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Biographical Sketch
Thomas M. Walker
Atchison County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Thomas M. Walker

There is in the anxious and laborious struggle for an honorable competence and the solid career of the business or the professional man fighting the everyday battle of life, but little to attract the idle reader in search of a sensational chapter; but for a mind thoroughly awake to the reality and meaning of human existence, there are noble and immortal lessons in the life of the man who, without other means than a clear head, a strong arm and a true heart, conquers adversity, and toiling on through the work a day years of a long career, finds that he has won not only wealth, but also something far greater and higher, the deserved respect and esteem of those with whom his years of active life placed him in contact.

Such a man, and one of the leading citizens of Atchison, is Thomas M. Walker, banker, capitalist and owner of extensive landed interests.  Mr. Walker was born in Owen county, Kentucky, in 1848, and is a son of Delville and Lucinda Walker.  He spent his boyhood days under the parental roof and was educated by a private teacher.  Entering upon his business career, he devoted his energies to various pursuits until 1879, when he located in Alton, Osborne county, Kansas, where he engaged in general merchandising, in which he continued until 1884, doing a very large and profitable business.

In that year he embarked in the banking business, by founding the Alton Bank, of Alton, Kansas. Subsequently he purchased the First National Bank at Osborne, Kansas, where he is still engaged in business.  He was made president of the institution, and under his direction it has become one of the leading financial concerns in that part of the state.

Conservative, yet progressive, business methods are followed, and the reliability of the president and stockholders insures a liberal patronage.  As his financial resources have increased, Mr. Walker has placed his money in the safest of all investments, real estate, and has extensive property interests in Osborne county.

He is the owner of a very large cattle ranch there and also has one in Graham county, Kansas.  The latter is supplied with water by six small and deep lakes, while Eagle creek flows through his Osborne county ranch.  The large herds of cattle which he raises place him among the leading stock dealers of the state.

He is also interested in other Graham county lands, and so manages his extensive business interests that his capital is annually augmented.

In 1882 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Walker and Miss Carrie Nixon, of Chicago, a daughter of John and Matilda (McConnell) Nixon.  Mrs. Walker was born, reared and educated in Chicago, and is a lady of culture and refinement and also possesses good business qualifications.  Two children grace their union: Thomas Delville, who is a student in a private school in St. Louis, Missouri; and Henrie O., who is a student at a private school of Atchison.

Mrs. Walker takes a lively interest in public affairs and is a lady of strong intellectual and scholarly attainments.  That Mr. Walker has attained to prominent position in financial circles is due to his keen discernment and his sound judgement, which is rarely, if ever, at fault.

His laudable ambition has prompted him to put forth earnest effort in his business career, and he has won a well deserved success.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:38

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