George Erickson

This biographical portrait is found in the "Portrait and Biographical Album of Washington, Clay, and Riley Counties, Kansas"; Chicago; Chapman Bros; 1890, pg. 707.; located in the KANSAS Room at the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library.

In the spring of 1853 Mr. Erickson took passage at Guttenburg on a sail vessel, and aftern an ocean voyage of six weeks and three days, landed in New York City. For several years he was a resident of Knox County, Ill., going thence to Henry County, where he remained til 1870, when he came to kansas. Selecting Clay County as his future home, he took up a homestead of 160 acres where he still resides, and which forms a part of his present fine estate of 320 acres. When he landed in America he had but $6 in money and from this small beginning has grown his present excellent financial standing, a monument to his energy and good management. Like all the pioneer families, he and his passed through some of the hardships usual in getting a start on the frontier, but have been well rewarded for their honest industry.

The first marriage of the Rev. Mr. Erickson occurred on Dec. 23, 1854, in Illinois, the bride being Miss Christine Moden, who bore one son, John, who is now deceased. His first companion having been taken from him, Mr. Erickson was again married, the second ceremony taking place April 18, 1855, and the bride being Miss Martha Moden. Ten children were the result of the second alliance. Anne A., is the wife of Charles Samuelsson, of Denver, Col.,; Emma, is the wife of John Buorke, of this township; Esther E. is the wife of Andrew Danielson, of Nebraska; John W. and Nora are at home; Walter, George F., Ida M., George W., and Matilda S. are deceased.

The Rev. Mr. Erickson has served as Justice of the Peace since 1874, his continual service having been performed in a satisfactory and creditable manner. He has also been Clerk of the District School Board for a number of years. He is interested in and identified with the various movements for the intellectual, moral and spiritual advancement of the county of which he has so long been an honored resident.