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Biographical Sketch
Cincinnatus B. Hulings
Atchison County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Cincinnatus B. Hulings.

This is an age in which the young man is influential to an extent much greater than ever before and he is particularly prominent in Kansas, a youthful state, remarkable for its progress and the intelligent patriotism of its people.  Without disparagement to older men it may be said that the young man is a leader in the political, military, business and social circles of the state and among those representing the great agricultural interests of Kansas.

Among the noteworthy farmers of Atchison county are Cincinnatus B. Hulings and his brother.  Some account will be given of Mr. Hulings' career thus far.  Cincinnatus B., of Center township, Atchison county, Kansas, was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, May 27, 1861, a son of Samuel L. Hulings, a native of Ohio also, who was born in 1822, came to Kansas in 1867 and died in Atchison county in 1885, aged sixty-three years.  He was descended from old Virginia stock and married Louise Browne, who is still living.  Their children are named as follows in the order of their nativity: Lillie, the widow of C. J. High; Cincinnatus B.; and Mark and Ruth, twins.

The Hulings brothers, as Cincinnatus B. and Mark Hulings are known in their township, were little boys when their parents brought their family from Ohio and settled on the high knoll which overlooks their farm and the stretch of country round about in all directions, and they have lived there ever since.

Upon attaining to their legal age they made such arrangements in a business way as assured to them the old family homestead.  Work has been their motto and their daily occupation, and they have made a winner in a financial way and are among the most successful farmers in their part of the county.  They are well known as leading Republicans and exercise their electoral rights at all elections and are factors to be considered and counted on in some conventions.

Personally they are not aspirants for office nor special preferment of any kind. Cincinnatus B. Hulings was given the advantages of a good common school training in his home public school and in the old Pardee High School and has developed into one of the most enterprising men of his township.  He is regarded as energetic and ambitious, without extravagant notions as to his future greatness, and with a modest, laudable desire to be free from all encumbrance in an attractive modern home and in possession of substantial resources, and those who are acquainted with his progressive, enterprising character and good business ability see no reason why he should not pass the declining years of his life in the enjoyment of such a competency as will insure the realization of his reasonable desires.

In 1890 Mr. Hulings married Miss Ida Probasco, a daughter of R. L. W. Probasco, of Huron, a well known pioneer and prominent grain dealer of Huron, Atchison Co., Kansas.  Originally the Probasco family was from New Jersey, but the Probascos of Kansas went to the Sunflower state from Maryland.  Mrs. Hulings' mother was Miss Emma Challiss and she had three daughters, named Ida, Lillie and Sallie, the last mentioned of whom married Z. F. Taylor, of Richards, Missouri.  Mrs. Hulings was educated liberally in her girlhood and equipped herself for a business life by learning telegraphy and held positions with the Missouri Pacific Railway Company and Oak Mills and Farmington, Atchison county, at which last named place she met Mr. Hulings.

Mr. and Mrs. Hulings have two daughters, named Louise and Emma, who are seven and five years old respectively.  Their home is attractive and hospitable and their social standing is such that they number among their friends many of the best people of the county.  Mr. Hulings has numerous warm friends among the leading business men of this part of the state and with many of the prominent public men as well.  As a farmer he has been extraordinarily successful, having given his attention with good results to general farming and to stock raising, in which he has attained to prominence.

He takes an interest in everything that pertains to scientific agriculture and is a diligent and studious reader of the best and most practical literature on the subject.  As a citizen he is public spirited to an uncommon degree, always alive to the people's interest and liberally helpful to all movements tending to general advancement.  He is, above all, a true American. Next he is an enthusiastic Kansan.  He advocates personal freedom, free schools and a free press, believing that the voice of the people is the voice of God and that no power can long prevail against the people's will.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:36:48

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