I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

That is the first of the Uniontown Cicerone, which was published until 1942 (from 1918 to 1928 called Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger). These notes are from Reel U41 (see http://www.kshs.org/library/). The later years of the Cicerone are on Reels U52-56.

November 17, 1911 Mrs. J. W. Tennyson spent Thursday with her daughter Mrs. L. W. White at Moran
November 24, 1911 Turkey Creek School Report — for the month ending November 18, on list of not absent or tardy: Maurice, Herbert, Garce[SIC], Sammie, Eddie and Alice Holt; Edith and Ray Hartman
December 1, 1911 Jesse Kent says it was just as stormy 51 years ago as it was Monday. He was born on that day 51 years ago, and seems to have a remarkable memory

From Ft. Scott exchanges:
Miss Marie Hall, Anna Griffith and Cora Tennyson were among the out of town visitors in Ft. Scott yesterday.
J. W. Tennyson came in this morning from Uniontown where he resides spending the remainder of the day here.
Austin Ramsey, of Uniontown, ,spent today in the city visiting friends and attending to business matters.
Article re Col. J. B. Duerson, pioneer auctioneer, of Chanute.

Ad for Holt Bell Telephone Co, 10 cents per month local, 75 cents per month long distance
December 15, 1911 Letters to Santa from school, teacher Maud Ramsey:
Dear Santa: I want candy and peanuts and a go-cart, Fern Holt (1st grade)
Dear Santa, Send me a stick gun and a box of candy and a cannon that has wheels and a boat with a man in it, Otto Boler (3rd grade)

Sheridan Ramsey was a business visitor to the county seat Wednesday of this week. He may decide to go on the Florida excursion Dec. 19th with Dolan.

Obituary: Elder William Woods, Baptist pastor, born 1838 Shawneetown, Illinois. Died age 72. In Kansas 30 years.

Born: Mr. & Mrs. Sim Ramsey, Tuesday, Dec. 12, twins

Sherman Ramsey is out in Western Kansas on a business and pleasure trip.
December 22, 1911 Turkey Creek school — 7 Holt children again had perfect attendance, also Ray & Edith Hartman

Turkey Creek Notes: Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Palmer spent Sunday at M. E. Holts.

Ad for excursion to Florida by P. B. Dolan — "fine orange and citrus fruit lands"
December 29, 1911 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kent and baby have been here all this week visiting their relatives

Sheridan Ramsey hauled out a new wagon Christmas Day.
January 12, 1912 Robert Sutton of Stacy, Montana, has been here this week the guest of J. W. Tennyson and family and S. McKinnis and family.

Article on the P. B. Dolan Florida excursion — Sheridan Ramsey among the "interested"

Jake Underwood, Sherd Ramsey and Edward Crawford were in the city [Ft. Scott] on jury duty
January 19, 1912 Mrs. Elzora Guttry, who went to California sometime ago, was recently married and her home is now at Weed, California.
January 26, 1912 Thursday, S. McKinnis purchased the entire herd of Galloway cattle owned by "Yank" Robinson. Mr. McKinnis has always been partial to this breed of cattle and has many of them on his ranch.
February 2, 1912 Turkey Creek news:
Jake Ramsy and wife spent Sunday at Ed Hartmans
Little Alice Holt was real sick a few days last week but is better.
February 16, 1912 Walnut Hill news:
Fred Ramsey spent last Saturday and Sunday at C. Nutter’s.

Frazier Tennyson has been helping out with the work at the livery barn this week. He is just as industrious as his employer.

T. B. Kent was here from Redfield Monday morning.

The Uniontown Hotel is one of the busy places in town and is enjoying an extra good patronage under the management of Mrs. Tennyson. She supplies her patrons with the best even to her printed stationery, which she always buys of the Cicerone.

Turkey Creek news:
Sherman Ramsey and wife passed through here Sunday on there [SIC] way to Clarence Holeman’s where they spent the day.
Mrs. Marshal Holt left last Thursday for Arkansas to visit her parents awhile

Timothy and clover for sale — M. E. Holt
February 23, 1912 Mrs. Minnie Duerson, of Chanute, came in Wednesday for a visit with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Shiler.

Frazier Tennyson has gone to Mexico where he has work as a railroad brakeman. Jim Kirker also has work on the same road.

In advancing his subscription, J. L. McKinnis at Pattonsburg, send his best regards to all his friends here, which includes everyone who knows him.

Turkey Creek news:
Mrs. Alice O’Neal and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister Mrs. Cora Holt
S. B. Holt spent Saturday night and Sunday on the Creek with friends.

Ad for musical entertainment on February 24, program includes solo "Dreaming of You" by Miss Mamie Holt
March 1, 1912 Calvin Ramsey is reported as much improved in health

Fred Kent and wife were down from Mildred Saturday, visiting Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Kent and other relatives.

School report Bethel: perfect attendance for Frank and Daisy Ramsey.

Sheridan Ramsey and all the other "old timers" are predicting great things for Col. Leonard Green, the auctioneer. He scored another big success at the Stephenson sale.

Poem by John O. Baptist re Uniontown Debating Society: "Bert Kent as an orator, Bill Bran, he puts to shame."

Manville Ramsey, of Redfield, was here Wednesday.

Jimmie McKinnis was in Redfield Wednesday morning.

Miss Cora Tennyson was among the visitors to Ft. Scott Wednesday.

Turkey Creek news:
M. E. Holt and family spent Sunday in Uniontown.
Mrs. Maud Abbott enjoyed a visit Monday with relatives from Pattonsburg, Mo. Bob Joyce and Jim McKinnis were also visitors there.

From Ft. Scott:
Siegel McKinnis came in this morning from his home west of Uniontown, spending the day on business

March 15, 1912 Notice: Winfred Jacobs appointed executor of estate of C. B. Stephenson

From Ft. Scott:
J. W. Tennyson of Uniontown was in the city Monday.
Manville Ramsey of Redfield . . .here Sunday afternoon.

Al Ramsey advanced subscription another year

March 22, 1912 J. D. Boyer and family have moved to their suburban home recently purchased of Joseph Holt.

Friday March 29, Grandpa Wax will be 100 years old.

Legal Notice: Kent’s addition formed

March 29, 1912 Article about postal card shower for 57th birthday of W. H. George. Among those sending him cards were Will Russell and wife, Tom Kent and wife of Redfield, Mr. J. W. Tennyson, J. L. Kent and wife, S. McKinnis and wife, Sherman Ramsey and wife, Milt McKinnis and wife, Elmer Ramsey, Jim McKinnis

D. E. and Bronson Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, and H. W. Holt, of Fort Scott were all here Wednesday.

Robert Ramsey, who is teaching school at Lexington, Oklahoma, has ordered the Cicerone for a year that he may keep postd on home affairs.

Calvin Ramsey, who has been suffering for sometime with appendicitis, was taken to the Mercy Hospital in Fort Scott, last Wednesday.

Mandiville Ramsey of Redfield was here today
April 5, 1912 Article about Uniontown literary society, which will continue "despite unpleasantness.: Whisky caused considerable trouble and a warrant is to be issued for Fred Ramsey.

S. McKinnis returned home from Western Kansas Wednesday night.

J. L. Kent attended the Good Roads meeting at Redfield last Tuesday.

Article about Calvin Ramsey, reported much improved after undergoing an operation for appendicitis at the Mercy Hospital in Ft. Scott. He stood the operation well.

Turkey Creek News: D. E. and Bronson Holt of Wheeler, Texas, have been visiting relatives on the creek a few days last week.
60th birthday celebrated by J. O. Underwood, born March 29, 1852 in Knox County, Kentucky.
Union State Bank financial statement: Assets & Liabilities $58,345.66. Directors S. B. Hot, M. M. Holt, M. E. Holt, L. E. Holt.
April 12, 1912 Methodist church notes: solo by Miss Mamie Holt at Easter
Turkey Creek school perfect attendance: Maurice, Grace, Sammie, Eddie and Herbert Holt, Edith and Ray Hartman. Among those present at end of school program were Mr. and Mrs. Miles Holt.

Mrs. Osee Thompson of Hepler is here today visiting her mother and other relatives.

Frazier Tennyson and Jim Kirker have returned from Mexico.

M. E. Holt was in town Saturday having advertising matter printed describing his horses and jacks.

Calvin Ramsey is still at Mercy Hospital, reported as improving every day.

Mrs. J. W. Tennyson has been entertaining her cousin from ________sville, Arkansas, a part of last week.

Ad copy of Union State Bank:
A Faithful Young Lady
Miss Cora Chamberlain, who has been in the employ of the Union State Bank will now take up other work. This young lady has always been industrious and at the same time she has saved her money. We hope and trust she will always enjoy life and be prosperous. The Union State Bank
April 19, 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Bryant hosted Mrs. Stannah of Denver and daughter. The mother of Mrs. Stannah is Mrs. Jane Stevens.

J. W. Tennyson and wife spent Wednesday evening in Moran, guests of L. W. White and family.

Mrs. Robert Ramsey spent last week in town, the guest of her daughter Mrs. Emma Smith and family.
April 26, 1912 J. W. Tennyson spent Monday at Iola.

S. McKinnis spent Saturday at Bronson

J. W. Tennyson expects to leave tomorrow on a business trip to Ames, and other Iowa points.

Mrs. J. W. Tennyson attended a meeting of the Triple Tie lodge at Iola Wednesday.
May 3, 1912 J. W. Tennyson returned Wednesday morning from a business trip to Iowa.

R. W. Ramsey and wife will have their residence newly painted and papered before moving into town.

Banker Holt has Kodak pictures of several scenes of the last day of school.

R. W. Ramsey and wife will soon move into town. Their son Calvin will manage the farm.

A sister of S. B. Holt arrived Friday of last week. She is well known to most of the old folks.

Sherman Ramsey went to Ft. Scott Sunday night, being called there on the jury in the Federal Court.

Leghorn eggs for sale, 2 cents each, Mrs. H. M. Griffith
May 10, 1912 Probate notice for estate of Mary Hanner
Advertisement for "Chief Bourbon, Registered Jack, 2 miles north and _ mile east of Uniontown. Also Bob, registered Black Jack and Black Prince, Grace Percheron Stallion — M. E. Holt

Report from Halifax, Nova Scotia of the cable ship Mackay-Bennet reaching port carrying 190 of the Titanic dead.

Article on H. M. Ramsey, Superintendent of City Schools [note, Ft. Scott?] selected as conductor of normal school for teacher training.

Among guests at 10th birthday party for Ruth Wells were Daisy and Eddie Ramsey, Roy Ramsey.

Miss Maud Ramsey and Ms. Robert Ramsey were in Ft. Scott Tuesday.

Rheuey Hartman was one of the participants in an outing of the XYZ Club.

Announcement of a Chatauqua speaker at the Baptist Church — Mrs. Zehner to give suffrage speech

Misses Mamie Holt and Hazel McKinnis spent Monday at Ft. Scott, the guests of H. W. Holt and family.

Judge Kent is improving his property occupied by W. A. Stroud with his racing horses, by the addition of a sliding door and other needed additions.
May 17, 1912 Of the 12 graduates, Grace Konantz, Delta Holt

The hotel has been traded for other property and Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson have rented the Frank Wolf residence property for only a short time until they determine on a definite location.

Rockford Valley news:
Farmers are wishing for more rain. Wheat and oats looking fine but chintz bugs are coming in great numbers doing much damage.
Death: George McFann, age 14, of congestion of the bowels, sick only a few days.

A colt owned by M. K. Julian, being kept in Miles Holt’s pasture, was killed, presumably by a careless hunter.
May 24, 1912 Turkey Creek news:
Death: Warren Waters.

Funeral articles regarding Warren J. Waters, former resident who died at LaHarpe. Son-in-law of T. B. Julian.
Burial Uniontown cemetery.

Funeral article regarding George McFann, son of D. E. McFann, one of the largest funerals every held here. Funeral Uniontown Methodist. Burial Uniontown cemetery.

July 4 committee formed, J. L. Kent, S. McKinnis and W. A. Stroud to have general management. S. B. Holt appointed to finance committee.
May 31, 1912 Walnut Hill news:
A balloon passed over here last Monday morning, going at a very rapid rate. It was only a few minutes after it left Uniontown until it was out of sight.

Strawberries are plentiful

Sale: Jacob Naugle (Redfield)

Turkey Creek news:
Born: Mr. and Mrs Joseph Holt, last Friday night, a little girl. Both doing well.
Miss Delta Holt was one of the graduates at Uniontown Saturday night.

I still have plenty of good corn for sale — R. L. Kent

Fred Kent, wife and baby, came down from Mildred to spend Decoration Day.

John Lords, a nephew of S. B. Holt, was here a few days this week. He resides in Texas.

Mrs. F. Finger had new peas for dinner Wednesday.
June 12, 1912 Probate notice of estate of Mary J. Hendrixson, John Hendrickson administrator.

Another good shower Wednesday night.

Rev. Ramsey, of Redfield, was here Wednesday, called by the serious illness of his brother, Austin Ramsey.

Riley says that Mrs. Steel says that Mrs. Will Moore says she has rented the Uniontown Hotel. We hope somebody’s right.

Miss Maud Ramsey is a new teacher at the Methodist Sunday School.

From Fort Scott:
F. M. Wax, son of F. M. Wax (age 100) was in town. Says is father is hale and hearty, and that his portrait adorned the Topeka Capitol recently.

S. McKinnis and I. N. Wright want to request all hunters to keep out of their pastures during pasture season.
June 14, 1912 Turkey Creek news:
Herbert Holt of Fort Scott spent a few days this week with his brothers, Miles and Marshall

Miss Maud Ramsey has charge of the Primary Method Department at the teachers institute at Fort Scott.

Died: Victim of apoplexy, Ernest L. Thompson of Hepler

From Uniontown Telephone, September 1885 - Mrs. Emma Stuck of Independence, Missouri, who has been visiting with Willis Tennyson and wife since last April, returned to her home last Monday.
June 21, 1912 Died: Austin Ramsey, died June 13. Born Marion County, Indiana in 1853. Emigrated in 1857 to Kansas. Served with the 10th Kansas Infantry in the Civil War. Was known as "a successful farmer and heavy taxpayer to the close of his life."

Died: Ollive E. Turner, Redfield.

S. McKinnis sold $200 worth of stock in Uniontown Fair Association in Fort Scott and Bronson.

Turkey Creek:
Miss Bertha Sheller has been staying with Miss Maggie Holt, the last two weeks, is home now.

The Republican national committee awarded its first delegate to Colonel Roosevelt. Taft has 101.

Col. Tom Macon was out from Ft. Scott last Saturday to attend the funeral of Austin Ramsey.

Miss Bertha Kent lately arrived from the west for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Jane Kent, and other relatives.

J. L. Kent and wife, Mrs. Jane Kent and Mrs. Chamberlain attended the funeral of Ernest Thompson at Hepler last Thursday.

Announcement: Miss Elvira Elmen and Miss Elizabeth Hodges, teachers of piano and voice, have opened a studio in Uniontown at the home of S. B. Holt on Thursdays. Those desiring to study with Miss Elmen or Miss Hodges, will leave word at this office or phone 3102.

Union State Bank financial statement, as of June 14, 1912. $58,270.72. Directors S. B., M. M., M. E., and L. E. Holt, president S. B. Holt.

Stroud’s has a piano contest.

Col. Duerson has a big stock sale billed at Cherryvale last Saturday and was not able to attend the funeral of Austin Ramsey for that reason.
June 28, 1912 Turkey Creek news:
Mrs. Clarinda Lords is visiting old friends on the creek this week. It has been thirty-seven years since she left Kansas.
Mrs. Lords and Georgia Anderson spent Tuesday at Ben Shinn’s.
L. E. Holt and family, Marshall and wife, S. B. and Mamie Holt and Mrs. Lords spent Sunday at Miles Holts.

J. L. Kent and Rich Sheler, both ex county officials, are employed at painting bridges for the county.

S. McKinnis was 51 years old last Sunday and is as hale and hearty as he was twenty years ago. Being Sunday the folks let him off easy, that is, that was their excuse for not laying on the regular number of spanks.

Death: Olive Evelyn Romans, born 1886, married to Dewitt Clinton Turner. Died in childbirth.

Mrs. Jane Kent, Mrs. Ella Chamberlain, and Mrs. J. L. Kent were all in Fort Scott yesterday.

Advertisement: Buster Brown and his Dog Tige are coming in person July 13, brought by O. A. Hayden, Redfield merchant.

Miss Grace Kent of Los Angeles, California, arrived Tuesday for a visit with her mother and other relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ramsey and Mrs. A. A. Stiers spent Tuesday at Redfield.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tennyson arrived home last Sunday after a short visit to Iowa.

Birthday party at surprise 41st birthday party for Mrs. J. M. Kerns had 64 guests.

Henry Ramsey is visiting from Colorado with relatives.

J. L. Kent left this morning for Mildred.

Frazier Tennyson returned home from Wichita Thursday night.

The Hon. C. A. Ramsey is a candidate for re-election as County attorney.

Deaths: Edward F. Shute, George W. Newall (Fort Scott)

Charley Collins, the Fort Scott salesman for monuments, was here Thursday. When we see him we always think of Uncle Tom Kent, who always used to say when he met Collins: "Who’s dead?"
July 5, 1912 J. W. Tennyson and wife were business visitors to Iola and Moran Wednesday.

T. B. Kent and family were here from Redfield last Sunday.

Marriage: Ida Maud Gribble to James L. McKinnis of Pattonsburg, Missouri, July 3 in Fort Scott. Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Gribble. McKinnis is treasurer of Pattonsburg Mercantile Co.

Turkey Creek news
Mrs. Maggie Holt, son Hubert and baby Marguette Ellen spent Saturday night and Sunday in Bronson with Mr. Bowers and family.

Woodrow Wilson nominated for president on the 46th ballot.

Chester A. Ramsey is a candidate for County Attorney.

R. M. Joyce, S. McKinnis and J. L. Kent attended the funeral of Mrs. Soules, mother of Frank Soules, at Bronson lasst Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kent visited Fort Scott.

Elmer Ramsey was in Fort Scott having dental work done.

S. McKinnis has the best wheat in this section this season according to S. B. Holt. It is estimated that it will go forty bushels to the acre.
July 19, 1912 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKinnis (newly-weds) came in Sunday and remained until Wednesday night, when they left for their home at Pattonsburg, Missouri.

Yes! Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson have purchased the Dr. David residence and moved in. They will improve the property and make it their permanent home.

Col. Macon came out from Ft. Scott Wednesday after his family who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ramsey.

Died: Mrs. Mary Quick, of old age, age 93.

Redfield letter:
Report reaches us that J. N. Holt, formerly of this place, is now in the Hawiian [sic] Islands.
July 26, 1912 Died: Mrs. Samuel Bulger. Burial Uniontown Cemetery.

Died: Edward Leslie, in Concreto July 20, age 71 of kidney, born Vermillion County Indiana. Grew up in Illinois. Came to Kansas 1866.

From Hepler Enterprise: F. M. Wax of Rockford Valley marked a load of full blood Plymouth Rock chickens here Saturday. There were 91 hens, that averaged 50 cents each, netting Mr. Wax nearly $50 for the load.

Died: Oliver Johnson, age past 50, of suicide by drowning in an old well. Had been mentally imbalanced after a stroke. Leaves wife and 3 children.

Hepler has eight automobiles- six more than Uniontown. Get busy.

H. M. Griffith’s new automobile arrived Wednesday. It is a Ford.

Archie Ramsey is visiting relatives in Fort Scott this week.

Mrs. M. A. Duerson and Mrs. J. C. Gardner plan to start on an extended visit to Washington State relatives next Tuesday. They will visit at Everett, Knappton, Tacoma and other places and will be gone about two months.

Editorial on livestock running loose, after hogs destroyed an old couple’s garden.

650 people attended the annual birthday and ice cream social given by J. Goodman at his home east of Berlin.

Miss Grace Kent was a guest of Mrs. Cora Scharf at Ft. Scott last Saturday.

For Sale — Cheáp for cash one square grand piano- Mrs. Jane Kent.
August 2, 1912 The 14 month old baby of the Leslie family died after drinking carbolic acid. (In Fort Scott?)

Turkey Creek news:
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Holt entertained the club last Saturday night and all had a fine time.
It is too hot to gather many items.

Paid in advance circulation of the Cicerone is 423.

The Cicerone will trade on subscription for cucumbers (for pickling), for plums, pears crabapples, apples, grapes, potatoes, corn for feed, chickens and stove wood.

Mrs. M. A. Duerson started Tuesday for Washington to visit relatives. Mrs. Gardner did not go as she intended.

"Old Bally," Jess Kent’s horse so well known to all people in this section, is visiting Fred Kent, in Mildred . . . [story continues thaat Bally balked at an automobile].
August 9, 1912 Standard calico 4 cents per yard at Stroud’s.

The Old Settlers Association meeting was reported: R. L. Kent is on the Sports and Games Committee, the manager of the Arrangement Committee is J. Tennyson, and Elmer Ramsey is on the program committee.

Turkey Creek news: Little Eddie Holt was in a very bad runaway, Saturday. Luckily he was not hurt. Only a few bruises.

Lost: Lady’s open face watch on the streets or in the park Tuesday, Aug. 6. Finder return to Grace Kent and receive reward.

J. L. Kent and wife will leave Saturday night for Pennsylvania on an extended visit to relatives.

Miss Maud Ramsey will not, we understand, teach the primary department in the Uniontown schools this year. It has been generally understood by most people that she had been retained.

Frazier Tennyson and Robert Morris are helping a railroad grading gang near Bronson.

S. McKinnis has so much hay this year that he has rented all the vacant barns in town for storage rooms.

Some of the fruits of the season have been shown to the editor this week. The first was a comfortable twig which produced 15 crabapples of the regulation size . . .

Fred Kent is reported quite seriously ill at his home at Mildred, Kansas. Mr. Kent is a son of ex-County Commissioner Jess Kent, and has taught school in this county for a number of years. For the past two years he has been teaching at Mildred and making his home there (from Ft. Scott Tribune)

Col. R. L. Kent left this morning for Arcadia to witness the races.

J. L. Kent has secured the contract for the new bridge to be erected near S. McKinnis, west of town.
August 23, 1912 Miss Grace Kent has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Pike at Erie. John and Helen Pike accompanied her home for a visit with Grandma Kent and other relatives.

Public sale: Samuel Bulger, 3 m. S. of Berlin, 3 m. N. of Redfield.

Article on the Annual Association of Regular Primative [sic]Baptist Church, which will convene at Turkey Creek Church. There will be six sermons each day.

Miss Grace Kent is having the Ladies’Aid Society make her a lot of quilts which she will take wither her on her return to her home in Washington State about September 1st. Anything doin’ Miss Grace?

Turkey Creek news: Mrs. Marshal Holt is expecting her mother soon from Arkansas to visit her awhile.
Mrs. Clarinda Lords visited with Mrs. Hartman and Georgia Anderson from Saturday until Tuesday.

Died: Mrs. Charlotte Stock, age 92, born New Jersey.

Died: Charles Adolph Schubert, born May 112, 1867. Buried Hatch Cemetery. Wife Rhoda R. Ralston.

Public Sale: J. G. Fraary ("As I Am Going West", 1 _ m. NW Redfield.
August 30, 1912 Mrs. Maud Holt (nee Bowers) of Wheeler, Texas is here on a visit to relatives.

Mrs. Ida McKinnis, of Pattonsburg, Missouri, arrived lsat week for a visit with her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gribble.

Article "The Big Parade" Judge R. L. Kent and M. K. Julian were out to see how floats are getting along . . .
September 6, 1912 Public Sale: Walnut Grove Dairy Farm, 2 mi N _ mi E Uniontown, M. K. Julian

Public Sale: Daniel Johnson 1 mi S _ mi W Redfield

Public Sale: Clarence Riley ("I will quit farming and I am going west" 5 mi S 1 mi W Uniontown.

Public Sale: G. R. Wiggans, 5 mi NE Uniontown.
September 13, 1912 Public Sale: T. J. Honn 6 mi S 1 mi E Uniontown

J. W. Tennyson and A. F. Hartman were visitors to the county seat this week.

Uncle Bob Ramsey was just a day too late for the picnic on his return from a visit to Indiana.

Among those greatly "missed" at the picnic were Gipson Anderson and wife, of Oklahoma, and J. L. Kent, now in Pennsylvania.

3,000 people is the number estimated attending the picnic.

Ed Schubert and Ed Duerson are erecting a new residence for Mrs. M. A. Duerson on her lots on Gospel Ridge. She will occupy it on her return from Washington State.

"Old Settlers" at the picnic included George Richardson (Illinois) and Henry Drum, County Treasurer, of Redfield.

Rev. Ramsey of Redfield, went to an all day meeting of Unity Church, west of town.

Public Sale: L. T. Brennan, Redfield
Public Sale: McAlister, Hiattville
Public Sale: Clarence Chamberlain, 2 mi S 1 mi E Redfield

Judge Kent was one of the speakers at the picnic.

Union State Bank financial statement, $67,971.60, same officers.

There will be a meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. Tennyson next Thursday night, September 19th.
September 20, 1912 Lester Darr has traded farms with Tom Kent, of Redfield, and each is now occupying his own farm.

The Fair Association voted to erect a Floral Hall, 30 by 40 feet, to cost about $350.00.

Public Sale: Wren (Redfield) Going to Colorado because the altitude improved his health.

Mrs. Maggie Holt spent Monday with Mrs. Green.

Public Sale: J. W. Hartman residence, 4 blocks N. of Square.

Advertisement: Fred Kent, Sales Clerk. As I have moved back to Uniontown I am in a position that I can clerk your sale at a reasonable price.

Miss Maud Ramsey and brother Calvin have returned from a business trip west.

Fred Kent and wife moved back to Uniontown from Mildred and are occupying Mrs. Nichols’residence property.

On the return of J. L. Kent and wife from Pennsylvania, J. M. Sample and wife will move into their property.

J. L. Kent and wife returned home Wednesday from Pennsylvania where they have been visiting for the past month.
October 4, 1912 Miss Swift and Mrs. Perry, of Pittsburg, are visiting at J. W. Tennysons this week.

Article "Home from the Phillipines""- entertainment by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Robinson in honor of Grace Fisher and Earl Robinson, with a "dainty two course luncheon." Among guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ramsey, Frazier Tennyson.

Public schools are on vacation for fair week.

Since the removal of the telephone switchboard there is room enough now in the Union State Bank to turn around twice without running into something.

Fern and Curtis Holt were guests at Lottie Cowan’s 6th birthday party.

Mrs. Calvin Ramsey will assist her sister Mrs. Smith in the restaurant business during the Fair.

Rockford Valley —
Grandpa Wax returned home Thursday from his annual visit with Iowa relatives, while there he met another man psat one hundred years old and they had their picture taken in an Auto.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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