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Biographical Sketch
Marshall J. Cloyes
Atchison County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Marshall J. Cloyes is a retired farmer living in Atchison.  He has figured conspicuously in the public affairs of the city and state and his honor and loyalty to the general good is above question.  Many years have passed since he came to the county and throughout the period he has labored earnestly and effectively to advance the welfare and promote the progress of his adopted county.

His birth occurred in the Green Mountain state at Salisbury, where he first opened his eyes to the light of day on the 24th of October, 1826.  His parents were Elijah and Maria (Beach) Cloyes and the ancestry of the paternal side can be traced back to two brothers who, leaving their home in England, braved the dangers incident to an ocean voyage at the time and became residents of the new world.

The paternal grandfather of our subject was William Cloyes, who faithfully served his country in the War of 1812.  The maternal grandfather was Philip Beach, who spent his entire life in Vermont.  Elijah Cloyes, the father of him whose name heads this review was born in Lunenburg, Massachusetts, in 1808, and there engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods.  Marshall J. Cloyes spent his boyhood days in Salisbury, Vermont, where he attended the city schools for a time, later pursuing his education in a select school.

He then learned the trade of shoemaker, after which he went to Ripton, Vermont, and engaged in the lumber business, making his home in that town for twelve years.  In 1859 he came to Kansas, locating in Atchison.  He soon, however, purchased 160 acres of land and turned his attention to farming and stock raising.  As time passed he added to the property until he was the owner of an entire section of 640 acres.  Many substantial improvements he placed upon the farm, making it one of the most desirable and valuable properties in this section of the state.

He erected two good residences of eleven rooms each and built four fine barns, one 118x42 feet and the other 40x50 feet.  There were also sheds for hogs and cattle and none of the accessories and improvements of a model farm were lacking.  He always raised high grades of stock, believing that it was not a paying investment to deal in other kinds.  For some time he bred draft horses and the high grade of animals which he raised won for him an enviable reputation as a stock dealer.  He placed his land under cultivation and the well tilled fields indicate to the passerby his careful supervision.

For almost twenty years he was recognized as one of the leading agriculturists of the community and continued to actively engage in farming until 1875, when he removed to Atchison, taking up his abode at No. 416 North Seventh Street.

On the 5th of July, 1848, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Cloyes and Miss Betsey Hendrick, of Middlebury, Vermont, a daughter of Stillman and Abigail (Haven) Hendrick, natives of Addison County, Vermont.  Mrs. Cloyes also was born in the Green Mountain state and died in 1893, leaving two children Frank E., who is now deputy postmaster at Atchison, and Mark S., a successful agriculturist of Lancaster township, Atchison County.  Both are married and have families. Mr. Cloyes is a member of Washington Lodge, F. & A. M., and has long been accorded a leading place in political circles. 

He is a stanch advocate of Republican principles and in 1867 was elected on that ticket to represent his district in the state legislature, where he served on several important committees, leaving the impress of his individuality upon the public measures which passed the house in the session of 1867-68.  For eight years he has been a member of the city council of Atchison and is now representing the third ward on the board of alderman.

In the spring of 1891 he was elected the mayor and by re-election filled that position for four years.  He handled the reins of municipal government with skill and ability and his administration was marked by progress and practical improvement. He is a man of sound judgment, of practical good sense, of marked loyalty and of unimpeachable integrity, and these qualities have made him a reliable officer who has won wide commendation by his public service.  All who know him respect him for his sterling worth and his fidelity to the duties which have been intrusted to him.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:27

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