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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
John W. Wilson, the principal of the Atchison County High School at Effingham, Kansas is a native of Illinois, and dates his birth in Bureau county, July 22, 1864. He traces his ancestry on both his paternal side and his maternal side to Scotland. His parents were David Gorsich Wilson and Lona nee Maxwell.
The latter was a native of Indiana and a daughter of William Maxwell, whose first American ancestors came to this country from Scotland at an early day, their descendants being now scattered throughout the states. John Wilson, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Tuscarawas county, Ohio, his remote ancestor was a Scotch-Irishman who came to this country and settled in Maryland, and it was in that state that the great-grandfather of John W. was born, and whence he removed when a young man to Pennsylvania.
John Wilson, the grandfather, was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, and fought bravely for independence. In 1869 the Wilson family removed from Illinois to Kansas, and settled in Benton county, John W. at that time being a child of five years. He is the eldest child in a family of eight children, six sons and two daughters, namely: John W., Olive, Frank, Emmet, Carrie, Edward, Bert A. and Fred.
In the district schools our subject received his early education. Then he took a course in Drake University at Des Moines, Iowa, where he graduated in 1890, after which he entered the State Normal School in order to take a special training for educational work.
While obtaining his education he taught school at intervals, and in 1893 he accepted a position as assistant principal in the Atchison County High School, which place he filled until 1896, when he was promoted to his present position, that of principal, which he has since filled most acceptably.
He has a corps of competent, well selected teachers as assistants who cooperate with him in doing faithful, efficient work. Pupils graduating at this school are admitted to the regular collegiate course in other institutions on diploma.
Professor Wilson was married, in 1892, to Miss Katie Coe, of Iowa, daughter of Josiah and Jessie (Kinnis) Coe. They have two children: Mildred C. and Donald M. Both Mr. Wilson and his wife are members of the Christian church.
He also is identified with the F. & A. M., and the M. W. of
A., and is a member of the Kansas Academy of Science. As a teacher, a
citizen and a Christian gentleman he stands high in the estimation of the people
of Effingham, among whom he has spent some of the best years of his life.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:23
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