Comanche County

Queries 2005-2008

Betty ( 23 June 2008
I am looking for information on the Elijah S. KENDALL family who lived in Comanche county between 1884 and 1886. They had two infants who died in that county. I don't know their names. They lived in or near Rumseyville, which no longer exists. Can anyone tell me what town Rumseyville was near? What cemeteries would be near there? Was there a newspaper in Comanche County during that time period? Elijah KENDALL was a printer who often worked for newspapers. I would like to know the names of the infants or any other information about the family.

Glenda Callahan ( 20 April 2008
I am part of the Illinois BEELEY's looking for any Relatives. Much of my Great-Great-Grandfather Joseph's family moved to Kansas.

Ruth Jones ( 30 March 2008
William SIMS, Neva SIMS, and Clementine (Clemie) DICKSON. These people are supposed to be buried in Protection Cemetery. Clemie was at one time married to James "Bud" SIMS. I am looking for any vital records that may be availabe. Dates of birth and death would help a lot.

Stephanie Johnson ( 11 January 2007
I am looking for info on Virgil SMITH, living in Coldwater from 1920 -1932. He owned a pharmacy on the main street of the town, lived in the town, and had a wife and two children. One of them was my mother. Pictures of the town, of him, of anything would be especially helpful. Info on the pharmacy, on the news of the day etc too.

Orville Mills ( 13 August 2006
My Great-Grandfather William DONELL and family are listed in the Comanche County 1880 Census on page 4. I am interested in learning where in the county they lived. Names of those listed near them in the census are GRAVES, MANSFIELD, HOBBS, WEEKS, SMALLWOOD, DERICK, ROSS, HERD and FEATER. I am guessing if I can learn where any of these people lived I can surmise my family may have lived near.

Rebecca Hunter ( 26 March 2006
I need a date of death for Delmar HORNER, buried at Protection cemetery.

Jean Oiler ( 2 March 2006
I am looking for family connection in Kansas. Grandfather Samuel S. CHRISTEY was born in Auborn Aug. 5th, 1896 to William A CHRISTEY. I think mother name was Sephrona (maybe Minnie for short). They then moved to Montana.

Todd Dorsey ( 13 July 2005
Looking for information on the DORSEY and THORNHILL families that were in Protection, Kansas in the 1900's and before.

Don Duncan ( 1 May 2005
Searching for information on Richard Monroe RALSTON and Milly E. RALSTON.

Darla Buchanan ( 24 April 2005
My Aunt Winifred GODFREY was born in Comanche County in 1909. Her parents were Carvell GODFREY and Minnie (GILLILAN) TRENT. Can anyone find any information on her? I would greatly appreciate it.

Teri Voss ( 18 April 2005
I am looking for information on the SUNDERLAND family. Charles B. and wife, Leah TRESSLER moved to Nescatonga, Comanche County, Kansas sometime around 1887. Any information would be appreciated. He's my Great-Great-Great-Grandmother's brother.

Maxine Jinkerson ( 10 March 2005
I am looking for information regarding Turkey Trot Ranch near Protection in Comanche County, Kansas. My friend, Maxine (WILLIAMS) CARTER, was born in Comanche County about 80 years ago and lived on this ranch until the family moved back to Missouri when she was 11 years old. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Nancy Plagge ( 28 January 2005
Looking for information on the Paul SCHAUBEL / Susan AHRENDES family of Gertrude, Edna B., Otto, and Hugo. They lived in Comanche County, Kansas until their deaths about 1938-1939.

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