgeon in the Confederate army, and his marked skill, care and tenderness won him the love of all the gallant soldiers to whom he administered. 

When hostilities had ceased he returned to Kentucky, where for many years he successfully practiced medicine.  In 1886 he came to northeastern Kansas, locating in Nemaha county, where he spent one year.  Since 1887, he has made his home in Horton, where he is well known as a successful practitioner.

The Doctor was married, in Virginia, to Miss Walker, a lady of culture and refinement, belonging to one of the prominent families of that state.  Her father was General Charles Walker, of the United States Army.

The Doctor has had nine children, namely: William, an attorney at law, now living in Lincoln, Nebraska; Lou, who is employed as clerk in the office of the Illinois Central Railroad Company; Robie Lee, now Mrs. White, of Hiawatha, Kansas; Walker, who was a young man of great prominence in journalistic circles and died in Colorado in 1899; Mildred, who is living in Colorado Springs; Richard, a railroad man residing in Topeka; and Bessie and Robert, who are still with their father, Mrs. Price having died some years ago.

The Doctor has a pleasant home in Horton in which he intends to spend his declining years.  He has the courteous manner of the old Virginia gentleman, a genial hospitality and frank and cordial disposition, qualities which have endeared him to his many friends in the community in which he has resided.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:39:50

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