Victor E. Johnson

This biographical portrait is found in the "Portrait and Biographical Album of Washington, Clay, and Riley Counties, Kansas"; Chicago; Chapman Bros; 1890, pg. 846.; located in the KANSAS Room at the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library.

Victor E. Johnson, Cashier of the Bank of Randolph, Riley County, and junior partner in the banking firm of J. A. Johnson & Co., has undoubtedly more influence than any other citizen of his age in the town of Randolph. Possessed of an abundance of energy and business tact, combined with excellent judgment, a thorough education, and affable manners, he is very popular in the community and is frequently looked to for advice in business matters. He is an active politician in county affairs, and it is confidently expected that ere many years he will be representing his district in the council halls of his State.

The parentage, and training, together with the surroundings of early life, have much to do with the after life of any youth, and before outlining the history of the subject of this sketch it may be well to devote a few words to his family. His father, N. P. Johnson, was born in Ostergotland, Sweden, in 1828, and followed agricultural pursuits there till 1854, when he became a resident of the United States. He located near Galesburg, Ill., and worked on a farm until the spring of 1856, when he came to Kansas, driving an ox-team overland. He located in Pottawatomie County on the Big Blue River, being one of the first settlers in the county and the second settler in the western part of it; his wife was the first lady on the Big Blue in that county.

N. P. Johnson entered land and began farming, commencing work at the bottom of the agricultural ladder, and engaging also in stock-raising. He has worked his way onward and upward until he now owns 1,700 acres of land in western Pottawatomie County, the same being well improved and supplied with excellent buildings. He also has an office in the bank above named. He is one of the wealthiest farmers of the county in which he lives, and a prominent and leading citizen therein. His life affords a striking example of what may be accomplished by energy and hard work, as he came to America poor and to Kansas without capital. Mr. Johnson participated in defense of American unity during the late Civil War, at the time of Quantrell's raid, going almost to Kansas City, when the command was discharged. He belonged to the State Malitia and was engaged in scouting during the Indian scare. He is an active member of the Lutheran Church, serving as a Deacon in his society.

The mother of our subject, Mary Johnson, was born in Ostergotland, Sweden, and is now the oldest matron in western Pottawatomie County. She has borne her husband seven children as follows: Emma, now Mrs. Maxwell, living in Pottawatomie County; J. W., farming in the same county; August, still at home; Alma, now Mrs. Elving, living in Omaha, Neb.; Victor E., our subject; and Matilda and Otto, still at home.

Victor E. Johnson, the subject of this sketch was reared on the frontier and well remembers seeing the Indians around them, his birth having taken place on the homestead in Pottawatomie County, May 2, 1866. He had the advantages of the common schools until the fall of 1882, when he entered the Commercial College at Topeka, graduating in the spring of 1883. At the age of fifteen years he began clerking in a general store at Mariadahl, and continued there until he started to college. (The town of Mariadahl was named after his grandmother, who was the first Swedish lady that died in that county.) On his return from college, Mr. Johnson worked on his father's farm till the spring of 1884, when he returned to the store in Mariadahl as clerk and book-keeper, which positions he held for a year, and then returned to the homestead. He remained under the parental roof until the fall of 1886, when he engaged as clerk in a store at Randolph, Riley County. The following spring he became cashier of the bank and a stockholder therein, and has since conducted his business. The bank is now on a solid substantial ground and doing as large business as any institution of the kind in this county. In 1888 the firm, of which our subject is one of the main stockholders, erected a large stone building, in which they are now conducting their banking and insurance business.

At the home of the bride's parents, William and Emma Peterson, in Pottawatomie County, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage with Miss Alice Peterson, the ceremony taking place June 28, 1888. The parents of the bride are well-to-do farmers, and she has been the recipient of excellent educational advantages. Prior to her marriage she had been engaged in teaching, for which her mental nature and fine character well fitted her. Her union with Mr. Johnson has been blessed by the birth of an infant, who is yet unnamed.

Mr. Johnson held the position of Township Clerk in Blue Valley Township, Pottawatomie County, for a year; was City Clerk of Randolph for the same period of time, and is now Township Treasurer of Jackson Township. On March 16, 1888, he was appointed Notary Public by Gov. Martin (now ex-governor), which office he holds at present. In politics he is a true Republican and has been a delegate to county conventions. He is an active member of the Lutheran Church at Mariadahl, while his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Johnson is not only frequently applied to for advice and counsel, which he cheerfully gives, but is generous in support of all public enterprises which will tend to promote the welfare of the citizens of the county and State.