Pages 771-773, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas: embellished with portraits of well known people of these counties, with biographies of our representative citizens, cuts of public buildings and a map of each county / Edited and Compiled by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott. Iola Registers, Printers and Binders, Iola, Kan.: 1901; 894 p., [36] leaves of plates: ill., ports.; includes index.




In the period of twenty-three years in which Cyrus B. Goodale has resided in Woodson County he has worked his way upward from a humble financial position to one of affluence and is today enrolled among the well-to-do and progressive agriculturists of the community. His home is in Liberty township where he has a valuable farm property supplied with all modern improvements and accessories.


Mr. Goodale is a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Kane County, that state, September 14, 1856. His father, John W. Goodale is a native of New York, while his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Brackett, is a native of Vermont. In the year 1840 John Goodale removed to Illinois and secured a claim long before the land came into market. Indians were still in the neighborhood and the locality in which he settled was still a frontier region giving little promise of the wonderful developwent soon to occur. He was a carpenter by trade and followed that pursuit to some extent but always lived upon his farm where he could raise cattle and hogs and thus add to his income by the sale of his stock. He and his wife are now living retired in Aurora, Illinois at the ages of seventy-six and sixty-six years respectively. They had nine children, of whom all are living, namely: Frank, Don, Cyrus B., Emma, Mrs. Katie Boon, Mrs. Lizzie Hadden; Mrs. Ella Robbins, Webb and Burt, all of whom are residents either of Illinois or Dakota, with the exception of our subject.

Cyrus B. Goodale spent his youth upon the homestead farm in Illinois, acquiring a common school education and working in the fields as his age and strength would permit. When a young man of seventeen years he began working at the carpenter's bench under the direction of his father and so farming and building devoted his energies until after he attained his majority when desiring to remove to a district where he could more easily secure a farm of his own, he came to Kansas in 1878. Locating in Woodson County he followed carpentering and also operated a tract of rented land until his labors had brought to him a sum sufficient to enable him to purchase a tract of eighty acres three miles west and three miles north of Yates Center.

Mr. Goodale further completed his arrangements for a home by his marriage to Miss Carrie Collmore, the wedding being celebrated July 16, 1881. The lady is a native of the Green Mountain state and came to Kansas in 1877 with her parents, Elijah and Sarah Collmore. The young couple began their domestic life upon the farm and with characteristic energy he began the work of improvement, his labors making a great transformation in the appearance of the place. He has erected a handsome residence and had added all the accessories needed to make this one of the most attractive and desirable farm properties of the locality. He has also extended the boundaries of the place and now has one hundred and sixty acres. He handles such stock as his farm will support and is in his agricultural labors meeting with good success. He also has other business interests, being agent for the Page Woven Wire Fence and of the Cooperative Insurance Company, of Topeka, Kansas, of which he is also one of the directors.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodale has been blessed with five children, as follows: Lola F., Grant L., Lillie M., Frank B. and John O. and the family circle yet remains unbroken. In his political affiliations Mr. Goodale is identified with the People's party and has served as trustee of his township for


one term. There is great difference in his financial condition at the present time from what is[sic] was when he came to Kansas, for he arrived in Woodson County with a capital of two hundred dollars, and all that he now possesses has been acquired since, indicating that his life here has been characterized by unflagging industry.

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