REEL #G861/KSHS Microfilm Collection

Van Brunt

Hiattville News
July 1908 through December 1908

Jul 3, 1908, pg 4, col 1

Born: A fourteen pound baby boy made his arrival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lushbough, the latter part of the week. (Garland news)

Jul 24, 1908, pg 4, col 1

Died: Carl Lundberg and wife brought their baby boy here last week for interment. They have returned to their home at Pleasant Green, Mo. (Garland news)

Died: The whole community has been saddened the past week on account of the death of two of its honored citizens. First Mr. [George] Smith departed this life in Kansas City at the hospital Monday evening, at 10:40 o’clock. The body arrived here Wednesday morning for funeral services, which were held at the U. B. church at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Rev. O. G. Huling, our pastor and friend, preached the funeral. The body was laid to rest in Marmaton cemetery by the side of his little child. George leaves a wife, son, daughter and three grand children to mourn. Their loss is his eternal gain. And:

Died: Then again, Friday morning, at 10 o’clock, William Creamer, better known as Granddad Creamer, passed on to the glory world after suffering intensely for the past fourteen weeks. He leaves a wife and four children - two sons and two daughters - and seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Rev. O. G. Huling, who was with him in his last hours, conducted the funeral services in the U. B. church. The body was laid to rest in the Marmaton cemetery. Granddad was an old soldier and was only discharged from duty after services of three years. There was a profusion of flowers at both funerals. Both men were fast friends. (Marmaton news)

Aug 14, 1908

pg 1, col 3

Married: Quite a number of friends of Miss Bertha Wallace and Will Sherbeck will be surprised to learn of their wedding Thursday evening, August 13, 1908, at the residence of Rev. Evans of the M. E. church, Fort Scott, Kansas. Miss Bertha Wallace is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wallace of this city, and is well known to every one in this vicinity, where she was raised. Mr. Sherbeck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sherbeck, formerly of this place, but now of Pulaski, Ia. Mr. Sherbeck had been visiting friends here since last Saturday, but gave no inkling to his most intimate friends of the approaching ceremony, so that it came as a surprise to many. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Evans at 5 p.m., at his residence, and witnessed only by the immediate relatives. The newly made man and wife left for their future home at Pulaski, Ia., Friday morning. We must congratulate "Teddy," as he was well known, on securing one of the best young ladies of this community, and are sure their friends will join with us in wishing them a full measure of success and happiness.

pg 3, col 3

Engaged: Cards have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Atkisson announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Lena, to Mr. Arthur F. Pape. The wedding will occur the evening of August 17, at 8 o’clock, at the Atkisson residence, seven miles north of Hepler. It also is the anniversary of Miss Lena’s 21st birthday. (Gibson news)

Aug 21, 1908

pg 1, col 3

Died: It again becomes the duty of the News to announce another death in this vicinity - that of Irshal Kistler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kistler, who reside about seven miles northwest of Hiattville. Irshal was well known to many of the people in the immediate vicinity of Hiattville, and very much loved and respected by his immediate friends and neighbors. He was born January 30, 1888, and died August 19, 1908. His death is certainly a sad one, in that he was beginning a life so full of promise for one of his years. After preparing himself as best he could in the common schools, he spent three years in Iola attending school and one year in Pittsburg in fitting himself for a business course. For the past year he has had the position of stenographer for the county attorney of Crawford county. The fact that he was an upright young man and was well thought of in all the places that it had been his lot to live, was shown by there being quite a number of people from both Girard and Iola in attendance at his funeral, which was held at the home, after which interment was made in the Dunkard cemetery, near Redfield. The cause of his death was typhoid fever. [See below @ Aug 28, 1908 for additional obituary.]

pg 4, col 2

Died: The death of Mrs. Margaret Van Brunt occurred on Tuesday afternoon at her home northwest of Garland. Will give particulars next week. She had been ailing since her husband’s death a short time ago. Most of the relatives were present. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. B. Mackenzie. (Garland news) [See above @ May 22, 1908 for Mr. Van Brunt’s obituary.]

Aug 28, 1908, pg 5, col 3

Died: Again the death angel has entered a home and taken a flower from its midst in the person of Irshal Lloyd Kistler. He was born January 30, 1888, at Golden City, Mo., where he is remembered as the little boy who sang a tune before he could talk, and later sang solos in the church there, while his fondness for music still grew. At the age of 10 he moved with his parents to the farm in which they now reside, near Hiattville, and when fourteen years of age graduated from the Bourbon county schools. He spent the next three years in the Iola high school, and labored during vacation to pay his expenses there. He next took a course in the Pittsburg Business college, from which he graduated and soon afterward securing a position as stenographer for the county attorney of Crawford county, which he held at the time of his death from typhoid fever. His mother was soon summoned to his bedside, but after one week’s sickness he was brought home, where all that medical skill and loving aid could do was done to alleviate his malady, but all to no purpose, for the Heavenly Father called, "Come up higher," and his soul took flight on Wednesday morning, August 19, at 3:30 o’clock. The anxious fear of a loving mother possessed Mrs. Kistler, so she talked with her son during the early part of his illness, asked him to pray and to trust in God, which he frankly promised and did. Near the close of life he called all the family to his bedside, kissed them and bade them good-bye. He was an exemplary young man, having lived a pure, honest and upright life, and made friends wherever he went, so they are numbered by scores in every community in which he has resided. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Howell of the Presbyterian church, at the home, Thursday morning, after which interment was made in the Dunkard cemetery. The pallbearers were selected from his friends at Iola and Girard. The floral offerings were profuse coming from his Sunday school mates, the clubs to which he belonged and many other loving friends. A good and pure life has been planted above and Mr. and Mrs. Kistler, with their remaining ____ sons and one daughter, have the tender, heartfelt sympathy of the community in this hour of bereavement. (Fort Scott Republican)

Sep 4, 1908

pg 1, col 3

Birthday: "Mrs. Forsyth Surprised" - Last Tuesday evening a large number of neighbors of Mrs. C. P. Forsyth made a successful surprise on her at her home, the occasion being Mrs. Forsyth’s birthday. It had been planned by Mr. and Mrs. Cleland and Mrs. Forsyth to drive up to Fort Scott Tuesday morning, and the neighbors were to be at the Forsyth place when they returned, but on account of the rain of the night before they had to abandon their trip. Mrs. Forsyth, however, made preparations to go on the afternoon passenger, and it was only after skillful maneuvering that she was induced to stay at home. Of course she was very pleasantly surprised, not only by her friends, but by the refreshments which they brought with them, which consisted of ice cream and many delicious cakes. Among those present were the following and their families: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wortman, Mrs. and Mrs. F. C. Huss, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boileau, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren, Mr. and Mrs. M. McNally, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Elledge, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wortman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scholl, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dorsett, Mrs. Fred Strasser, Mr. and Mrs. Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. B. Neil, Mrs. B. F. Hixon, Mr. and the Misses Kennel, and Miss Forsyth. Such an enjoyable evening was spent with the music and other amusements, that it was a very late hour when all left, voting the affair a success in every way, and wishing Mrs. Forsyth many more such occasions.

pg 3, col 3

Married: Miss Grace VanArsdale and Mr. Lee Vail of Fort Scott were married at the residence of the bride’s mother Sunday afternoon. Rev. True of the M. E. church of Hepler officiated. (Gibson news)

Sep 18, 1908, pg 1, col 2

Death: "Miss Leona Gish Dead, Passed Away at Mercy Hospital Sunday Night After a Short Illness, Had Many Relatives in the City But They Knew Nothing of Her Illness - Parents Arrived Last Night" - Miss Leona Gish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gish, who until two years ago resided on a farm in the south part of Bourbon county, died at two o’clock Monday morning after a short illness. Blood poison was given as the direct cause of death, but the entire affair is shrouded in mystery. Though she had numerous relatives residing in the city and surrounding country, none of them knew of her illness until yesterday morning when they were notified of her death. Relatives in the city did not know of her presence in Fort Scott, though she has been here for the past three weeks. Miss Gish came to Fort Scott three weeks ago from her home in Woodward, Ok., and was a guest at the home of Mrs. Earnest Camp on Market street. She was taken ill about ten days ago, but did not wish to have her relatives notified of her condition. Last Friday Dr. McDonald was called in on the case, and realizing at once that her condition was very serious, he asked that she be removed at once to Mercy hospital where she would receive more constant attention. She was taken to the hospital Friday evening. Her condition grew worse until Sunday night when she passed away. The remains were taken to the Else undertaking parlors where they were prepared for burial. After the arrival of her parents last night, the body was removed to the Konantz undertaking parlors. The parents were notified yesterday morning of her death, and arrived here yesterday evening from their home in Woodward, Ok. The shock of her death was a great blow to them as they did not know that she was sick. No arrangements have been made for the funeral. (Fort Scott Republican)

Sep 18, 1908

pg 1, col 4

Died: At her home two miles northwest of Hiattville, Mrs. Virgie Neil Goldsburry, of consumption. She was born Feb 29, 1882, an died September 14, 1908, being at the time of her demise 26 years, 6 months and 16 days of age. Her parents moved to this place when she was in her second year, and have since lived here. She was educated in the common schools at this place and surrounding neighborhood. About seven years ago she was married to F. S. Goldsberry, and lived at this place and Fort Scott at different times until a few months ago they moved to the Goldsburry farm northwest of town, where they lived until the time of her death. She joined the Baptist church several years ago and was affiliated with that body as long as they had an organization here. She leaves her husband, father, four brothers and three sisters, besides a host of friends, to mourn her death, her mother having preceded her several years ago. The relatives have the most profound sympathy in this, their hour of bereavement. [Note: The surname is spelled as both Goldsburry and Goldsberry in this article.] And: The late Mrs. F. S. Goldsberry was a member of the Triple Tie at this place and carried $1,000 insurance. In her death the local order lost its second member, Dr. Daugherty being the first member to die since the organization ten years ago.

pg 4, col 3

Died: Dr. John L. Daughterty was born January 22, 1857, at Tazwell, Va., and departed this life at his home in Hiattville September 11, 1908, being at the time of his death 51 years, 7 months and 20 days old. His education was mainly obtained in the common schools of Dade county, Mo., and the Ash Grove Christian college, after which he followed school teaching for a number of years. He was married to Miss Flora Wheeler in 1882 and a few years later took up a course of medicine at the Louisville, Ky., Medical College, matriculating from the same in 1889. He and his wife moved to this place in 1900, where he took up the practice of medicine, and in that practice he made a marked success, and continued his work until three months ago, when his health failed him and he was forced to give up his practice. About the first of August he went to Albuquerque, N.M., in hopes of regaining his strength, but it was too late, so he returned to his home in Hiattville only eight days prior to his death. He is survived by his devoted wife, two brothers and two sisters, besides several relatives and a host of friends who mourn his death. He was a member of the Triple Tie and Masonic orders of this place, his funeral being conducted under the auspices of the latter. The services were held at the M. E. church Sunday morning, the sermon being preached by Rev. R. S. True, after which the Masons took charge and gave their burial service at the grave. It can safely b said that it was the largest funeral ever held in Hiattville, hundreds of people coming from miles in every direction to pay their respects to the deceased. Heartfelt sympathy from all the townspeople and surrounding community is extended the bereaved.

Oct 2, 1908, pg 4, col 2

Married: At high noon, September 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Golden, in Garland, the marriage of their daughter, Ida Lena, to Elmer C. Huffine, was solemnized. Preceding the ceremony the vocal solo, "Tomorrow," was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Christofferson. As the clock struck 12 the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Mrs. Mae Hewitt, of Kansas City, Mo. The bride was attended by Miss Anna Golden, of Garland, and Miss Ethel Davis, of Tacoma, Wash. The groom was attended by Dr. Fred Albright, of Great Bend, Kas., and Mrs. Earl Huffine of Kansas City, Mo. A short and impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. E. H. Tannehill, pastor of the M. E. church, after which the congratulations of about sixty friends and relatives were tendered to the happy couple. The guests were then invited to the dining room, where an elaborate dinner was served. The parlors were decorated with ferns and golden rod, and the dining room in pink and white. A public reception was given from 6 to 9 p.m. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Mae Hewitt and Miss Nettie Hewitt of Kansas City; Mrs. A. L. Strode, Miss Lizzie Hughes and H. G. Huffine and family of Fort Scott; Mr. C. L. Day and Mrs. Irva and Para Basham, of Arcadia. The couple were the recipients of many useful presents. We offer heart congratulations.

Oct 9, 1908

pg 1, col 3

Died: Everyone in this neighborhood was very much surprised and grieved to learn of the sudden death of Mr. S. G. Hixson, who lived a mile east of town, last Saturday morning. The news first came to town that Mr. Hixson had sustained serious injuries through a fall, but later it was found that he had gone out to the barn to attend to his horses, preparatory to raking hay for a neighbor, and was at the door of the barn when he suddenly dropped dead, presumably from heart disease. Mrs. C. B. White of Fort Scott, a daughter of the deceased, was visiting her parents at the time, which was certainly a coincidence and a great help to Mr. Hixson, who would have been utterly alone had Mrs. White not been there. Mr. Hixson was a native of New Jersey, being born at Hopewell, N.J., December 22, 1831, where he lived until 1857. In 1851, he married Miss Elizabeth Atchly, and in 1857 moved to Illinois, where he remained until 1867, when he became a resident of Kansas, and for many years has lived in this vicinity, but living a very quiet life. His first wife died October 15, 1890, and on March 30, 1892, he married Mrs. Sawyer. He left three children, Lon Hixson, who lives near Arkansas City, Kas., Mrs. C. B. White of Fort Scott, and John Hixson of Anthony, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. John Hixson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White and children, were the only relatives present at the funeral, which was held at the Methodist church by Rev. Ray True. Interment was made at the Hiattville cemetery. Mr. Hixson at the time of his death, October 3, was 76 years, 9 months and 17 days old. The relatives have our sincere sympathy.

Died: Stephen G. Hixon was born at Hopewell, N.J., December 23rd, 1831 and died at his home one mile east of Hiattville, October 3rd, 1908, being at the time of his demise, 76 years, 9 months and 17 days of age. He was reared to manhood in his native state and married to Miss Elizabeth Atchley on February 22nd, 1851, living in New Jersey until 1857 when they moved to Illinois and ten years later they emigrated to Kansas. To them was born two sons and one daughter, John T., Alonzo C., and Ida M. White, all living. His wife died October 15, 1900 and he was on March 30th, 1902 married to Mrs. Minnie Sawyer who still survives him. Besides his immediate family he is survived by one brother, two brothers and one sister having gone before. Mr. Hixon has always lived a consistent Christian life and his presence in Sunday School and church will be greatly missed. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for about forty years.

pg 4, col 4

Died: "His Death Was Sudden, S. G. Hixon Fell Dead Yesterday Morning at His Home Near Hiattville, Was Father of Mrs. Byron White of This City and Was well Known Here - Health Had Been Good" - S. G. Hixon who resided two miles east of Hiattville on a farm, and who was one of the well known and influential men of that section of the county, died suddenly yesterday morning from an attack of heart disease. His death was a great surprise to his family and friends as he had been in good health and had at no time complained of feeling ill. Mr. Hixon was the father of Mrs. Byron White of this city, who was visiting at his home at the time of the death of her father, and Mr. White was notified at once of his death. Mr. Hixon did not complain of feeling sick yesterday morning, and after breakfast started out to do up the regular farm work. Some of the horses had escaped and were loose in the yard. He corralled them in the barn after running them a short distance, and it is this exertion that probably brought on the attack that resulted in his death. He had evidently fallen as he stepped from the barn, as he was found lying backward across the door sill. Every effort was made to revive him, but he could not be aroused and was evidently dead when found, death having resulted instantly. Mr. Hixon was about seventy years of age and had always enjoyed good health. He was well known in the Hiattville neighborhood, and the news of his death spread quickly. A message was at once sent to Byron White of this city, who left for Hiattville on the afternoon train. Mrs. White had been visiting her parents for the past several days and was there at the time of his death. (Fort Scott Republican) [Note the differences in the spellings of the names of the deceased and his first wife in the above articles.]

Oct 23, 1908

pg 4, col 4

Married: Friends and neighbors swooped down upon Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Martin on [Oct] 12th, and reminded them that it was their 37th marriage anniversary. They brought along well-filled baskets and a bounteous feast was soon spread. An enjoyable evening was spent in music and reminiscent story and song. Every child and grandchild was present and joined with zeal in the festivities. We trust this family may have man years of felicity and good health.

pg 4, col 5

Married: Miss Nancy Holeman, of near here, and Mr. Lawrence Leslie of Berlin, were united in marriage at the bride’s home on Wednesday noon, in the presence of a few friends and near relatives, Rev. Richardson of Missouri, officiating. Miss Holeman is a very attractive young lady and Mr. Leslie is an energetic young man of Berlin. They have the best wishes of a host of friends for a long, happy future. Also, @ pg 4, col 3: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Leslie gave a dinner for their son Lawrence and his bride, Thursday, and that evening a jolly crowd of serenaders gave them a call. May they spend a happy and prosperous married life is the wish of his many friends here.

Nov 6, 1908, pg 1, col 2

Died: Alexander Price Routh was born in February, 1846, and died in Hiattville, Kas., October 30, 1908. He had been failing in health for about a year, but was not thought to be in a dangerous condition until a short time before he died. Uncle Price, as he was best known, was a man with an upright character, always doing the right thing, no matter if he had to suffer the consequences, and will be missed in this town to a great degree. He leaves a son in Bisbee, Ariz., besides several relatives here and a host of friends. He was a member of the Masons and T.T.B.A. at this place. And @ col 1: W.H. Routh, B.L. Hobbs and I.P. Routh returned Tuesday in time to [accompany] the remains of "Uncle Price" Routh to Walnut, Mo.

Nov 20, 1908

pg 4, col 2

Family Reunion: A very enjoyable family reunion occurred last Saturday, Nov. 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wolfe, who reside on Route 2. It was a gathering of kindred, some of whom had not met for years. An excellent dinner was spread and joy reigned supreme. The following were present, together with the host, his wife and daughter, Miss Hazel: Thos. Ketner and wife of Hope, Ind.; Dave Ketner, wife and family; Thos. Ketner, wife and family; J. Rimbey, wife and daughter; Rult Day and the Misses Bertha, Berry and Edna Ketner of Katy, Mo., J. F. Ketner and wife; Charles Seavert and wife and Miss Minnie Ketner of Fort Scott; and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blake and Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Ketner of Garland.

Born: Grandpa Roberts was out early on Monday, stepping sedately over the tops of the telephones and shouting vociferously to the angels in the ethereal regions above. The "Deacon" is grandpa for the first time and, although he is past the meridian of life, he shouts like a youngster in knickerbockers. Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Roberts, the parents, are elated and proud of the wee baby girl. We offer salutations and congratulations.

pg 4, col 3

Born: The stork paid another visit to our vicinity a few days ago, and left a bouncing boy with Arthur Baker and wife. You can tell by the smile on Arthur’s face that he’s tickled - at least, mighty pleased.

Nov 27, 1908

pg 1, col 3

Died: Again the death angel has come into our midst and taken from us an old settler. The one claimed was Amos D. Nance, living six miles southeast of Hiattville. He took sick about 11 o’clock last Friday morning and at a little past 2 the end came. It was indeed a shock to his family and many friends. His wife was alone with him at the time he became ill, and immediately called his sons home and Dr. Keeler of Farlington was summoned, and did all that could be done, but in vain. Immediately after his death his many relatives were apprized of the fact and his two sisters in Oklahoma and brother and brother-in-law of Niotaze, Kas., came as soon as possible. G.A. Konantz of Fort Scott was notified and immediately prepared the body for burial, which was made in the Nance burial grounds, near Drywood. The funeral services were held at the home at 11 o’clock Sunday, the sermon being preached by Rev. R. S. True of Hepler. After the services the Workmen took charge of the remains. Mr. Nance had been a member of this order for many years and carried a policy for $2,000 in the same. Amos D. Nance was born in Curr county, Illinois, October 3, 1842. He moved to this state when 23 years old and has ever since lived in Crawford county. He was married to Sarah R. Williams September 25, 1873. To them were born eight children - Lee, of Pittsburg, and Harry, Thomas, and Ortawa [name is unclear], who all reside near or at home. He was preceded in death by Dell, Zachariah and Douglas. He is survived by his beloved wife and five sons, besides a host of relatives and friends. He died November 2, 1908.

pg 4, col 3

Born: An 11-pound baby girl came to the home of our agent, G. G. Croffoth and wife on Saturday night. (Garland news)

pg 4, col 4

Died: Mr. Geo. Boosinger, an old [resident] of this neighborhood, died at his home near Devon Monday. He will be laid to rest in the Centerville cemetery. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved.

Dec 4, 1908

pg 4, col 2

Born: Fred Brillhart and wife are entertaining a new daughter since last week. (Berlin news)

Family Reunion: Messrs. Joseph and Albert Eaton gave their regular Thanksgiving dinner Thursday in honor of their invalid sister, Sarah, who has been confined to her room for nineteen years with paralysis. It is the custom of her brothers to give her a Thanksgiving dinner every year. Their dinner always consists of roast goose and other good things which go to make up a Thanksgiving dinner, prepared by their own hands, as Mr. Eaton is a professional cook. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Fred Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore, Gertrude Moore, Earl Nuzum, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Edwards and children, Misses Bell and Mollie Green, Mr. Rape, Mr. Carpenter. All reported a fine time. [Names transcribed as published.]

Dec 18, 1908, pg 4, col 3

Married: Wedding bells have chimed again in the vicinity of Garland. Albert Runyan and Ella Singleton were united in marriage last week by Judge Hudson at Fort Scott. Their many friends extend congratulations. (Garland news)

January 1909 through April 1909

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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