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Biographical Sketch
Samuel Arthur
Atchison County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Samuel Arthur, an influential citizen of Center township, Atchison county, is a native of Blair county, Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred August 22, 1826.  He comes of hardy stock, several of his ancestors having been noted for longevity.

His paternal grandfather, Thomas Arthur, was native of England, but was a mere child when he came to America.  Enlisting with the colonial patriots, he fought for some time with the brave little army commanded by Washington, and during his service received wounds in the shoulder and thigh. He lived to the age of one hundred and four years, passing away in his sleep, without previous illness, and was buried in Bedford county, Pennsylvania.

The father of our subject was Joseph Arthur, a native of Bucks county, Pennsylvania.  There he grew to maturity, when he married Elizabeth Zimmerman, daughter of Abraham Zimmerman, of Dutch ancestry.  Eight children were born to Joseph Arthur and wife, namely: Abraham, who died at Bushnell, Illinois, in 1898; Samuel; Daniel, of this township; John, of Smith county, Kansas; Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence, of Linn county, Kansas; George, of Champaign county, Illinois; Mrs. Barbara Snapp; and Elaah, deceased.

The father learned the blacksmith's trade and was employed at that calling to some extent, but farming was his chief occupation in life.  Politically he was a Democrat.  Both he and his wife were members of the Lutheran church. 

The mother died in Illinois when seventy-five years of age and the father was nearly ninety at death, his exact age being eighty-nine years, eleven months and thirteen days. 

Samuel Arthur received a public school education in his native state and before reaching his majority he had served an apprenticeship to the blacksmith's trade of some five years and has been employed also in a woolen factory.  Desiring to see something of the west, then opening to civilization, he went to Illinois, and in 1858 he made the hazardous journey across the plains by ox team to Pike's Peak.

In 1871 he settled on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, located in this township, only five acres of which property was improved.  To the cultivation of his new farm Mr. Arthur gave his earnest attention for years, with the result that today his homestead, comprising two hundred and forty acres, is considered one of the best in the county.  Beautiful shade trees and a fine orchard, a windmill, substantial barns and other buildings make the farm a model one in every respect.

A high grade of livestock is kept, the owner deriving a good income from this source alone.  The marriage of Mr. Arthur and Sarah Hageman was celebrated in Quay, Illinois, in 1851.  Mrs. Arthur was born in Holmes county, Ohio, and reared and educated in Wayne county, that state.  Her parents were Adam and Barbara Hageman, the former born in 1802 and died near Monrovia, Kansas, in 1887.

All of the fourteen children of our subject and wife have reached their majority and possess, in addition to that priceless boon, good health and strong constitutions, excellent education and thorough preparation for the active duties of life.  They are named as follows: Elizabeth Hostler; Mrs. Amanda Hollen, of Kansas City, Missouri; William A., of Center township; Mrs. Flora Isham, of Nemaha county, Kansas; Mrs. Ida Dochow, of Decatur county, Kansas; Chester, a blacksmith, of Pardee; Daniel, of Arrington; Mrs. Belle Elliott, of Atchison; Mrs. Cynthia Fletcher and Mrs. Susie Metz, also of Atchison; Walter and Joseph E., of Pardee; and Hattie and Herbert, who are at home.

Our subject has thirty-seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, of whom he is naturally very proud.  Though now in his seventy-fourth year he is strong and active, possessing good health of mind and body.

With the other members of his family he attends and is a member of the Methodist church.  Politically he uses his franchise in behalf of the Democratic party.  To his posterity he will leave the heritage of a blameless record, of a life replete with deeds of kindness and sympathy.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:33

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