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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Henry Clay Snyder.
For almost a third of a century H. C. Snyder has been a resident of Atchison county and is therefore one of the leading pioneers of the locality. He resides in Effingham, where he has a wide acquaintance, and throughout the community he is well known, enjoying the high regard of many friends. A native of Ohio, he was born in Canal Dover, Tuscarawas county, on the 3rd of August, 1832, and is a son of Rezin A. Snyder, a native of Maryland. The grandfather was Henry Snyder and the great-grandfather Jacob Snyder, both natives of Maryland.
Henry Snyder married Miss Catharine Keplinger and they became the parents of seven children, three sons and four daughters. Henry Snyder died in Ohio and his wife passed away in Adams county, Indiana. R. A. Snyder, the father of our subject, removed with his parents from Maryland to the Buckeye state during his early boyhood and having arrived at years of maturity he was married, in Ohio, to Miss Catherine Kohr, a daughter of Christian and Susan (Thomas) Kohr. Four children were born of this union: Elias, a resident of Tuscarawas county, Ohio; Henry C.; Christian, who died at the age of three years; and Jacob, who died in Effingham, leaving a widow and four children.
The mother of these children died at the age of thirty-five years and the father afterward married again, having nine children by the second marriage, one of whom is Benjamin F. Snyder, of Atchison county. The father had a third wife, by whom he had no children. He was a Republican in his political views and religiously was connected with the Lutheran church. He devoted his time and energies to farming until his death, which occurred at the age of sixty-three years, in Wayne county, Ohio.
Henry Clay Snyder was reared in Ohio, attended the public school and aided in the work of the home farm. In early life he also learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for some years. He was always a capable workman with tools as well as an enterprising and practical agriculturist.
On the 28th of December, 1854, he was married near Canal Dover, Ohio, to Miss Caroline Mason, who was born July 28, 1836, in the Buckeye state, and was reared and educated in Ashland county. Her father, James Mason, was born in Ohio and was a son of an English soldier, who at one time was stationed in Canada. James Mason was married, in Ashland, Ohio, to Miss Susan Clayburg, a daughter of Isaac and Susan (Liphart) Clayburg. As a means of livelihood he conducted a hotel, following the pursuit throughout his business career.
He gave his political support to Democracy, and in religious belief he was a Lutheran, his family all being members of a church of that denomination. His death occurred in Farmington, Illinois, when he had attained the age of sixty-eight years. Mr. Snyder removed to Kansas in 1868, locating near Monrovia. Afterward he located a farm about two and a half miles southwest from Effingham and there for twenty-eight years Mr. Snyder successfully carried on agricultural pursuits.
He placed his land under a high state of cultivation, and his industry, enterprise and capable management brought to him very creditable success. It was thus that he won a handsome competence that now enables him to live retired. He was long numbered among the most progressive farmers of the community and his present rest is therefore well merited. In 1896 he removed to Effingham, where he owns one of the most attractive, substantial and commodious residences in the town.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder has been blest with eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, namely: James R., who is married and has three children and makes his home in Center township, Atchison county; George M., a contractor and builder of Effingham, who has one child; Mary, the wife of J. N. Brown, of Dryden, Michigan, by whom she has two children; Charles, a resident of Benton township, who is married and has seven children; Harry, a pump manufacturer of Effingham, who is married and has one child; Jessie, the wife of M. Noffsinger, of Benton township, by whom she has three children; Joseph, who is living in Benton township, is married and has four children; Frank, a carpenter living at home; Walter S., a mechanic; Clara, the wife of W. W. Cahoon, of Effingham; and Gertrude, who is a student of music in Bethany College at Topeka, Kansas.
All of the family have marked musical talent and are able to perform creditably on the violin, piano and several other musical instruments. Several of the sons are members of the Effingham Military Band and of the orchestra and they also have a band composed entirely of their own family. One of the sons, Walter S., joined the Twenty-second Kansas Infantry during the Spanish-American war and served as a member of the band.
In politics Mr.
Snyder is a Republican and has served as a trustee of Kapioma township and also
of Benton township. Both he and his wife are members of the Lutheran
church and their lives have been honorable and upright and gained to them the
high regard of many friends. Mr. Snyder has now reached the age of
sixty-eight years and is a well preserved man showing that his energies have
been well directed, and his kindly interest in the welfare of others has gained
him the good will of all with whom he has come in contact. He well
deserves mention in the history of the county with which he has been so long
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:37:06
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