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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
McClellan Klingman was born at Lebanon, Monroe county, Ohio, January 25, 1862 and died May 15, 1899 at Effingham, Kansas, at the age of 37 years, 3 months and 19 days.
He was an enterprising citizen, a public spirited and progressive man, a true and loyal friend, a devoted husband and father, and his loss was deeply mourned throughout the community. He came to Kansas in 1870, being at the time but eight years of age.
His home during boyhood was near the present site of the city of Winfield, and, at the age of eighteen, he began work in the office of the Monitor, of Winfield, the paper being then edited by J. Conklin. He applied himself diligently to mastering the printer's art, and, having gained a good knowledge of the business, he went from Winfield to Topeka, where he secured first a position on the Topeka Capital, and later on the Commonwealth, and last in the state printing office.
He was also employed by George W. Crane & Company for some time, and later conducted a job printing establishment of his own in Topeka for several years. He established and edited the first paper in Meriden, Kansas, and was at one time the editor of the Muscotah Record. At one time he also held the position of foreman for the firm of D. Caldwell & Company, at Atchison.
Subsequently he spent some time in St. Joseph, Missouri, and from that city came to Effingham, in April, 1894. Here he purchased the Effingham World, but immediately changed its name to The New Leaf, which journal he successfully and capably edited and published until his death. Through the columns of his paper he advocated all measures which he believed would prove a public good, being especially active in support of everything that would promote the upbuilding and advancement of the moral and intellectual status of the community.
Mr. Klingman was married in Florence, Kansas on August 18, 1883, the lady of his choice being Miss Ina L. Sweet. Their union was blessed with four children, all daughters, of whom three are yet living. At the time of his death Mr. Klingman was serving as the postmaster of Effingham, and in the administration of the affairs of the office discharged his duties with fidelity and promptness.
He was true to every trust reposed in him in all life's
relations, and had many excellent qualities which endeared him to his fellow
man. Since his death Mrs. Klingman has held the position of postmistress at
Effingham, and has continued to publish The New Leaf.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:24
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