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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Charles E. Green.
When a man has through active and honorable effort won success in the business affairs of life and then has put aside arduous cares, all agree that his rest is well merited. Mr. Green is now living retired in Effingham, having through his own labors acquired a handsome competence. His residence in Kansas dates from 1879, and his course during the intervening period has been such as to win him the confidence and good will of his fellow townsmen, who regard him as one of the representative men of Atchison county.
A native of Ohio, Mr. Green was born in Washington county, on the 30th of September, 1843 and is a son of Mark Green. He is descended from good old Revolutionary stock, his great-grandfather having served under Washington in the war of the Revolution. The spirit of loyalty which has ever characterized the family is also manifested in his grandfather, who took part in the second war with England, and in the civil strife the subject of this review "donned the blue" in defense of the Union.
His father, Mark Green, was a native of Washington county, Ohio, and there grew to manhood. Having attained his majority he wedded Lucy Richards, a native of New York, and a daughter of L. Richards. They became the parents of five children: Charles, of this review; Ellen E., the wife of Hon. B. F. Wallack, formerly United States senator from Kansas; Mary A., the wife of James A. Henry, of Athens county, Ohio; Lavina, the wife of W. W. Walker, of Effingham, and John M., now deceased.
The father of these children was a stalwart Republican in politics. He had previous to the organization of the party been a stanch advocate of abolition principles, and when a new political organization came into the field to prevent the further extension of slavery he at once joined its ranks.
During the Civil War he served from 1861 to 1863 in the general assembly and took an important part in framing the legislation of that period. Personally he was a man of fine physique, over six feet in height, and weighing two hundred and thirty pounds. He died at the age of fifty-four years, and in his death the community mourned the loss of one of its valued citizens. His wife passed away at the age of seventy-one, dying in the faith of the Methodist church, of which she was a consistent member.
Charles E. Green, whose name introduces this review, was reared in the Buckeye state and acquired a good English education in the public schools. When the country became involved in civil war he responded to the call of troops, at the age of twenty-one years, enlisting in 1864, as a member of the One Hundred and Forty-eighth Ohio Infantry, and was assigned to Company F, commanded by Captain D. J. Richards, while Colonel Moore was in command of the regiment. He entered the army as a private, but was mustered out in April, 1865, with the rank of first sergeant, having participated in several engagements.
On leaving the army Mr. Green operated a saw mill in Sedalia, Missouri, until 1868. He was for some time engaged in the milling and lumbering business in Henry county, Missouri. In 1869 he returned to Marietta, Washington county, Ohio, where he was also in the milling and lumbering business, until 1879.
He then came to Kansas and located on a farm five miles south of Effingham, where he farmed up to 1894, when he retired from the farm and moved into Effingham, where he is now engaged in the fire insurance business, and holds the office of justice of the peace.
Mr. Green married Miss Sarah J. Turner, a lady of education and natural refinement, who before her marriage was a successful school teacher. Her father was George Turner. Four children grace the union of Mr. and Mrs. Green: Minnie C., a graduate of the Kansas State Normal, and now a member of the faculty of the Atchison High School; Laura, a successful teacher in the public schools of Effingham; Lucy T., the wife of Fred Mayor, of Eagle, Colorado; and John M.
The family are well known in social circles, where the members of the household occupy high positions. The parents and children belong to the Methodist church, and Mr. and Mrs. Green are connected with the Grand Army of the Republic and its auxiliary, the Woman's Relief Corps. He is a leading member of Effingham Post, No. 276, Grand Army of the Republic, and has been an officer in the lodge for the past two years, while his wife is the treasurer of the Relief Corps.
He belongs to
the Masonic fraternity, while she is connected with the Eastern Star lodge.
In politics a stalwart Republican, he has served for some years as justice of
the peace, and has frequently been a delegate to county and state conventions.
Public spirited and progressive, he gives his active cooperation to all
movements tending to advance the welfare of the community along educational,
social and moral lines.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:36:47
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