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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Conrad Voelker, who is engaged in general farming, was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 20, 1856, and is a son of Conrad and Margaret (Vaerns) Voelker, who were also natives of Germany. The mother's death occurred in that land in 1860. In the same year the father and his family emigrated to the United States, landing at New York, whence they came direct to Atchison county, Kansas.
The father purchased 120 acres of land in Shannon township, and thereon devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred February 12, 1888, in his sixty-seventh year. In the family were five children, three having been born of the first marriage and two of the father's second marriage.
Conrad Voelker was only four years old when he was brought to the United States, and therefore almost his entire life has passed in Atchison county, the history of which is familiar to him from its pioneer days. He pursued his education in its primitive schools and in the high school in Atchison. He afterward returned to the farm and assisted his father until he attained his majority, when he rented land and began farming on his own account.
With the capital he acquired in this manner he purchased 160 acres of land in Shannon township and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. In addition to the raising of grain adapted to this climate he has carried on the dairy business, selling milk to many customers in Atchison. He has one of the best improved farms in his township, his fine dwelling of modern architecture being supplemented by large barns and substantial outbuildings, which furnish shelter for grain and stock. He keeps on hand a high grade of cows for dairy purposes, and in both branches of his business he is meeting with desirable success.
On the 21st of April, 1885, Mr. Voelker was united in marriage to Miss Jane Miller, daughter of Frederick and Margaret Miller, of Shannon township, Atchison county. They now have two sons, Frederick and Conrad. The parents are members of the Lutheran church, of which Mr. Voelker is a liberal supporter.
In politics he is independent at local elections, casting his ballot for the men best qualified for office regardless of party affiliations. Wonderful transformation has been wrought in Atchison county since his arrival here; its wild lands have been transformed into beautiful homes and farms, enterprising towns and villages having sprung up, industries have been introduced, schools and churches have been built and the work of civilization has been rapidly carried forward.
Since attaining
to years of maturity Mr. Voelker has ever manifested a deep interest in all that
pertains to the public welfare, and has given his aid and cooperation to many
measures for the public good.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:36:51
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