Great Bend Kansas

section of the
1912 Polk's Kansas State Gazetteer
and Business Directory


(Chicago, R.S. Polk & Co., [published 1911], pages 351-356)

Great Bend........ Population, 4,622 (U.S. Census 1910). County seat of Barton County, an icorporated city on the Arkansas river and on the A. T. & S. Fe and M. P. Rys. (depots 1 mile apart), 285 miles southwest of Kansas City. It dates Its settlement from 1870, is lighted by electricity, has water works, fire department, sewerage system, 8 churches, up-to-date public school system, a college, public library, local and long distance telephone facilities, opera house, a daily and 2 weekly newspapers, first class hotels, 4 banks, flouring mills, grain elevators, creamery, ice plant, mattress works, broom factory, etc. Clay is found 31/2 miles north in veins from 15 to 18 feet in thickness and 3 miles northeast there is a bed of rock salt of excellent quality. Stage daily to Hoisington. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.
Theodore Griffith, postmaster.

--A & A Drug Store, Lyman Dodge manager.
--Aitken Andrew (St John), W L Smyth mngr, lumber.
--ALDRICH C A, Cashier German American State Bank.
--Alfalfa Milling Co.
--Aliphin Clyde, lawyer.
--Amend Bros (Eldon R and Walter A), dentists.
--American Hotel, Fred Kasselman proprietor.
--Ashpole Henry D, auto livery.
--Bailey Oliver S, jeweler and sporting goods.
--Bailey & Hance, Electrical Supplies.
--BAKER WARREN, Mngr Tribune Publisbing Co.
--Bales & Markey (John Bales, Philip H Markey), sale stables.
--Banta & Aliphin, lawyers.
--BARTON COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO .(W L Bowersox, M V Fryberger), Complete Abstracts of Title Written for All Lands and Town Lots in Barton County.
--BARTON COUNTY DEMOCRAT (Weekly), W P Feder Propr and Editor.
--BARTON COUNTY FLOUR MILLS CO THE, C L Gunn Pres, W L Gunn, Vice Pres, L L Gunn Sec and Treas, Our Brands-Kansas Seal, Queen Quality and Empire Blue Seal.
--Barton Hotel, Mrs Louisa Thies propr.
--Batchman Bros (Frank and Jacob), threshers.
--Beightle John, automobiles.
--Bell S P, implements.
--Bondurant Price, hardware.
--Born Henry, general store.
--Boston Store, Chas Lundblade mngr, grocers.
--Boyd Andrew, live stock.
--Breeden & Dodge (Louis C Breeden, Wallace H Dodge), real estate.
--Briggs E C, propr Hotel Briggs.
--Brinhman J George, pres J V Brinkman Co and notary.
--Brinkman J V Co Bank (cap $50,000, surplus $25,000), J George --Brinkman pres, Charles V Brinkman v-pres, F W Brinkman cashr.
--BRINKMAN MORTGAGE CO, J Geo Brinkman Pres, Chas V Brinkman Vice Pres, Arthur E Taylor Sec and Treas. Thirty-five Years Experience in Farm Loans, Brinkman Bank Bldg Brinkman & Peck (J George Brinkman, George E Peck), live stock breeders.
--Brougher Ira D, cattle breeder.
--Button Edward S, phys and corner [sic! coroner?].
--Carroll Chas, lawyer.
--Case J I Threshing Machine Co, Joel 0 Heaps mngr.
--Cash Feed Store The (Travis & Co). We handle Grain, Feed, Flour and Produce. Car lots a Specialty, Cor 10th and Main.
--Chapman Edward L, cashr First NatI Bank and notary.
--Charles Reuben A, lumber.
--Cheney & Russell, vet surgeons.
--Citizens National Bank (Capital $50,000, Surplus $20,000), E R Moses Pres, Robt Merten Vice Pres, R H Moses Cashier, F A Moses Asst Cashier.
--Clark Ira H, real estate.
--Clarke James W, lawyer.
--Clayton James, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Notary Public McBride Bldg.
--Colegrove H C, typewriters' exchange.
--Connett Aaron H, physician.
--Crawford A D, sand.
--Crowley C 3, plumber.
--Currier J A Mrs, bakery.
--Daily Michael, livery and sheriff.
--Dawson Ora W, mayor.
--Dawson & Zutavern (O W Dawson, Lewis Zutavern), real estate.
--Deighton Bina, librarian, Great Bend Library.
--Dirks A E, photographer.
--Dodge Charles E, abstracts.
--Duncan & Winsted, bottling works.
--Elite Theatre, Carl Kumner mngr, moving pictures.
--Epperson E E, register of deeds.
--Eppstein Meyer, shoes.
--Fair Theodore P, lumber.
--Feder W P, Propr and Editor, Barton County Democrat.
--First National Bank (cap $50,000, surplus and undivided profits $50,000), R L Hamilton pres, 0 B Chapman v-pres, Edward L Chapman cashr.
--Flory W L, Real Estate. Office 10th and Main.
--Focht A E, optician.
--Foster E, cleaner.
--Frankhauser & Koopman, plumbers.
--Frazier Isabelle Mrs, restaurant.
--Frazier Oscar N, men's furnishings.
--Friedman A R, automobiles and reprs.
--Gano Simeon, live stock.
--Gant Bros (Noah and James), threshers.
--Gardner B Avery, dentist.
--German American State Bank, (Capital $100,000, Surplus $5,000), E W Moses Pres, C R Aldrich Cashier. Special Attention Given to Collections.
--Gould W D & Co (Wm D Gould, J. George Brinkman), jewelers and opticians.
--Great Bend Commercial Club, Porter Young sec.
--Great Bend Concrete Co, Paul Cooprider mngr.
--Great Bend Furniture Co (James W and James L Cox), furniture and undertakers.
--Great Bend Hardware & Implement Co The (Fred Zutavern).
--Great Bend Fuel & Storage Co; Geo L Seeley mngr.
--Great Bend Library, Miss Bina Deighton librarian.
--Great Bend Mills, C H Hulme propr. Great Bend Monument Works (Floyd Haigin).
--Great Bend Telephone Co, Henry E Lindas mngr.
--Great Bend Water and Electric Co, W G Smith mngr.
--Griffith Theodore, postmaster.
--Grueber Josenh, thresher.
--Gunn Lewis 3 (Gunn-Wattson Press).
--Gunn-Wattson Press The (Lewis 3 Gunn, Pobert K Wattson), Doers of Quality Printing, Monotype, Type and Composition, 2008 Forest Av.
--Hall Harry, probate judge.
--Harvey House, J E Hesser propr.
--Hayes & Edman, grocers.
--Hemker Fred, hardware.
--Hiss John J & Co, John J Hiss mgr, harness.
--Hoffmeister Wm, live stock. Holmes Clarence, drugs. Hooper Drug Co, C A Hooper mgr, drugs, books and musical goods.
--Horine Wm H, veterinary surgeon.
--Horubeck Allen W, produce.
--Hotel Briggs, E C Briggs Propr, Modern House, Steam Heat, --Electric Lights and Bath. Headquarters for Commercial Men, Large Sample Rooms, Rates $2.00.
--Hulme George H, general store and flour mill.
--Jennison John H, lawyer.
--Johnson Alfred, restaurant.
--Johnson John S, live stock.
--Jones & Harvey, general store.
--Jordan C F, grocer.
--Kasselman Fred, propr American Hotel.
--Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College, Miss Maggie Bitner Mgr, --McBride Bldg.
--Keith M Mrs, milliner.
--Kendall Addison, physician.
--Kendall Hotel, Charles Pelter propr.
--Kern Frank, vehicles.
--Kirk J, confectioner.
--Knagg H, restaurant.
--Krause Adam, shoes.
--Lampe Bros, implements.
--Leewright R S, dray.
--Lewis John F' (John F Lewis & Co).
--Lewis John F & Co (John F Lewis), real estate.
--Lewis L D, dentist.
--Lindas Henry E, mgr Great Bend Telephone Co.
--Lindas Lumber Co, G J Rudolph mgr. Lisehesky Dry Goods Co, --Charles Lischesky mgr.
--Lobdell James A, blksmith.
--Lundblade & Nystrom, grocers.
--Lyda Woodward L, osteopath.
--McBride Ezekiel, live stock.
--McCracken Frank H, tailor.
--McCracken & Holmes, cleaning.
--MeKinney F G, live stock.
--McLaughlin Produce Co.
--McMullen Benjamin F, cigars and tobacco.
--MeNown & Hayes (Edgar G McNown, Wm Hayes), meats.
--Markey Philip, live stock.
--Marsh F L, sec Business Men's Assn.
--Marx & Berscheidt (Edward S Marx, Nicholas J Berscheidt), clothing.
--Mead & Russell, physicians.
--Merritt-Schwier Creamery Co The, W G Merritt pres, W F Schwier mgr.
--Meyer John H, grocer.
--Miller Fred H, apiarist.
--Miller Lewis C, cigar mfr.
--Mitchell Fred S, tailor.
--Moore George W, baker and confr.
--Morrison Elmer E, physician.
--Moses Bros Mill & Elevator Co.
--Moses Bros & Clayton (C L and E W Moses, Thomas Clayton), live stock dealers.
--Moses E R, Mercantile Co The, E R Moses Pres, E R Moses jr VicePres and Sec, D J Lewis Treas, Hardware, Implements, Furniture, Pianos, Carpets, Curtains, Jewelry and Undertakers.
--Moses Frank A, asst cashr Citizens Natl Bank, notary and city clerk.
--Moses Reuben H, cashr Citizens Natl Bank and notary.
--Mote Charles, 2d hand goods.
--Naylor T H, house mover.
--Neweombe Calvin Q, nursery.
--Nixon W A, physician.
--Nutteman Fred Co, sheet metal wks.
--Osmond & Cole (Wm Osmond, Elrick C Cole), lawyers.
--Pacific Express Co, F M Memnes agt. Palace Theatre, Wm Aldrich mgr, vaudeville and moving pictures.
--Patton & Tankhauesee, coal and transfer line.
--Pelter Charles, propr Kendall Hotel.
--Piper J W, photographer.
--Pritchard James A, automobiles.
--Prudential Building & Loan Assn, W L Bowersox sec.
--Putnam Emmett 0, restaurant.
--Q Z Store (G A Hawley), racket store.
--Reser J E & Co, real estate.
--Richardson Fred, tinsmith.
--Riverside Steam Laundry, Joseph McMullen propr.
--Robe Silas, livery.
--Roberson Edward, thresher.
--Rock Milling & Elevator Co The, J R Baker pres and mgr, George E Gano sec-treas, flour, grain and coal.
--Rothgarn Charles H, harness.
--Russell R C, county attorney.
--Russell & Russell (F Vernon and R Coe), Attorneys-at-Law, Notaries in Office, Office Over First National Bank.
--St Mary's College.
--St Rose Hospital, Sisters of St Dominick in charge.
--Samuels C Co, Leo Wilcek mgr, general store.
--Sanders J W, photographer.
--Savage James E, books.
--Schaeffer & Keleher, meats
--Scheufler, Shady & Co, automobiles.
--Schridde Misses (Retta and Sophie T), milliners.
--Selle Ferdinand, bicycle repairer.
--Shepard Stephen A, photographer.
--Sieverling Machine Works, repair shop.
--Smith Flora A, milliner.
--Smith & Robison (Flavious G Smith, John H Robison), dentists.
--Spaugh Clarington D, general store.
--Sprague & Heiser, livery.
--Standard Oil Co, A Allen agent.
--Stinson B L, physician.
--Stoke & Stoke, florists.
--Stone-Grovier Produce Co The, E J Grovier mgr.
--Strobel Gottfried, cabinetmaker.
--Sunflower Oil Co, John Mering agent.
--Taylor Arthur E, real estate.
--Taylor Richard, cattle breeder.
--Thatcher George W, real estate and insurance.
--Thies Louisa Mrs, propr Barton Hotel. Torrey Wm, insurance.
--Townsley Wm L, Editor The Tribune.
--Travis Charles, Real Estate and Insurance, cor 10th and Main
--Tribune Publishing Co (Win L Townsley, Warren Baker), Publrs Daily and Weekly Tribune.
--Tribune The, Tribune Publishing Co Pubirs.
--Troillet Lillian, cigar mfr and confr.
--Turner D & Son (David and George), grocers.
--Valley House, H Welch propr.
--Vancil Charles, bill poster.
--Wagaman E E, men's furnishings.
--Walnut Creek Milling Co, Charles V Brinkman pres and treas, Nicholas Smith sec.
--Wattson Robert K (Gunn-Wattson Press).
--Welch Jack, restaurant.
--Welch Herman, propr Valley House.
--Weitner Donald A, bottler.
--Western Ethel Mrs, oculist.
--Whitcomb & Werhahn, real estate.
--Wilcox Leonard B, implements.
--Whiner's Grand Opera House, John F Lewis mgr.
--Wilson & Hart, cleaners.
--Wood Ervin L, harness.
--Worden I L, auctioneer.
--Young Porter, Real Estate and Investments, Office First National Bank Bldg, Phone 224.
--Younkin C F, County Clerk.

This information has been donated by the compilers, Diana and Bill Sowers, Barton County KS ALHN, to the KSGenWeb Project Archives. March 28, 2000. Transference of any of this information to another server can be made only with the permission of the compilers

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