REEL #G861/KSHS Microfilm Collection

Dyer & Kendall
Garland Gleaner
Garland Graphic

Garland Gleaner and Garland Graphic

Bourbon County’s Garland Gleaner was a weekly newspaper, published by Mark Scott on Saturday mornings in Garland, Drywood Township. The first issue was dated April 3, 1886. In July 1887, Dr. O. J. Bissell, became Editor, Publisher and Proprietor; Mark Scott continued as Local Editor. The paper ceased publication on October 1, 1887. From Thursday, December 14, 1905 to Thursday, March 22, 1906, another short-lived newspaper was published in Garland, the Garland Graphic, with W. L. Goheen as publisher. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Garland Gleaner [published from Apr 3, 1886 through Oct 1, 1887]

Apr 10, 1886, pg 1, col 2

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, three and one-half miles Southeast of Garland, Wednesday, the 7th, Miss Loa Brook, to Mr. C. W. Laird, of Mulberry Grove, Rev. Mr. Cullison officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Laird have gone to housekeeping on their farm near Mulberry Grove.

Apr 17, 1886, pg 1, col 3

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. M. Lahey, April 10th, a daughter.

May 1, 1886

pg 1, col 2

Born: We wondered what made H. W. Parker, our gentlemanly station agent, look so pleasant last week, so [we] asked him. He said he’d just got word from home and found he was the father of a bouncing ten pound boy, born April 16th.

pg 1, col 3

School Report: The following is the Roll of Honor of the Garland school for the month ending April 16, 1887 - Della Miller, Lulu Clopton, Willie and Charlie Denton, John Littleton, Gracie Million, Charlie Scott, Laura Huffine, Rosy Drummond, Jesse Million, Laura Moore, Flora Hiller, Walter Huffine, Elmer Huffine, and Cody Goss. Only the names of those who are neither absent nor tardy are placed on the Roll of Honor.

May 7, 1886, pg 1, col 4

Died: Fannie Evans, wife of C. D. Evans, living a few miles west of town, died April 29th.

May 15, 1886, pg 1, col 2

Born: May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Huffine, a son.

May 29, 1886, pg 4, col 1

Married: Last Wednesday [probably May 26th], Harrison Frease and Miss Nora Law, went to Scott and came back spliced. A few nights after the boys climbed up the attic, got their old muskets, hunted up their horns, listened for the jingle of a cow bell, then run the cow down, robbed her of the bell, and started for the home of Mr. Frease. All these with Pearl Painter, and Prof. Wells, made a jolly party. Arriving at the Frease farm, the fiddlers gave them a tune, then came the rattle of musketry, tooting of horns, jingle of cow bells, and the yells of about two dozen well ventilated lungs. This went on about two hours, then Mr. Frease came out and said, "Come in boys I’ve got enough." We found Mr. Frease prepared for the occasion. He had been to the line house and had some old Bourbon. This the older members took charge of, and passed around to the boys. In this way no one got more than they could carry, except the older members. After this was over, the fiddlers were brought in, and sawed off a few tunes. Then all went home, or tried to at least. (Clarksburgh news)

Jun 26, 1886

Died: On Thursday evening, June 24th, Andrew Ross, of Barton county, Mo. The funeral on Friday was well attended by numerous friends. His remains were laid to rest in Grove Cemetery, Mulberry. (Mulberry Grove news)

Aug 21, 1886, pg 4, col 3

Born: It’s a girl. She arrived yesterday [Aug 20th] and weighs 9 pounds. Tom Walker sets up the cigars and we are happy and we guess the rest are.

Sep 4, 1886, pg 2, col 2

Died: Last Sunday morning [Aug 30th], the 10 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Neal.

Oct 2, 1886, pg 1, col 2

Married: Dr. W. R. Abbott, formerly of Garland, was married near Metz, Mo., the 14th [of Sep]. The Dr. was here but a short time, but he left many warm friends who wish him unbounded success in his matrimonial career.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Rousey, Sept. 26, a daughter. Johnnie says there’s a mistake somewhere, for he’s been married four years and it should have been a boy. If you want to know how badly disappointed he was, ask the Colonel about it.

Oct 9, 1886, pg 5, col 5

Married: At Fort Scott last Sunday [Oct 3] by Rev. Brant, Mr. J. Shoemaker, of Clearwater, to Mrs. Allie Ward, of Scott. Thanks to Monroe Dyer for the cake. Below a list of presents: Glass orange dish, Miss Ella Clyburn; linen table cloth, Dyer & Kendall; silver butter dish, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kearby; cut glass tea set, Miss Lottie Mears and Miss Mamie Clyburn; glass water pitcher, M. G. Glasscock; glass cake basket, John and Jennie Phillips; glass pitcher, Miss Maggie Harris; set silver teaspoons, Miss Eva Metcalfe; pair Bohemian vases, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metcalfe; counterpane, L. H. Hurst and wife. The bridesmaids were Lottie Mears and Mamie Clyburn, the groomsmen Monroe Dyer and Mr. Marsh.

Oct 16, 1886, pg 2, col 2

Died: Oct 13th, 1886, Grover, son of T. J. and Julia Littleton, aged two years and twenty-three days.

Oct 23, 1886

pg 1, col 5

Born: October 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sparks, of Clarksburgh, a daughter, weighing eight pounds.

pg 3, col 1

Born: Top Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Million, October 18th, a daughter. The mother is doing well, but the father is slightly off his kerwhirl [sic].

Nov 13, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Married: Mr. S. J. Bryant was married to Miss S.E. Clyburn last Sunday, [Nov] 7th, in Barton county, Mo., by Rev. S. P. Cullison. Both of the above parties are so well known here that it is not necessary to give them an extended notice here. We join with their many friends in wishing them a pleasant voyage down the stream of time.

Jan 1, 1887, pg 4, col 2

Married: Mr. L. M. Kendall, of Diller, Nebraska, will be married tomorrow (Sunday) to Miss Lottie Mears, of this city, at the M.E. church at 6:30 p.m. Both parties are highly esteemed and respected by all who know them, and The Gleaner wishes them naught but sunshine through life. [See following extensive article.]

Jan 8, 1887, pg 4, col 1

Married: In the M.E. church in Garland, on Sunday evening at 7 o’clock, Mr. Jacob Kendall of Diller Nebraska, and Miss Lottie Mears of Garland, were united in the Holy bonds of wedlock, by Rev. S. P. Cullison. After the nuptial knot had been tied, the newly married couple, accompanied by about fifty relatives and near friends, repaired to the residence of the bride’s mother, where a reception was given, after which, we were seated at the festal board, which fairly groaned underneath its weighty load of toothsome viands. It is unnecessary to add that we felt that "it was good for us to be there." Mr. Kendall is a brother of E. W. Kendall, of the firm of Dyer & Kendall and is an intelligent and highly respected young man and a consistent member of the Methodist church. During his visits to Garland he has won a host of friends, who wish him unbounded success in his journey through the meandering scenes of life. His estimable bride is too well known here to need comment from our unworthy pen. She and her mother have been residents of Garland and vicinity for many years. She is also a member of the Methodist church, and has been an untiring and valiant worker in our church and sabbath school. She leaves a vacancy in our social circle which none other can ever fill, and many and loving are the hearts that sadly regret her departure from our midst. Her large circle of friends in Garland and vicinity unite in imploring Heaven’s choicest blessings upon her who, amid the cold frowns of an unfriendly world, has ever proven a faithful Christian, and a kind, loving, and devoted friend. The happy couple left on the noon train last Monday, for their future home in Nebraska. That their bark of life may glide tranquilly down the silvery stream of time, and at last be safely and peacefully anchored in the haven of eternal rest, is the desire entertained by us all. They were the recipients of many valuable and beautiful presents [lengthy list follows].

Jan 15, 1887, pg 1, col 1

Married: At Fort Scott, on Thursday [Jan 13], by Judge B. J. Waters, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson to Miss Nona Drummond, all of Garland.

Jan 22, 1887, pg 1, col 1

Died: On last Sunday evening [Jan 16], of congestion of the lungs, Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Drummond, aged four years.

Died: On Wednesday afternoon [Jan 19], of congestion of the stomach, Mamie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.I. Huffine, aged two years.

Jan 29, 1887, pg 1, col 1

Died: On Thursday morning [Jan 27], five miles east of Garland, B. Lacifield, son of James Lacifield. His death was caused from an injury received by scuffling with another boy.

Mar 12, 1887, pg 4, col 1

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Burlingame, March 11th, a daughter.

Jul 23, 1887, pg 4, col 3

Died: From J. W. Odom of Cato, we learn that the little child of Dr. M. Coryell died in Ft. Scott last Sunday, [Jul] 17th. This makes the third death in the family within fifteen days. First his wife July 2nd, Harry, his oldest of two children July 10th and this the second and last child. It is a sad an sorrowful visitation and one that calls forth the profoundest sympathy of the entire community.

Jul 30, 1887, pg 3, col 2

Died: Near Hiattville, Bourbon county, Kansas, Friday, July 22, 1887, Mrs. Agnes Odgers, age about seventy years.

Died: At Hiattville, Bourbon county, Kansas, Friday, July 22, 1887 at 5 o’clock p.m., Frank Ball of Harrisonville, Mo. The corpse was placed on board the 2 p.m. train and taken to his home for interment, accompanied by a brother an two sisters.

Died: In Barton county, Mo., a few miles of this city, July 27, a child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brannon, age 1 year and 9 months.

Aug 6, 1887, pg 1, col 2

Died: This week we are called upon to chronicle the death of Phoebe L. Fritts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fritts, of Liberal, Mo. Mr. Fritts and family were formerly residents of Garland, and have many friends here who deeply sympathize with them in this the sad hour of their deep affliction. May the just God who controls the universe, and tempers the wind to the shorn lamb be with them in their deep sorrow and cause them to realize that Phoebe has gone to dwell with Him who said, "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Sep 10, 1887, pg 3, col 1

Married: Frank Cheek, of Kansas City, was married to Miss Allie Long, of Garland, last Saturday [Sep 3], at the residence of the bride’s parents at Garland. There is "Cheek" for you. ‘Taint fair to have our fairest flower plucked by non-residents. If the court please, we object.

Sep 17, 1887, pg 2, col 2

Died: At the residence of her parents, one mile North of Arcadia, on Friday, September 9th, 1887, of typhoid fever, Miss Lucindia Lasure, aged 17 years, 6 months and 17 days.

Oct 1, 1887 [Last issue]

pg 2, col 1

Married: By Rev. J. E. Whitehead on Sept. 27th, 1887, at the residence of J. G. Huber, at Litchfield, Ks., Joseph Huber, of Litchfield, to Miss Mabelle Davidson, of Frontenac.

pg 2, col 2

Married: On Sept. 23d, 1887, by the probate judge of Barton county, at his office in Lamar, Mo., Mr. A.S. Spegal to Mrs. Amelia Shirley, all of Arcadia.

Garland Graphic [published from Dec 14, 1905 through Mar 22, 1906]

Dec 14, 1905

pg 3, col 2

Died: Robert Hays, one of Bourbon county’s earliest inhabitants, died at Ft. Scott Dec. 5th and was buried in that city Dec. 7th.

pg 3, col 3

Married: John A. Allen and Miss Eva Anderson were married at Ft. Scott and are now receiving congratulations from their many friends at the home of the groom’s father west of Garland, the bride is one of Garland’s sweetest young ladies and the groom a rising young farmer of this community who enjoys the respect and good will of all. The Graphic reaches out its hand in hearty congratulation and wishes the young couple a long life and a happy one.

Died: Garland and Bourbon county lost one of its old settlers in the death of "Grandma" Blake, which occurred on November 30. She had reached the grand old age of four score years and one, and was loved and respected for her many good qualities and exemplary life by all who knew her. Mrs. Blake and her husband, ___ [Dan or Don] F. Blake who several years ago came to Kans. Soon after the war. We learn two sons and three daughters are left to mourn her loss. The funeral occurred Thanksgiving day.

Dec 28, 1905, pg 3, col 3

Died: The Christmas cheer was dampened in a great extent to the people of Garland by the announcement Christmas morning of the passing away of "Grandma" Golden, which occurred between 11 and 12 o’clock eve. Although this was not unexpected, it came as a shock to this community and an unconsolable blow to her family who were looking forward to another happy Xmas with ‘mother.’ Mrs. Sarah Golden was born Sarah Hornbeck, near Circleville, Ohio, March 9, 1826, being at the time of her death 69 years 10 months and 4 days old. At the age of 9 years she moved with her family to Hancock county, Ills. On January 4th, 1855, she was married to Mahlon Golden. Of this union 7 children were born, six of whom are still living, three sons and three daughters. There are also two grandchildren. With her family she moved to Vernon county, Mo., in the spring of 1871 and there resided until they removed to Garland a few years ago. Mr. Golden’s death occurred 8 years ago. Mrs. Golden was loved and cherished by all who knew her and to those who were privileged with intimate friendship she showed a character of sweet, pure womanliness that endeared her with a love of her for just what she was, a daughter who came into the world and left it better for having been here. May those who have had a kindred tie severed, take consolation in the perfect knowledge that ‘Mother’ awaits you there, that her kindly eyes are on you and her dear heart still with you, with a loving beckon to earn and share a like reward.

Jan 18, 1906

pg 2, col 1

Died: James Quick, one of Bourbon county’s oldest and most prominent citizens, after being sick with pneumonia only four days, died at his home near Redfield, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. Quick was born in Pennsylvania, in Junietta county, May 23, 1834, May 23 1834. His parents were natives of Ireland, one brother being buried at sea on a long voyage coming over to Americas before the days of steamships. He went to California in the early fifties, when the gold fever was at its height but remained there only a short time and returned to Pennsylvania. In 1860 he came to Kansas, and returned to Pennsylvania when the war broke out. At the close of the war, after deciding to return to Kansas, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Smith, and came to Ft. Scott and entered into the commission business. He was successful, and moved later to Marmaton, the old county seat. He invested in lands in and near there. He afterwards took up the homestead near Redfield, where he has since resided. He added to his land holding until, for the many years past, he has been one of the largest land owners in Bourbon county. He gave up all other business years ago except that of active farming, to which he devoted his personal attention, his farms all being noted for their thorough cultivation, cleanliness and method. He always put in the best improvements and was enterprising and up-to-date. He had the respect of and was honored by all who knew him, irrespective of politic or religion. In politic he was an old Andrew Jackson democrat - but never would allow his name used for office. Mr. Quick is survived by his wife and the following children: Edward and James Quick, and Mrs. Henry Green of Redfield; Mr. D. G. Cobb, of Ft. Scott; Mrs. J. R. Lynch of Lindsborg, Kansas; Herbert Quick of Wichita, and John Quick of Colorado Springs. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the home of the deceased at Redfield.

Jan 25, 1906, pg 3, col 3

Died: James Kirby, an old resident of Bourbon county who died from the effect of a stroke of paralysis at 4 o’clock last Saturday morning [probably Jan 13th], was buried at Tweedie cemetery last Sunday. The funeral was held at his late residence being conducted by F. M. Dyer, an old and personal friend of Mr. Kirby and family. James Kirby was a native of County Kilarney, Ireland and came with his parents to American when but four years of age. He lived in New York City about 4 years, moving to Pennsylvania, thence to Ills., where he enlisted in the 122nd, Co. K Illinois infantry and put in full service throughout the war, being mustered out in 1865. He came directly to Bourbon county where he has resided continuously. Being an industrious hard working and honorable man, we was well liked and respected by all who knew him.

Feb 1, 1906, pg 3, col 6

Birthday: "A Birthday Party in Bronaugh" - Mrs. Charlie M. Davis (nee Goodhart) entertained a number of relatives and friends Sunday, Jan. 28 in honor of her 24th birthday. Among those present were Mr. Nel Seitz and family and Ray Goodhart, all from Garland. Mr. Jas. A. Prout and wife were there with their phonograph. At 1 P.M., we all sat down to a prepared dinner, the main item of the menu being "roast goose." All present enjoyed themselves and wish Mamie many happy anniversaries of the event. Signed: One Present.

Feb 8, 1906, pg 3, col 4

Married: At the home of the bridegroom on Wednesday Feb 7, Mrs. Robert Wilson, widow of the late Robert Wilson, and Mrs. John Leisl. The marriage was quite a surprises to their many friends. The Graphic wishes them much joy.

Feb 15, 1906, pg 3, col 3

Birthday: Mr. James McCann celebrated his 94th birthday last Saturday.

Mar 8, 1906, pg 3, col 3

Died: T. L. Ledbrook, an old and respected citizen of Bourbon county was buried at Uniontown last Friday. He leaves no family except a wife and two half brothers. He was quite wealthy.

Mar 15, 1906, pg 3, col 3

Died: Mrs. Anna Burns Emrick, wife of Isaac Emrick, at her home Southwest of town Sunday evening March 11th. Aged 41 years 2 months and 17 days, Mrs. Emrick was born in Green Briar county, W. Va. Dec 24th, 1864. She was married to Isaac Emrick July 4, 1884. Six children were born to this union, five are left to mourn her loss with an afflicted husband. As a wife she was devoted, none better, as a mother she was loving and patient, as a neighbor she was kind. She was converted at 16 and united with the Baptist church. The funeral services were conducted at the home by F. M. Dyer and interment was made at Heavensides cemetery. We can only say "Rest in peace," we hope to meet thee in Heaven. (Signed "A Friend")

Mar 22, 1906, pg 3, col 4 [Last issue]

Candidate for Office: "He’s An Old Timer," Col. J. B. Duerson Came to Bourbon County in 1863 and Has Lived Here Since That Time - [Col Duerson was a candidate for County Treasurer; the article provides a bio profile for voters.] Col. Duerson landed in Ft. Scott August 14, 1863, when a lad of 13 and for forth-three years he has continuously resided in Marion Township. He case his first vote in the fall of 1872 for U. S. Grant and espoused the principles of republicanism, and has always remained true to his first love. As a farmer he was a success, and as an auctioneer he is a decided success. For seven years he conducted the county farm on a very satisfactory basis, raising its standard financially and morally, to a point to which it had not previously attained, and had he so desired could still have been master of ceremonies at the county hostelry. By good management and frugal industry, couple with an ambitious desire for this world’s goods, he has collected around him a neat competency, being now a large land owner and heavy tax payer in whose hands Bourbon county’s finances would be judiciously cared for. He is a careful financier and a man of well trained judgment, and his knowledge gained from the experience of a self made man, as well as his long residence in Bourbon county, entitles him to the careful consideration of the republican party on the date called for the nomination of county treasurer.


Businesses - April 3, 1886

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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