Pages 540-541, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas: embellished with portraits of well known people of these counties, with biographies of our representative citizens, cuts of public buildings and a map of each county / Edited and Compiled by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott. Iola Registers, Printers and Binders, Iola, Kan.: 1901; 894 p., [36] leaves of plates: ill., ports.; includes index.




EDWARD H. FUNSTON, one of the most distinguished citizens of Allen county, was born in Clark county, Ohio, September 16, 1836. His father was Frederick Funston and his mother was Julia Stafford, both of Scotch Irish ancestry. He was reared on a farm, but was able to secure a good English education in the common schools and in the New Carlisle Academy. He began life as a school teacher, but this work was soon interrupted by Abraham Lincoln's call to arms, to which Edward Funston promptly responded, enlisting in the Sixteenth Ohio Battery, in which he was commissioned a lieutenant. He served gallantly until the close of the war, when he was mustered out and returned to his Ohio home. Two years later he removed to Kansas, locating on the farm near Carlyle, Allen county, which has ever since been his home. His interest in public affairs, his zeal for the Republican party and his ability as a public speaker soon led him into politics, and in 1873 he was elected a member of the Kansas House of Representatives. His service was so satisfactory to his constituents that he was easily re-elected in 1874 and again in 1875, the last time being chosen Speaker of the House. In 1880 he was promoted to the State Senate and at the close of his term in that body was elected to Congress. He was continued in Congress by the votes of the people of the Second district in 1884, '86, '88, 1890, '92 and '94, the seat being lost by a contest before a Democratic House in the last named year. Since retiring from Congress Mr. Funston has devoted himself energetically and successfully to the work of his farm, which is one of the most attractive as well as one of the most profitable in the county.

The foregoing is a very brief sketch of a long and honorable career. well illustrating the possibilities of American citizenship. Coming to a new state with substantially no capital except his physical, mental and moral strength, obliged always to provide first and by means of one of the most arduous and exacting of vocations for the support of his family, Mr. Funston has still been able to maintain a position of commanding influence and power, a factor in the public life of the State and the Nation for nearly a quarter of a century, and it is a record that his family and his friends may well remember with pride. Of heroic mould physically, a thorough student of economic questions, a strong debater, with a steadfast faith in the institutions of his country and in the principles of the party to which he gave his adherence, Mr. Funston won and for many years held a must enviable


position in the political life of the State of his adoption. As a member of the National Congress his most effectual work was done on the committee of Agriculture, of which he was for several years chairman, for which position his long and successful experience as a practical farmer especially fitted him. It was during his chairmanship of this committee that the Department of Agriculture was advanced to the rank of the other great departments of the Government with its head a member of the Cabinet, and in this organization Mr. Funston was the chief factor.

Although no longer actively engaged in politics Mr. Funston is no less interested in the ascendancy of the principles in which he believes and his party gladly avails itself, in each campaign, of his effective services.

Mr. Funston was married in 1861 to Ann Eliza Mitchell and to them have been born: Frederick, James Burton, Pogue Warwick, Ella, Aldo and Edward Hogue, jr.

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