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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Thomas J. Bohannon
America, above all countries, is to be congratulated upon her aggressive, wide awake business men, men who have made their way through all kinds of reverses and difficulties to positions of honor and influence, in the meantime being developed and strengthened by the very obstacles which they have had to overcome.
Thus it has been in the case of Thomas J. Bohannon, one of the best known citizens of Atchison county, and his numerous friends will take pleasure in perusing the following record of his life. He comes of good old southern stock, his father, John Bohannon, being a native of eastern Tennessee, in which state he married Telitha Foust.
Subsequently to that event he removed to Indiana, where he remained four years, and then continued his journeyings to Illinois, and finally reached Buchanan county, Missouri where he resided until his death at the age of seventy-five years.
Politically he was a Democrat, and religiously both he and his beloved wife were members of the Christian church. She was called to her reward when in her seventy-eighth year. Of their eleven children eight now survive, five of the number being residents of Kansas, one of Iowa, and one of Missouri.
Thomas J. Bohannon was born on the parental homestead in Buchanan county, Missouri, May 29, 1846. In his boyhood his educational advantages were limited to such as the district schools afforded, but in later years he increased his knowledge by reading and observation.
In 1871 he came to this county and located upon a farm of eighty acres, situated in Benton township. He is yet on that place, but, as the years have rolled away, he has invested more land from time to time until he now owns four hundred and eighty-seven acres.
His home place is a model one, being supplied with good buildings, a windmill, a grove, and other accessories of a desirable country home of the period.
In political matters Mr. Bohannon is independent, reserving to himself the right of absolute freedom from party ties, and voting as he deems best at any given election. He is a member of the local school board, and takes a commendable interest in the promotion of educational affairs.
Both he and his estimable wife are members of the Christian church, being workers in the Sunday school, and at present he is serving in the capacity of an elder.
In personal appearance he is tall and commanding, being six feet in height and weighing two hundred and thirty-five pounds.
When he was
twenty-four years of age, Mr. Bohannon married Alice E. Dittemore, a daughter of
Michael and Grizzillar Dittemore. Six children blessed the union of our
subject and wife, namely: Abbie Ivy, who died in her fifteenth year; Fannie, who
married F. R. Schurman, of Lancaster township; Robert Gaines, who wedded Kate
Mummert, and also resides in Lancaster township; Telitha Cuma; Anna Ethel; and
Roy, who died at the age of fifteen months.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 09:36:45
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