REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
November 1906 - February 1907

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Nov 2, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Born: Dr. Anderson reports a twelve pound boy at the home of Jake Ripley, north of town. [Garland news]

pg 2, col 3

Born: Robt. Singleton and wife have a 10 pound daughter at their home. Dr. Holeman, guest of honor. [Garland news]

Died: Mrs. Nellie Rourk of near Drywood Station, died Sunday and was buried Monday at the Large Cemetery. She leaves a husband and two children beside her parents, sisters and brother to mourn her loss. [Garland news]

Birthday: Mrs. H. Catt celebrated her 71st birthday Sunday. There were thirty-two children and grandchildren present. [Route 8 news]

pg 3, col 5 [Probate Court news]

Marriage License:

Oct 30 - Dr. Jesse R. Prichard and Miss Leigh Penniman, both of Fort Scott


Oct 14 - Harry N. Martindale and Miss Alfa Perkins, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Oct 29 - Earle Street and Beulah Long, both of Howard county, Mo., were married by the probate judge.

pg 6, col 2

Born: The home of E. Robinson and wife was brightened Friday evening by the arrival of a ten pound girl. Mother and babe doing fine. [Uniontown news]

pg 6, col 3

Family Reunion: A happy family reunion took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J.W. Copes, 602 Heylman street, Fort Scott, Thursday of last week. For the first time in about twenty years, Mr. and Mrs. Copes and their three children - E.J. Copes, of Natchitosh, La., J.A. Copes, of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Ida Patterson, of Belle Plain, Kansas, were again united as one family, under the parental roof. The mother, as in days of their youth, prepared for them a feast which brought to their minds many recollections of the family home when each occupied their respective positions in the happy domicile of their youth, and in many ways during this pleasant reunion numerous expressions of gratitude were given by both parents and children for the effort each had made in bringing about this old time homecoming. The two sons were accompanied by their wives, and Mrs. Patterson by her daughter. The other guests who participated in this enjoyable meeting were Mrs. Anna Hull, sister of Mr. Copes, and Mrs. Eliza Ledbrook, of Uniontown, and Mrs. E.E. Pierce, of Redfield, and Rolla Copes and wife of Fort Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Copes are old residents of Uniontown, having raised their family in this community, and their friends here were glad to learn of the pleasure and happiness accorded them in their family reunion.

Nov 16, 1906

pg 2, col 1

Born: A girl baby was born at the home of R. Pippin last Thursday night, Dr. Holeman was the guest of honor.

pg 2, col 4

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Jones have been entertaining a big boy for the last few days. [Route 8 news]

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Catt have been entertaining a big girl. [Route 8 news]

pg 2, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Nov 8 - Perry H. Koehler and Mrs. Anna Williams, both of Greenfield, Mo.; Mr. Victor Ward and Miss Lula Groomer, both of Bronson [see below for marriage].

pg 5, col 5

Born: Dr. Hewett reports the birth of an eight and a half pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lige Hern.

[Redfield news]

pg 5

Married: Col. G.P. Eaves broke the monotony of his official duties last Sunday afternoon by solemnizing the marriage of Miss Lulu Groomer and Mr. Victor Ward. After the words were pronounced which made them one, the happy couple returned to their home to receive the congratulations of their family and friends. The News wishes them much happiness in their future life. [Uniontown news]

Nov 23, 1906

pg 2, col 1

Died: Mrs. Nelson Scott died Sunday morning last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lincoln Pellett, west of town, of pneumonia fever, after a short illness, in the 73rd year of her age. Mother Scott lost her husband last May and has been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lincoln Pellett, for some time. She leaves several grown children to mourn her loss. Her sons, who went to Mexico last spring. was [sic] notified but could not come, being so far away. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Register at the home on Monday afternoon and interment was made at the Large cemetery. [Garland news]

Died: Mrs. Don Conner after an illness of several months of consumptions. Mrs. Conner’s maiden name was Turner. She had lived in this community for several years. She leaves a husband and twin children three years old - Vessie and Bessie, besides other relatives to mourn her death. She was buried at Clarksburg Tuesday. [Garland news]

pg 7, col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boone Friday afternoon, a little girl. Dr. Hewett reports the mother and child are doing well.

Nov 30, 1906

pg 6, col 4

Born: A fine boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Isom Wednesday. Mother and baby doing well. [Turkey Creek news]

Died: Mrs. M.W. Owens died at her home in Colony, Kas., November 26th, at 1 o’clock, after an illness of some months with diabetes. She was the oldest daughter of Will and Mollie Wells who are well known by many of our readers, and the news of her death will bring sadness to their hearts. She leaves a husband and little daughter, father, mother and two brothers and a sister to mourn her loss. We join with their many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives. [Turkey Creek news]

pg 7, col 5

Died: Martha Powell was born December 15, 1868, in Linn county, Kansas. She was married to David Campbell, January 13, 1885. To this union was born one child, which came only to be taken away at 7 months. Two years after their marriage they moved to Idaho, where they resided nine years. Mr. Campbell there contracted consumption and they returned to Kansas where he died. Some years later, she married Charles Creighton. In 1900, one child, a boy, Lara, was born. Her husband and son, and father and six sisters, and one brother are left to mourn her death. She united with the Baptist church a short time after she went to Idaho, and has always lived a devout Christian life. She was a great sufferer before the end came. Her last words were, "Tell them all goodbye, I am in the Lord’s care." The funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon, November 15, at 2 o’clock at the M.E. church, at Mapleton, conducted by Rev. Jordon of Prescott, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Mapleton cemetery.

Dec 7, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Married: Walter Kelley and Lizzie Adamson sprung a surprise on their friends by driving to Nevada and getting married last week. These are young people from good homes and we hope that success will crown their efforts. Here is our L shake, and the Gazette family extends congratulations.

Married: Miss Ethel Boyer of Parsons, and Wm. Galt of Buffalo, N.Y., were married at Buffalo Thanksgiving day. Miss Ethel is a sister to Boyer Bros. of our town and once was a clerk in Boyer Bros. store here. She is a young lady of rare ability. Mr. Galt is employed in the Erie railroad offices in Buffalo. We hope they may always be glad of their marriage. [Garland news]

pg 4, col 4

Married: On Wednesday evening, Nov. 28, at the home of the bride’s parents, six miles south of Blue Mound, Miss Flossie Francis and Fred Bruner were united in marriage, Rev. O.U. McProud officiating. Both are excellent young people and have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. We extend congratulations. [Blue Mound Sun]

Married: Wednesday, Nov. 28, Thomas Amer and Miss Pearl Young, both of near Mapleton, were united in marriage. The groom is the son of Thomas Amer, an up to date young man and a prosperous farmer. The bride is the daughter of Edward Young, an accomplished young lady. Her friends are counted by the score. The Dispatch join in wishing them a long life of happiness.

pg 5, col 2

Died: The little baby of Warren J. Waters of LaHarpe died Thursday and was brought here Saturday morning and interred in the Uniontown cemetery. Messrs. M.E. Halm and Elmer Patterson accompanied the family, returning to LaHarpe in the afternoon. [Uniontown news] And @ col 3: Died: Crystal, infant daughter of Warren J. and Della J. Waters, at LaHarpe, Nov. 30, 1906, of pneumonia, aged 4 months. The remains were brought to Uniontown where a funeral service was held at the home of her grandparents, T.B. Julian and wife, after which she was laid to rest in Uniontown cemetery. Signed: Gertrude Eaves. [Biblical readings follow.]

Died: We are sorry to announce the death of Mr. and Mrs. John Hildreth’s little boy, Albert, who died Tuesday. He had been sick with diphtheria and it left him in a weak condition and it was impossible for him to rally, and Tuesday morning he became paralyzed and died in the afternoon. He was one of a pair of twins and about six years old.

Dec 14, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Married: Jess W. Rimby and Miss Bertha Strite was married at Fort Scott last Monday by Probate Judge Hudson. The young people have the best wishes of the Gazette. We hope they may live long and be happy. [See below for Probate Court news.]

Died: S.F. Hall, of Garland, died Thursday, December 6, 1906, after an illness of nearly five months. S.F. Hall was born in Seneca, N.Y., September 23rd, 1829. When nine years old the family emigrated in a covered wagon and settled in Seneca county, Ohio. In 1854, he was married to Martha A. VanFleet of Bloomville, Ohio. They lived on the old homestead farm for about 17 years and then moved to Republic, Ohio, where they lived two years and then moved to Clyde, Ohio, where he went into business. In 1877 the family came to Kansas and settled on a farm near Pawnee, where he was an extensive stock raiser for years. In the summer of 1899 he came to Garland where he went into business, and has since made his home. About 5 years ago his wife died, leaving him alone after passing nearly 50 years of life together. Two children were born to them, Mrs. Jessie Beadell of Fort Scott, and H.F. Hall of Parsons, both of whom are left to mourn the loss of a father. He was buried in Evergreen cemetery, Fort Scott, by the side of his wife.

pg 2, col 4

Birthdays: A birthday surprise was given to Mrs. Pierce Fonburg Tuesday in honor of her 35th anniversary by her neighbors and friends. It was also Mrs. Jacob Yokley’s 37th anniversary. A big dinner was served by the ladies. Those present were: A.J. Taylor and wife; Mrs. Jacob Yokley and son Clarence; Otto Taylor, wife and son; Mrs. Geo. Hamm; Mrs. Chas. Maphis; Sam Titus, wife and son; Mrs. Marion Swartz; Miss Katie Taylor; Miss Lula Beckley. Here is our L shake, that you may both live long and be happy and prosperous.

pg 5, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Dec 6 - Charles F. Miller of Miami, Indian Territory, and Miss Ella M. Walker of Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

Dec 8 - James G. Foster of Channon City, Iowa, and Miss Abbie M. Stinson of Knowlton, Iowa.


Dec 8 - Isaiah L. Noel and Nellie A. Naugle, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

Dec 10 - Married by the probate judge: Willie Deeds of Fort Scott and Nora Caldwell of Seamore, Mo.; James W. Rimby and Bertha Strite of Vernon county, Mo.

Died: C.R. Kinder, fifty-five years of age and a Frisco switchman, was rolled between freight cars last Wednesday evening and so fatally injured that he died at Mercy hospital Thursday night at 7 o’clock and was buried Friday afternoon. The Masons had charge of the funeral. Rev. Swart of the First Baptist church of Ft. Scott officiated. Interment was made in the family lot in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Kinder was a faithful employee and was well liked by Fort Scott people.

pg 6, col 4

Anniversary: Tuesday morning a distinguished party boarded the train for Fort Scott to participate in the celebration of a wedding anniversary. Forty years ago, Dec. 11, 1866, in the State of Wisconsin, Hiram Griffith and Ann Chambers made a contract to travel on through life together, and there are many witnesses in and about Uniontown who can testify that said contract has been faithfully carried out. Many congratulations are extended from their old friends and neighbors. Those who went to take part in the surprise planned by their children are William Stevens, wife and daughter, Miss Agnes; Mrs. Wm. Bryant, Mrs. Harry Griffith, Mrs. Rachel Griffith, James Barnhard and wife, Mrs. Eliza Ledbrook, Mrs. Otto Britton and Henry Herman.

pg 7, col 4

Died: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Price died Tuesday, December 11th, aged six weeks. The funeral was held Wednesday and interment made in Dayton cemetery. [Mapleton news]

Dec 21, 1906

pg 6, col 2

Died: Mrs. B.F. Mason and Mrs. Margaret Nichols went to the home of their sister, Mr. Henry Nichols [sic], on Saturday to be at the bedside of their niece, Mrs. Hattie Carmain, who died at 1 o’clock that day. Her death is greatly to be regretted and very sad on account of her youth, being only 17 years of age. The cause of her death was consumption. She leaves a husband and baby, about one year old, and her parents and family to mourn her demise.

Dec 28, 1906

pg 2, col 1

Died: Mrs. James Gwinn died at her home west of town and was buried Tuesday at the Large cemetery. She had a very severe attack of pneumonia fever. She leaves an aged husband, three boys and two girls - all married.

Born: L.S. Majors and wife have a fine 10 pound daughter at their home.

pg 3, col 2

Marriages: Frank Reeds, city editor of the Republican, and Miss Laura Pressler and Lee Sterling and Miss Mable Pressler, were united in marriage at the Pressler home at 11 o’clock on Christmas morning. We can safely prophecy that these fine young ladies will never regret their choice of life mates as Frank Reeds and Lee Sterling.

Married: Verne Woolsey of Kansas City, the well known young piano tuner, who is the son of Mr. H.G. Woolsey, the popular Fort Scott musical merchandise dealer, surprised his parents Christmas day by presenting them to his wife who was Miss Minnie Forbes. The old folks soon recovered and it was certainly a merry Christmas at the Woolsey home.

pg 3, col 3

Died: The funeral of Thomas Kent took place from the M.P. church Wednesday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Gertrude Eaves in an eloquent and touching manner. A large number of Masons from Fort Scott, Devon, Bronson and Uniontown officiated at the grave. The pallbearers were David Buell; C.S. Steel; Solon Markham; Geo. Shull; C.H. Morrow; and Jos. Cook. [Uniontown news] [Masonic Resolution of Condolence following indicates Mr. Kent died on December 18, 1906.]

Born: The proverbial stork has been quite generous with its Christmas presents in this neighborhood. It left a son at John Heckman’s last week and a daughter at Otto Kirkpatrick’s Friday of last week. [Rockford news]

pg 5, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Dec 12 - Joseph Allen Tygart and Miss Elizabeth Hopkins, both of Fort Scott

Dec 16 - Albert C. Congdon and Miss Lizzie M. Rodgers, both of Fort Scott.

Dec 17 - H.D. Hotchkiss and Miss Nina Thompson, both of Hepler.


Dec 12 - John Robinson and Nellie Gladys McQueen, both of Uniontown, were married by the probate judge.

Dec 13 - William D. Butler and Miss Jennie Moore, both of Richards, Mo., were married by the probate judge.

Dec 17 - William H. Strickland and Miss Bessie Yeager, both of Fulton, were married by the probate judge; Samuel D. Cochran and Miss Susie King, of Harding, were married by the probate judge.

pg 6, col 4

Married: On Sunday, December 23rd, at 12 o’clock, a beautiful home wedding took place at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shorten, at Walkertown, when their daughter Genevieve, was united in marriage to Joseph L. Kirk, of Wichita, Rev. H.F. Taylor of Pawnee officiating. The bride was attired in pearl gray taffeta and the groom wore the conventional black and both wore bouquets of white carnations. The room was decorated in white and pink carnations, ferns, holly and mistletoe. After the ceremony and congratulations by the many friends and relatives, all were invited to the dining room where an elegant dinner of four courses was served. At the fourth course the bride cut the bride’s cake and her sister Stella at the same time gave the toast. The bride is an attractive and talented young lady with many fine traits of character and a host of friends. The groom is an ambitious and accomplished young man who holds a position under government appointment at Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk will be at home at Wichita after January 7, 1907. [A very long list of gifts received follows.]

pg 7, col 2

Married: Fred Davis was married to Miss Blinco of Hiattville, Wednesday.

Jan 4, 1907

pg 4, col 3

Married: Ed Helms and Edith Swoop were married by Rev. Evans a few days since while they sat in a buggy in front of the Methodist parsonage on Holbrook St. Their parents witnessed the ceremony and the young folks were not a bit bothered by numerous guests in the way of pedestrians. This may be the best way of having a public wedding as it saves the expense of invitations and a lot of other monkey business.

pg 4, col 4

Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Turney celebrated their golden wedding on the 23rd of December. A number of guests from abroad were present including Mrs. J.A. Frazier of Chicago, Mrs. H. Campbell of Des Moines, and Messrs. Milton and John Turney of Pittsburg, Pa.

pg 5, col 4

Married: The announcement of the marriage of Miss Nina Cowden, of Maitland, Mo., to Mr. Leon Wasson, of Iola, has been received. The bride is the grand-daughter of C.S. Steel, and is a charming little girl. The groom is a young business man of Iola. They will be at home in Iola after January 15. The News wishes them much happiness and prosperity through life. [Uniontown news]

pg 6, col 2

Born: Grant Collins and wife are the parents of a 12 pound boy which arrived Christmas night. A welcome present. [Redfield news]

Jan 11, 1907

pg 2, col 1

Died: Grandma Seitz, wife of the late Adam Seitz, at the old homestead, east of Garland, Sunday morning, after a short illness of pneumonia. Grandma Seitz was a little past 80 years old and had lived in this community many years. She had many friends who have known her all these years. She leaves three sons, James, Charley, and Cornelius, and one daughter, Mrs. Clara Anderson, besides several grand children. The funeral was preached on Wednesday at the home by Rev. C.E. West and interment was made in the Heavyside cemetery by the side of her husband and daughters. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones in this their dark hour. [Garland news]

Born: James Smirl and wife have a new daughter at their home. Dr. Cravens [was] guest of honor. [Garland news]

pg 4, col 3

Married by Probate Judge Hudson (week of 1/4/07-1/11/07):

Mr. John Barrett of Mapleton, Kansas, and Mrs. Mary G. Maples of Fort Scott.

Mr. George V. Hickam, of Bates county, Mo., and Mrs. Alice L. Baker of Nevada.

Mr. Fred Harold and Miss Susan Brillhardt, both of Mapleton, Kansas.

pg 5, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Jan 3 - Carl Darling and Miss Sadie Ware, both of Fort Scott


Jan 5 - Lacey Jones of Sedalia, Mo., and Miss Marcella Teemer of Fort Scott, were married.

pg 6, col 4

Died: Dazel Davis, one of the best known farmers in Bourbon county and recent republican candidate for county commissioner, died at his home near Redfield, last Saturday. Mr. Davis had suffered from an attack of neuralgia which was not considered serious, but it affected his heart and lungs. He was a fine man and we extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. @ Col 3: The funeral of Hazel [sic] Davis was held at his home Monday and the remains were laid to rest in the Dunkard cemetery. His loss in the community will be greatly felt. And Jan 25, @ pg 3, col 4: Jan 15 - The last will and testament of Hazel Davis was admitted to probate and his two daughters, Edda Wray and Linnet Davis were appointed executors. [Note the inconsistency in the spelling of Mr. Davis’s first name.]

pg 7, col 3

Died: John H. Johns was born November 7th, 1854, and died January 2nd, 1907, aged 52 years, 1 month and 25 days. He came to this country from Germany in 1883, and moved to the Pacific coast twice in a vain attempt to regain failing health. He was confirmed as a member of the Lutheran church at the age of 14. He realized better than others that the end was near. He leaves a wife and two sons. Six children have preceded him to the grave. He was a member of Excelsior Lodge, A.F. and A.M. 115, Uniontown, the Consistory of Fort Scott, and also a Workman. A large number of Masons attended the funeral.

Jan 25, 1907

pg 3, col 1

Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Greenfield celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary last Monday. Miss Minnie Greenfield of St. Louis, and Miss Minnie Helman, of Kansas City, came for the occasion and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield during this week.

pg 3, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage License:

Jan 18 - B.F. Orton and Miss Lola Gregg, both of Blue Mound, Kas.


Jan 16 - Andy Davis and Miss Nellie F. Doughty were married by the probate judge.

pg 4, col 3

Born: Frank Souls and wife are entertaining a beautiful young lady which arrived at their home Monday night. Weight 8 1-2 pounds. Name, Ida. [Uniontown news]

pg 7, col 4

Born: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Meeks Saturday a fine, large baby girl. Dr. W. S. Gooch, attending physician. [Mapleton news]

Born: Dr. and Mrs. Ball are the proud parents of a fine large boy that arrived at their home Tuesday morning, January 22. [Mapleton news]

Feb 1, 1907 [Last issue]

pg 2, col 1

Married: Charles Goss and Miss Lettie Pippin were married at the home of the bride last Wednesday by Squire Hilton. We extend our best wishes to this union. [Garland news]

pg 6, col 5

Died: Beulah Nonninger, January 26, 1907, aged 16 years, 7 months and 22 days. She was born in Dickinson county, Kas., June 4, 1890, and was married to Homer Price, May 15th, 1906. She leaves a husband and a young babe, 7 months old. Interment was made in Clarksburg cemetery on Sunday evening, conducted by F.M. Dyer. [Garland news]

pg 7, col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stradley, a little son Friday night.

Died: We report the death of Mr. Jesse Jennings of Marmaton Monday morning at seven o’clock of pleurisy.

pg 7, col 4

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallar are the proud parents of a fine, large boy that came to their home last Sunday morning. They are thinking of naming it Theodore Roosevelt.


Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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Last updated 6/13/2005

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