I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

UNIONTOWN SUN Rev. G. A. Chamblin, Editor, Proprietor and Publisher
December 13, 1900 First Issue.

Married: Joe Hyat to Mary Temple, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Temple

W. S. Miller, M.D.
Goodlander & Konantz

  1. F. Hartman, Blacksmith
  2. Lasater Meat Market
  3. C. F. Halm, M. D.
The Racket Store, W. E. Moore
Whiteside and Stroud
Mrs. Frances Bolyard, Dressmaker and Milliner

A Baptist Church will be erected sometime this winter.

Uncle Tom Kent is always close around the head of the procession and that answers why the Uniontown Hotel is advertising in the Sun.

Col. Duerson’s team ran away — no injuries.

From the Savonburg record: J. B. Duerson of Uniontown, an old time auctioneer and an old acquaintance of Dr. Rannels, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Duerson is a distinguished auctioneer and does business all over the southeastern part of the state.

Died: Little child of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kirker, of membranous croup. Dr. Miller had performed tracheotomy.

James Rice, of the firm of McKinnis and Rice, our successful millers, is happy with a home all neatly filled up and his niece of Fort Scott for housekeeping. He can sit under his own vine and fig tree and enjoy life.

Mrs. Gip Holt and daughter were shopping in town Monday.

Ad: S. B. Holt & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Pork and Cured Meets.

Other Ads, Livery (no name), Morrow & Wood

These are the days of the rabbit harvest. 485 dead bunnies were sent to St. Louis in one shipment last Monday.

They say Tom Kent’s property across the creek is for rent.

Ad.: Uniontown Hotel. Thos. Kent, Prop. Good Meals, Clean Beds.

Other ads: Chas. Alsop barbershop, Samuel Bolyard plasterer, Joseph Thiel — The Pioneer — shoe and harness maker, Moore’s restaurant, J. W. Moore Real Estate
December 20, 1900 Article on Uniontown — there is one church and we need a bank badly.

Died: Nellie Cecil Kirker, 2, of membranous croup. Daughter of C. W. and Lula Kirker.

Report of jocular conversation with Willis Tennyson.

Rev. Chamblin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duerson Tuessday.

A.H. Ramsey and Sons have purchased the Jim Noble farm five miles south of town and Otto and wife moved into the new home Wednesday.

The lawsuit last Saturday between Thos. Kent, complainant, and F. G. Bird defendant, was decided in favor of the complainant in the case.

Count Steel prosecuted and T. B. Julian defended in the Kent-Bird trial Saturday. Judge Eves presided without partiality and with becoming dignity.

M. L. Ramsey of Elsmore was shaking hands and attending to business Saturday.

Col. Duerson bought a wagon load of 157 lb. Shoats this week.

Thos. Kent shipped a car of cattle and Woods and Murrow a car of hogs Monday evening.
December 27, 1900 Among those mentioned at "Doings at the Club" were Tom Kent, Miles Holt, Col. Duerson

Mr. Bert Pike and family visited at the home of Mrs. Pike’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kent, this week.

  1. H. Ramsey subscribed to the Sun.
A child, Ross Gregory, was nearly killed, thought by a mule kick.

The editor and family feasted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ramsey Christmas.

Rocky Point News:
Rev. Orr and Rev. Johnson dined with Mrs. Tennyson Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tennyson attended church at Bethel Sunday.
James Kidwell was a welcome caller at the Tennyson ranch.
January 3, 1901 Neighborhood children fashioned a tic-tac to trick Col. Duerson.

Rocky Point news:
Henry Tennyson and daughter Hattie, who came down to eat Christmas dinner with their Uncle Wesley, have returned to their home near Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Morris and baby, of Wichita, have been visiting with parents and friends during the holidays. They say they are perfectly satisfied with Wichita and they returned home Monday.
Gertrude Tennyson spent Christmas week at home. She says the Normal girls have given her the school fever.
Willis Tennyson and Dennis Coker drove to Bronson New Years Day.
Wesley Tennyson lost another mare the other day. That makes three good horses that’s died for him since August.

School Notes: Gertrude Tennyson is staying with Mrs. Toler.

Master George Lambeth, son of Dr. Lambeth, spent Sunday with his cousins, the Holts, of this place.

Mrs. Henry Tennyson nephew of Uncle Wesley Tennyson, started to Franklin County, Kansas, the first of this week.

John N. Holt, of Redfield, accompanied by his son Bart, attended Masonic installation ceremonies here Tuesday evening of last week.

James Holt listed in those returning from Emporia to visit at home until January 7.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ramsey, 10 pound baby boy

Bert Kent received the prize for the best cake-walking at the Woodmen Supper.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. James Biles, son

Col. Duerson refered to, as proprietor of Poor Farm?

Among the guests at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Gribble were James Holt, Grace Kent, Bert and Tom Kent.
January 10, 1901 Modern Woodmen installation participants included Bert Kent, Grace Kent, ,Jess Kent, and a Duerson.

Redfield news:
Oaf Ramsey and Charley Welch started for a several days hunt Sunday.
Mrs. Lottie Ramsey has been visiting friends in Fort Scott. She will start for Yates Center next week.

Died: Greenburg B. Pitts, born W. Virginia 1826, lived Walnut.

Died: Warren Wilson Wright, 4, son of I. N. and Eliza Wright, of malignant sore throat.

I.O. O. F. program participants included Gertie Tennyson.

All of grandpa Tennyson’s Kansas grandchildren including a great grandson ate Christmas dinner with him.

Rev. Chamblin and family spent Friday with the Tennyson family.

Thad Oliver, James and Benton Kidwell called at Tennyson’s Christmas Day. Thad used to be one of Mrs. J. Tennyson’s pupils several years ago.

J.B. Duerson and wife, Mrs. J. W. Moore, and Shannon Jones went to Fort Scott Monday.

A petition was circulated by Jess Kent to appoint Col. John B. Duerson bailiff of the township.

Two incidents of little boys falling through ice.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dark, daughter
January 17, 1901 Col. J. B. Duerson, A. F. Hartman, Jas. Rice, J. C. Julian went to Fort Scott Thursday.

We understand Bert Kent contemplates making some desirable improvements on his farm, northeast of town. Good for you, Bert.

Col. Duerson and the editor did the honors at Mrs. Stanley’s sale over in Allen County Tuesday.

Mrs. Hattie Wells, who has been working at her trade, dressmaking, at LaHarpe returned home to her fathers, Robert Wright.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Counts, daughter

Public Sale: J. G. Claunch, 10 mi N Bronson. J. B. Duerson Auctioneer, Chamblin clerk.

Story: J. B. Duerson will refuse reappointment as superintendent of the poor farm. Apparently, Chambers, the "populist member" [of the County Commissioners] opposed him. There are 33 inmates at the farm, which gives "not much of a living" according to Duerson.

Rocky Point news:
Married: Mr. James Jones to Miss Maggie Plouch, in Fort Scott, Mrs. Jones is sister to Mrs. Harry Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherd Ramsey visited with Mr. Holeman and familly last Sunday.

School notes — member of graduate class, Bronson Holt. Elmer Ramsey has highest average in the B class.
January 24, 1901 Had the grippe?

Jess and Tom Kent attended Moore’s sale Tuesday.

Bee Wright is the most powerful ringer on the mutual line.

Every inmate in the county house has the popular malady, the grippe.

Col. Duerson and Major Moore "did the honors" at the Moore sale.

The Editor has had the grippe the last eight days.

Willis Tennyson sold a team to J. R. Anderson of Bronson the other day and bought a team of Mr. Rice, of Uniontown.

Baby Ruth Eves has been in danger from whooping cough.

Mrs. James Jones nearly died of grippe, but was saved by the doctor.

Several Uniontown young people drove out to the Tennyson ranch Sunday evening. Also John Wolf and Dean Robinson were there looking at the deer.

Dr. Halm and Dr. Miller are two of the busiest men in town. Their services are constantly in demand. This wave of grippe makes the doctor’s liffe a busy one.

Among guests at a party at the home of James Rice, in honor of Jennie Brown, were Bert and Thomas Kent.
January 31, 1901 How’s the grippe?

Bert Kent went up to Moran Tuesday and came back Wednesday.

The Methodist people are hauling rocks this week for their new parsonage.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pierce, son

New subscribers: Col. J. B. Duerson, J. N. Holt

Died: Francis Daniels, twin daughter of Eugene and Maggie Daniels, age 4. Burial Rockford Valley cemetery.
February 7, 1901 Mrs. Josie and Miss Gertrude Tennyson visited with Mrs. Chamblin today.

W. H. Kirker bought a nice bunch of cattle of Sam Holt.

Story about a horse accident, which broke the leg of a Mr. Keller. Messrs. Burris, brothers of Mrs. Keller had earlier paid her doctor bill.

Notice: Estate settlement of F. E. Plouch.

J. B. Duerson advertises large fine horses for sale.
February 14, 1901 Born: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reagan (over on the Osage), daughter

Moves: Ed Duerson to a farm north of town, J. B. Duerson back to his home place, Jesse Kent to the poor farm, Mr. Toler to Kent’s property.

Died: Grace Anna Welch Jacobson, 19, wife of Jacob Jacobson, daughter of Washington and Anna Welch, of quick consumption after birth of daughter, who also died. Lifelong resident of Marion Township. Funeral and burial at Dunkard church.

Redfield news:
Mrs. Toller’s farmhouse burned to the ground.
February 22, 1901 Miss Gertrude Tennyson was at Home Saturday night and Sunday.

M. L. Ramsey and wife were visiting the latter’s parents Sunday.

Fraz Tennyson bought a colt in Bancroft Saturday.

Valentine Social given by Methodist Ladies Aid. Bert Kent played the doughty and war-like captain of Plymouuth in a Miles Standish tableau.

Married: John Withers to Ida Teague, February 17, at the residence of Col. E. P. Eves.

Missouri Pacific Railway times: Westbound 7:48, 8:55, Eastbound 5:20, 8:01.

Bert Kent will make his debut as auctioneer at Thos. White’s sale.

Tom Kent and Pearley Wells attended a sale in Allen County last week.

Ed Duerson is building a fine large barn at his residence north of town.

Story: harness stolen from Tom Kent last October was discovered in Kent’s strawstack. Conjecture that it had been secreted for later use.

Story: Uniontown Parents of boys from 12 to 17. They are in the habit of creating a great deal of disturbance in church. Patience is thin and church officials may use "heroic measures".
March 1, 1901 Rocky Point news:
J.B. Duerson and Willis Tennyson attended a sale in Allen County Monday. Mr. Duerson being auctioneer.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Isum Ramsey, daughter.
Ed Schubert visited with his sister Mrs. Emma Ramsey Sunday.

Redfield news:

  1. N. Holt shipped a car of hogs to KC Monday.
Uncle Gip Holt of Hartford who spent several days visiting relatives on Turkey Creek, returned to his home Wednesday morning.

Bert Kent’s many friends are getting ready to call him "Cunnel Kent."

At a Washington Birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Konantz all guests got a souvenir hatchet with a cherry on it. Guests included Bertha Kent, Gertrude Tennyson, Bert Kent.

At a surprise birthday party for Elsie Noble, 11, guests included Fred Kent, Jimmy McKinnis
March 8, 1901 Redfield news:
M. L. Ramsey has left for Indianapolis where he will visit his children.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pike of Erie spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives here.

Ed Duerson is moving onto the Major Comb’s farm this week.

Miss Gertrude Tennyson was home Sunday where she will remain at present.

Story: A little blaze in the roof of Kent’s Hotel created a breeze of excitement Saturday evening, but was soon put out.
April 12, 1901 Rocky Point news:
Miss Lona Gideon is going to stay with Mrs. C. Tennyson a while.
Miss Gertrude Tennyson visited Sunday with the home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tennyson drove to Bronson last week.
The infant son of Mr and Mrs. Isum Ramsey is reported taking the whooping cough.
Willis Tennyson says he is prepared for general horse trading expeditions as he has been recruiting up and has several horses that he must dispose of before long or he’ll forget his calling.
Mrs. C. Tennyson fell and cut her finger quite seriously.

Berlin news:
Mrs. Dennis Holt was visiting her father, Mr. Bowers, Sunday.

S. McKinnis has rented the Wesley Tennyson farm, and moved out there Tuesday of this week.

Mr. Hall, a nephew of Sam Holt who accompanied the late purchase of sheep made by Mr. Holt in Texas returned to his home on Monday’s train.

School notes: Cora Chamberlain was absent Wednesday. Room 3 regrets losing Arthur Duerson.
April 26, 1901 Col. Duerson and Major Moore went to Allen County to a big sale.
May 10, 1901 Uncle Wesley Tennyson was a pleasant caller at the parsonage the first of the week.
May 17, 1901 Mr and Mrs. Thos. Kent went to Fort Scott Wednesday.

Story: There is a report going the rounds that Grant Hornaday of Fort Scott and the Holts of this city have organized a state bank. A representative of the Sun called on S. B. Holt but that gentleman said he had nothing to say for publication, but we understand that the corporation will immediately begin the erection of a fine brick [sic] on the site now occupied by Mrs. Bolyards dressmaking room.

Story: Col. Duerson interrupted the road grading with a legal issue, but the controversy was settled.
May 24, 1901 J.B. Duerson and others are attending court this week as witnesses in the Bulls-Whitters land suit.

The Gas and Oil fever is noticeable among some of our citizens.

Col. Duerson and Jim Moore did the honors at the Watson sale last Saturday.

Miss Flora McKinnis come in from the Tennyson ranch last week and wile in the city was taken suddenly ill with nervous prostration. She was taken immediately to the home of T. F. Hull, where under the care of Dr. Miller she is resting easy and will be able to return home in a few days.

Rocky Point news:
Mrs. C. Tennyson is quite poorly at this writing.

Story: Another bank, a second bank is rumored.

Story: The New Bank — After many years of waiting — Hornadays of Fort Scott and Holts of Uniontown have incorporated the State Bank of Uniontown. They are preparing a fine brick block. The old building will be moved out and palced on the lot south of W. E. Moore’s store. The bank expects to be ready for business about the middle of August. "This is indeed good news for our merchants, stockmen and everybody that does any business. We congratulate the promoters upon their pluck, energy and faith in Uniontown."
May 31, 1901 The battleship Ohio was launched.

Graduation was held at the Methodist Church with ten graduates. Mr. Elmer Ramsey orated on "The True Victory." He spoke in a low and deliberate voice and looked every inch a man.

Miles Holt has sold out his meat and butcher business and rented the shop to R. A. Brake who will hereafter conduct business. We have not yet learned what Mr. Holt’s intentions are but we are sure that he will not put in many days loafing around.
June 7, 1901 Rocky Point:
Dr. Lambeth and wife, of Moran, and S. B. Holt, and wife of Turkey Creek, were visiting Wesley Tennysons on last Tuesday. The Mesdames Holt and Lambert are sisters of Uncle Wesley. The Dr. and S. B. tried to persuade some squirrels to show themselves, but in vain, it was the wrong day.
Wesley Tennyson is getting out logs to have the timbers sawed for a church on his farm, for which he and his wife are to be the principle factors toward its erection.
Will Sample visited Saturday with Willis Tennyson and Sunday with Lute Ramsey, on Wolf Pen.
Somebody left a generous sack of cats hear the Tennyson house this week.
The McKinnises house is finished.
Miss Flora McKinnis was able to come home Monday.
Mrs. M. Meyer called on Mrs. J. Tennyson Wednesday.
Grndma Brumagin of Uniontown visited with Mrs. McKinnis Monday.

Kansas Items of Interest: Dr. Daniel McGee of Topeka bought an automobile in Chicago and rode home in it, making 100 miles a day.
June 14, 1901 The new bank building is making good progress. Sam Bolyard is head push and is doing a good jog.

Mr and Mrs. J. B. Duerson lasst Sunday entertained J. W. Moore and family, Dr. and Mrs. Miller and Mr and Mrs. Harry Moore. A spendid time was enjoyed by all.

Austin Ramsey is confined to his home with heart trouble. Mr. Ramsey is one of Bourbon County’s old settlers, having located in the neighborhood before the war. He was a solider in the 5th Kansas and did much hard soldiering during the term of his enlistment.

Supt. Kent is giving the county farm a thorough overhauling.

Died: Edna, 22 mos. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lute Ramsey. An "aged great-grandmother" was present at the funeral service.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ramsey — a "card of thanks" for sympathy on the sickness and death of their little daughter Edna Catherine.

A surprise party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Teague, 4 miles north of Uniontown, in honor of their daughter Millie. Guests included Adda Holt, James Holt, Bronson Holt, Mrs. Maggie Holt.
June 21, 1901 Died: Louisa Jane Wright, b. 1830 in Hart County, Kentucky. Wife of Robert A. Wright. Married 9/23/1853. Went to Macoupin County, Illinois in November 1854 and to Kansas in 1869. Family included Preston L., son, Fort Scott; Mrs. Mattie Patterson, daughter, La Harpe; Mrs. Hattie Wells, daughter, Henry Smith, brother, Kansas City, Be Alcum, nephew. Son J. N. Wright and daughter Elizabeth Holemen, both of Idaho.

Died: Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith, wife of Harvey Griffith, born Albanay New York, 1817.

Admiring article — Editor drove out to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duerson, well built and elegantly furnished home, large barn with mules and horses, 40 acres of corn, splendid fields of flax, grass and woodland and pastures up to te 300 acre notch, with cattle, hogs, two wells.

Claud Ramsey and Tom Samples went to Colorado on Monday’s train. We trust these two boys will succeed in all of their undertakings.

Horse accident — horse may have been bitten by a snake and destroyed buggy of F. S. Halm — no serious injury.
June 28, 1901 President’s proclamation opening up the lands in the territory is promised next week.

Story: A destitute family traveling by wagon were offered help by J. L. Kent and the editor, for renting a room, finding work, or lodging at the poor farm for wife and children, but were refused.

S. B. Holt is stacking one of the best wheat crops ever raised. The straw is bright and clean as though it had been thoroughly washed.

The new bank building is doing nicely. The walls are up to the height of the upper joists.
July 5, 1901 Married: James Kirkpatrick to Mattie Wells, Uniontown

Report of death: Elvie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Rogers, of consumption

Rocky Point news:
McKinnises are threshing.

Mrs. Delta Morris and master Ralph are here on an extended visit with her parents and friends.
July 12, 1901 The new bank building is progressing nicely. The galvanized ornamental front cornice was put in place Monday and the lower front will be ready for glass in a few days.

S. McKinnis shipped cattle to KC Monday. [Note: This is the first of many many similar entries]

D.H. Pike and wife and children are visiting Mrs. Pike’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kent. They arrived from their home near Erie Saturday.

Last Sunday morning as Bronson Holt and his brother were at the slaughterhouse south of town feeding and watering the stock their horse which was tied to the fence took fright at an engine doing some switching and broke loose and run away. [After running through town] the horse and buggy rolled into a ditch. The buggy was badly damaged, the horse unhurt.]

Tom and Fred Kent were "extras" for an impromptu 4th of July concert.
July 19, 1901 The bank building has the roof completed, the plastering is all done but the white coat, the big heavy vault door was placed in position a few days ago and everything is now ready for the gazlers [sic] and glass.

Notice: Col. J. B. Duerson will leave next Monday for Oklahoma and the new country. His sale business will go to J. W. Moore.
July 26, 1901 S. McKinnis and Willis Tennyson shipped cattle last week.

The temperature hit 109 _.

J. L. Kent will winter his cattle in Erie.

Col. Duerson returned home from Oklahoma, thinks the land is all right, but there is a better chance of getting a _ section after the drawing.

J. O. Underwood did threshing for Tommy Kent. Wheat is extra fine, a little over 20 bushels/acre.

A meadow fire at J. B. Duersons burned up 1 _ tons of hay, a hay press and a bull rake.

Bethel news:
Born: Mr. and Mrs. John Heckman, son.

Mrs. Thomas Kent is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Maggie Scott, of Clayville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and her brother’s wife Mrs. Berry Miller, of Deerlick, Green County, Pennsylvania. They came last week and will remain about 3 weeks. They are spending a day or two this week visiting relatives near Erie.

Bert Kent puts in his spare time hauling water from the river.

The carpenters are putting the finishing touches on the inside of the new bank building.

S. McKinnis shipped two cars.

Charlie Griffith was re-confined at Osawatamie. Supt. Kent took him to Fort Scott.
August 2, 1901 Lightning started at least two fires.

J. B. Duerson went to Moran in the interest of our oil and gas business.

Meeting called regarding oil and gas prospects.

J. B. Duerson sold stock in Kansas City.

Miss Grace Kent is the school’s Intermediate teacher.
August 9, 1901 Mentioned in gas meeting article: J. B. Duerson, ,J. L. Kent

The Union State Bank opened its doors for business on Thursday of last week. L. E. Holt is cashier and is catching on in real good shape. This is a great convenience to our people as here-to-fore they had to go either to Bronson or Fort Scott to do their banking. Look for their ad in our display space.

An electric railway connecting Iola to Fort Scott is needed. It takes 2 days to do any business in Fort Scott.

80 days of drought was relieved by heavy rain.

In a horseback riding incident, a young lady rider was rendered unconscious.

First advertisement for Union State Bank

Born: Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hull, daughter
August 16, 1901 The editor received a fine basket of apples from Mr. and Mrs. Col. Duerson.

The Uniontown Gas and Coal company ws formed.

Rocky Point:
R. F. Atkinson and son Mark, were down from Blue Mound Saturday night and Sunday to visit his sister, Mrs. Josie Tennyson.
Flora McKinnis called on Miss Gert. Tennyson Monday evening.
Miss Gertrude Tennyson is on the sick list.
Misses Mona Chamberlain, Jennie Brake and Hazel Elliott visited at Tennysons Tuesday.
August 23, 1901 Born: Mr. and Mrs. Matt Julian, son
August 30, 1901 Redfield news:
Chester Ramsey is sporting a new ring. The set is a genuine Marmaton River pearl.
J. N. Holt has purchased a new corn binder.
Mrs. W. T. Ramsey visited in Fort Scott.

Rocky Point news:
Miss Gertrude Tennyson is still unable to be up but is improving.
Uncle Tom Willett of Bronson called on Grandpa Tennyson Tuesday.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis, daughter. Dr. Miller in attendance.
Rev. Chamblin and family spent the day Wednesday last week with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tennyson.
The train killed 6 pigs and 2 turkeys belonging to Willis Tennyson.
August 30, 1901 Born: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kirby, son

Little Mildred Alsop seems to be recovering from a heavy death-like sleep.

J. B. Duerson returned from the new country and immediately began planning a first class livery barn and sale stable.

The bank now supports a splinter new awning. It covers the whole of the glass front.

Another horse and wagon runaway story.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kirker, son
September 6, 1901 Rocky Point news:
Miss Gertrude Tennyson is still among the sick.
Willis Tennyson drove to Fort Scott.

Redfield news:
Mrs. J. S. Holt and Mrs. Toole went to Fort Scott last Saturday.

Report on a tour of the poor farm with Mr. and Mrs. Kent hosting.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Miles Holt, son

Rae Brake is sick with typhoid fever.

Guests at surprise party for Alma Mahlstedt included Adda Holt, Nova and Mamie Holt, James Holt, Bronson and Marshal Holt.

Died: Lila May McIntosh, 1 _, daughter of Thomas and Mary McIntosh.
September 13, 1901 President McKinley’s assassination

Clark Button ahs typhoid fever

Willis Tennyson donned the apron and steel and fixed the steaks, roasts and soup bones for the patrons of the butcher shop a day or two this week.
September 20, 1901 Mrs. Charley Williams of Paint Creek is lying very low with the fever and her babe is not expected to live.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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