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Fulton Independent
August 1884 through June 1885

Bourbon County’s Fulton Independent was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated August 8, 1884, was published on a Friday; beginning August 30, 1884, issues were published on Saturdays. A. W. Felter was Editor/Publisher. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Bisson (

Fulton Independent

Aug 8, 1884 pg 3, col 2

Died: Dr. J. B. Brittan at 10 o’clock last Wednesday [Aug 6] night. Aged about 50 years. Dr. Brittan was a skillful physician and surgeon, and a man well known to the people of the community. He leaves quite a large family and host of friends to mourn his loss.

Sep 6, 1884, pg 2

col 1

Married: On the 26th [of August], at the P.M. parsonage, by the Rev. J. F. Wayland, Miles Love to Miss Rose Campbell, both of this city. It is with pleasure we make this announcement, and we hope, together with a host of friends, that the young couple may enjoy the pleasures of this life for many long years together. In fact, Miles, we wish you much joy. (Moran Herald)

col 2

Died: Thursday evening, August 21st, 1884, at the residence of E.A. Wright, one mile north of Bronson, after a brief illness, Miss Matie Banks. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. W. T. Ready, at the church, at 3 o’clock P.M., after which the remains were interred in the Bronson cemetery. A large concourse of friends attended at the last sad ceremonies. (Bronson Pilot)

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Starkey, August 24th, 1884, a daughter. (Bronson Pilot)

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Sheldon, August 23rd, 1884, a son. (Bronson Pilot)

Sep 27, 1884, pg 3

col 1

Married: Albert Todd and Miss Effie Warner were married last Wednesday [Sep 24]. Squire Stone lost the job by asking too high a fee.

col 4

Married: Mr. Wm. Ford, of Bronson, was married at Kansas City, Mo., on September 19, 1884, to Miss Sarah Byrne, of the latter place, and on last Thursday evening a reception was given at Mr. A. Ford’s residence one-half mile east of Bronson, which was attended by many friends of the family, and was an elegant affair.

Oct 4, 1884, pg 3

col 4

Married: In Iola, on Tuesday, [Sep] 16th, by Justice Harris, Miss Susan B. Harris, of Yates Center, and J. Hudkins of Moran. (Moran Herald)

col 5

Married: On Thursday evening, September 18th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin, the bride’s parents, three miles southwest of Bronson, J.L. Edson, of Ft. Scott and Miss Annie McLaughlin, Rev. J. D. Murphey, of the Baptist Church of Ft. Scott, officiating. (Bronson Pilot)

Married: At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Osborn, in this city, on Tuesday, September 27, 1884, J. S. Cummings, J.P. officiating, Frank Howard, of Uniontown, was married to Miss Laura Anderson, of Bronson. (Bronson Pilot)

Died: September 13, 1884, of paralysis, at the home of his son-in-law, Chas. Betry, three miles east of Bronson, Wm. A. Higly, aged 76 years. Deceased was born in the State of New York and moved to Wisconsin in the year 1844, and from there to Missouri, and two years ago he moved to this county. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Morrison, after which the remains of this aged patriarch were laid to rest in the Bronson cemetery. (Bronson Pilot)

Col 6

Married: Joseph Rhodes to Miss Mary E. Pruitt, all of this city, the 22nd [of Sep]. (Humboldt Inter-State)

Died: John Hutching, aged nine months and eighteen days, the son of Giles and America Hutchings [sic], the 18th of September, 1884, of scarlet fever. The parents tender their heart-felt thanks to all those good friends who aided them in their bereavement. (Humboldt Inter-State)

Married: On the 30th [of Sep], at the bride’s home, W. S. Thompson to Miss Nora McGehee, Judge Bond officiating. (Humboldt Inter-State)

Married: On the 28th, Mr. S. Downing to Mary E. Boone. (Humboldt Inter-State)

Oct 18, 1884, pg 3

col 1

Born: Mrs. Simmons presented her liege with a ten and-a-half pound boy last Sunday morning [Oct 12].

col 2

Died: We have received word of the death of Mrs. Kirby, of Uniontown, Kansas, who was one of the oldest settlers in this part of Kansas. She and her husband settled here in 1858. One by one the old settlers are passing away, and soon the pioneers who first viewed this goodly land of Kansas will be known only in history.

Oct 25, 1884, pg 3, col 4

Died: At her residence in Hume, Tuesday night, October 14, 1884, Sarah A., wife of Harvey P. Jones, in the 21st year of her age, of a complication of malarial and puerperal septicaemia fever.

Nov 1, 1884, pg 3

col 4

Married: At the residence of the bride’s uncle, Hiram Speaks, on Sunday, October 19th, 1884, by Squire Atkins, George W. Ward and Sarah Speaks, all of Petosi township. (Pleasanton Herald)

col 5

Died: At Carbon Center, on Monday evening, the 20th [of Oct], of cholera infantum, Olive, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hulett. The remains were interred at Rich Hill on Tuesday. Mrs. Hulett is a daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Duncan, of this place. Thus another little loved one has gone home to live forever in the house not made with hands. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large number of friends in this place and at Carbon Center. (Hume Star)

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Cox, a son, on the night of the 10th [of Oct]; weight seven pounds - and still growing. Marion is as happy as a big sunflower.

Married: At the A.M.E. Church of Mound City, on Wednesday evening, October 22, 1884, by W. A. Trigg, Probate Judge, Mr. Henry Daniels and Miss Sarah A. Hollis, both of this city. (Linn County Clarion)

Married: At Trading Post, Kans., October 16, 1884, by Rev. S.W. Lorimer, Mr. Irvin Gibson and Miss Carrie E. Johnson, of Linn County. (Linn County Clarion)

Nov 1, 1884, pg 3, col 1

Died: On Tuesday morning last [Oct 28], an infant child of Mrs. M. V. Allen. And thus another tender bud has been plucked from earth to bloom in Paradise.

Nov 8, 1884, pg 3, col 2

Born: On Wednesday evening [Nov 5], to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Downey, a son.

Nov 15, 1884, pg 3, col 2

Died: On Saturday evening last [Nov 8], at the family residence in Fulton, Jennie, daughter of W. W. Booth, aged four years. Little Jennie was a lovely child, and was possessed of more than average intelligence for one of her age. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the entire community in the hour of their sad bereavement. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church last Monday afternoon [Nov 10], Rev. V. Staley officiating.

Dec 6, 1884, pg 3, col 2

Married: Last Tuesday [Dec 2] C. E. Francis and Miss Ross, both of Franklin, were married at Ft. Scott. They stopped with J. H. Haines on their return, and the boys gave them an old fashioned charivari.

Married: Miss E. Farmer, of this place, to Mr. John Brown, of Iowa. We wish them unbounded joy, and a long and peaceful journey through life. Mr. Brown came from Iowa about three months ago, and is so well pleased with our sunny climate that he will remain among us. (Franklin dateline)

Dec 13, 1884

pg 2, col 2

Died: At her residence in Walnut township on Tuesday, November 25, 1884, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Margaret Bundy, wife of A.A. Bundy.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, on the evening of November 27th, Mr. A. L. Biebinger, of Madison, Nebraska, to Miss Trena Daughters, of Bronson, Kas., by Elder W. W. Hopkins. The many friends present heartily enjoyed the surprise and the wedding supper. The happy couple departed on Monday for their new home at Madison, Neb. We wish them much joy and happiness in their journey through life. (Bronson Pilot)

Died: The aged mother of L. Lane, who lives one mile north of town, died at her residence near Hammond, last week. Deceased was nearly one hundred years of age at the time of her death. (Prescott Eagle)

Dec 20, pg 2, col 1

Died: Mamie Ange died on the 4th of typhoid fever.

Died: On Saturday, December 6, Mrs. Elizabeth Park, aged about 77 years. She had resided in Kansas since 1854. (Linn County Clarion)

Dec 27, pg 4, col 3

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents at Fort Scott, December 25, ‘84, at 11 o’clock A.M., Mr. Chas. J. Gates, of Fulton, and Miss Ella D. Wickersham, of Ft. Scott. Rev. Barclay, of Ash Grove officiating. Mr. Gates occupies the position of president of the Fulton Nursery Co., and is one of our most enterprising and successful business men, while Miss Wickersham has filled with honor, for several years past, the position of Professor of Languages at the Kansas Normal College. The Independent joins with the people of Fulton in welcoming the bride to her new home, and wishes the happy couple a prosperous journey through life.

Jan 10, 1885, pg 3

col 1

Married: At 8 o’clock Thursday evening, Dec 25, 1884, at the residence of the bride’s parents, at Moran, Ks., Walter V. Lee and Miss Minnie Ross. (Moran Herald)

col 3

Died: We are heartily sorry to chronicle the death of little Alice, infant daughter of E. E. and Bessie Goodlander, which took place yesterday afternoon at their residence in the western part of the city. The cause of the little one’s death was spasmodic croup. Mr. and Mrs. Goodlander have the fullest sympathy of their friends and neighbors in being thus early forced to mourn the loss of their first born. We trust, however, that they will find consolation in that sacred saying which declares: "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven!" "Death is like a chilling frost, Sat upon her as upon the fairest flower of all the field.: (Ft. Scott Monitor)

col 4

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents at Mill Creek, this county, Mr. Geo. Wiltse and Miss Cynthia Roberts; Rev. A. K. Hall officiating. Mr. Wiltse is well and favorably known in this community as the junior member in the firm of D. A. Johnston & Co., druggists, while Miss Roberts has long held rank in the best society of that community, and is a vivacious and accomplished young lady. The Independent joins with the numerous friends of the contracting parties in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous journey through life. [Note: See Fulton Profiles on this site for more information about Geo. Wiltse]

Married: At the residence of Mr. Beckford, in Osage township, on New Year’s day, by Rev. G. H. Hinton, of the U. B. Church, Mr. Edwin Tucker and Miss Roena Beckford. Also at the same time and place, Mr. George Pryor and Miss Mary Varner.

Jan 24, 1885, pg 3, col 3

Married: On Wednesday evening, January 14, at the residence of H. H. Smyth, in Uniontown, Elmer C. Patterson, of Uniontown, and Miss Mattie Wright, of Bronson. At the same time and place, Joseph Wells, of Uniontown, and Miss Mattie Wright, of Bronson. ( Bronson Pilot) [Note this notice is typed as printed, however it would appear to be in error as it is unlikely that Miss Wright married both Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wells.]

Married: On the 9th [of January], at 12 o’clock, by Rev. Wayland, Chas. Jarred and Miss Clara Allen, both of Allen County. (Moran Herald)

Jan 31, 1885, pg 3, col 1

Died: Mr. Isaac Oliver died Wednesday night at the residence of his son-in-law, H. T. Shobe, at the mines. Mr. Oliver had reached the green old age of 78 years. The disease which terminated a long and active life was asthma. He will be buried at the Butler cemetery today.

Feb 2, 1885, pg 3, col 2

Married: A Mr. Wishard, of Mound City, and Miss Cora Henry, near Miami, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Wednesday. We trust they will live long, useful and contented lives.

Died: Miss Lizzie Sayre, of Moran, Kans., was accidentally shot by her sister, and died from the effects of the shot. Her remains were interred at the Moran Cemetery last Thursday.

Feb 14, 1885

pg 2, col 3

Married: The grandest wedding of the season took place last Wednesday, the 11th, at 4 o’clock in the evening, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. Davis, of Nevada, Mo., Mr. James Finley and Miss Nanie Deatley, both of Mapleton, being the contracting parties. A larger number of friends were present to witness the marriage ceremony and to bid the happy couple God speed on their pilgrimage through life. James Finley is one of our most enterprising your farmers and stock men, and is a gentleman in every respect, and his fair bride was one of the finest young ladies of this community. She has been one of the most successful school teachers in the county, considering the few years that she has taught. To know her is but to respect her, and Mr. Finley is now the happy man to honor her as his wife. The newly married couple have our best wishes, hoping that bright flowers may be strewn along their pathway through life, and that they may reach a bright and happy old age and their lives be crowned with many rich blessings.

pg 3, col 4

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Wednesday, Feb 11, 1885, by Rev. W. C. Porter, of Ft. Scott, Mr. Richard Simpson to Miss Anna Z. Ruble, youngest daughter of H. S. and Mary A. Ruble. The young and happy couple left for New Orleans on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Simpson is a young man universally respected by those who have formed his acquaintance, and his exit from the ranks of bachelors will be sadly deplored by many a maiden fair whose pleasure it has been to enjoy his society. Miss Ruble is of a family that stands high in the estimation of the entire community, and has many good qualities of head and heart that commend her to her intimate acquaintances. The good will of the Independent follows them in their voyage over life’s tempestuous ocean, and may they enjoy years of happiness and usefulness. [See also obituaries below for Mary Ruble’s parents; and the Fulton Business profiles on this site for more information about this family.]

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents in Fulton a 11:30 o’clock a.m., Sunday, February 8th, John S. Hughes to Miss Anna E. Green, both of Fulton. The bride is the oldest daughter of Judge W. H. Green and Mrs. Mary S. Green, old residents of our city, and is a young lady of much intelligence and very winning ways. We do not wonder that "Doc," as he is familiarly called by the boys, fell a victim to her bewitching glances and was carried into captivity by her. Mr. Hughes is a good, straight, hard working boy, and has the good will of everybody. The Independent joins with their numerous friends in wishing them happiness and prosperity.

Feb 21, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Died: On Friday morning last, after a brief illness, of congestive chills, Valentine Briltharte, of Rich Hill, Mo., aged about 65 years. The remains reached here on the 1:32 express Saturday afternoon, and were interred at the Dayton cemetery Sunday. Deceased held the office of postmaster at Dayton for some time and removed from there to Rich Hill, where he was engaged in business at the time of his death. He leaves a wife and numerous children to mourn his loss. His children are all married and settled in homes of their own. He owned a good farm near Dayton besides his property at Rich Hill.

Died: At her residence in Fulton, at about two o’clock on Monday morning, February 16th, Juliana H. Wilson, aged 62 years, 6 months and 11 days. The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church, of which she was for a great many years a member, at 9 o’clock on Tuesday morning. The discourse was delivered by Rev. V. Staley from Hebrews XI, and a portion of the 4th verse: "And by it he being dead yet speaketh." There was a large attendance at the church. Mrs. Wilson was born in Harrison county, Va., July 5th, 1824. Her maiden name was Rogers. She came to this county with her husband, Rev. Jas. S. Wilson, and family, in 1859. Her husband died some four years since in Oregon. Her illness was very brief. She retired Sunday evening apparently in usual health and excellent spirits. About midnight she called Mr. Green and family, who occupy a portion of her house, and told them she was dying. Medical aid was at once summoned and friends did all in their power to alleviate her sufferings, which were intense, but there was no power on earth to prevent life’s sands from ebbing away, and soon her voice was stilled in death. She leaves a son, J. B. Wilson, of Ft. Scott, and Mrs. Amelia F. Putman, who resides near Timber Hill, this county, and also a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who deeply mourn her loss. She lived the life of a conscientious and consistent Christian, and departed this life with the blissful immortality beyond the grave. By her sudden demise we are again reminded of the uncertainty of life and admonished to be ready and put our house in order.

Feb 28, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents in Mapleton, on Thursday, Feb 19, 1885, by Rev. Mr. Poinsett, Mr. Wm. Swank, of Blue Mound, to Miss Laura M. Hessong of Mapleton. The happy couple start out in their matrimonial pilgrimage through life with a fair and hopeful future before them. The parties have our best wishes that they may have a smooth path through life and reach a ripe old age in peace. The bride received many rich and valuable presents. Mr. Swank is in good circumstances; he owns a farm near Hepler, on which they will move in a short time. Your correspondent received a piece of the wedding cake, for which they happy couple will please accept our thanks. (Mapleton news item)

March 14, 1885

pg 2, col 1

Married: In Drywood township, Bourbon county, Kansas, February 27th, 1885, Mr. J. A. Emrick to Miss Amy Stroud, J. A. Bowman, J. P. officiating. (Fort Scott Tribune)

pg 3, col 4

Died: In Osage Township, Kans., at 9:30 o’clock on Sunday evening, March 8th, of typhoid pneumonia, after a brief illness, Henry S. Ruble, aged 54 years, 5 months, and 21 days. The funeral took place from the family residence on Tuesday, the 10th, Rev. Samuel Keyes officiating. The remains were interred at the Barnesville cemetery. A large number of friends and acquaintances attended. When a good man dies the community mourns. In the death of Mr. Ruble this community has sustained a very serious loss. He was a loving husband, a kind parent, and an excellent neighbor. His many deeds of kindness and Christian charity will long be remembered by the grateful recipients thereof, whose lives were made brighter and whose cares and troubles were made lighter by reason of his kindness and sympathy. Those to whom he was related by the ties of consanguinity have sustained an irreparable loss, and to them the sympathies of the whole community go out with fervent zeal in this the darkest hour of their lives. Let us hope that the examples and precepts of the deceased may bear rich fruits. Let us hope that the long and useful life of the deceased may not be devoid of good influences upon the lives of us who, through the dispensations of an All-wise providence, have survived him. Henry Ruble is dead, but his influence for good still lives, and will continue to exist for all time. He was, we believe, a man without an enemy; and yet he was a man of great firmness of purpose; and while he differed with many of us in our views upon the leading topics of the day; yet we always respected him for his honesty of purpose and uprightness of conduct as well as his gentlemanly and courteous manners. We extend to the bereaved family and friends our condolence in their great bereavement. [Note: See above for marriage of Mr. Ruble’s daughter, Anna Z. Ruble to Richard Simpson on Feb 14, 1885. See below for 1886 obit for Anna’s mother, Mary. Also, in Fulton Business Profiles on this site for more about the Ruble family. ]

Mar 21, 1885, pg 2, col 3

Died: At 9 o’clock a.m. Wednesday, March 18th, John E. Strickland, aged 31 years. The funeral took place from the M. E. church at 2 o’clock p.m., Thursday, [March] 19th, Rev. V. Staley officiating. The remains were interred at the Fulton cemetery. Mr. Strickland had been afflicted for the past two months with what is commonly called "white swelling," and his suffering was intense. He realized from the first that he could not recover. He leaves a wife and three small children to mourn his untimely loss. He had insurance on his life to the amount of $5,000 in the Kaw Valley and $2,500 in the Sedalia Mutual life insurance companies.

Married: At the residence o the bride’s parents in this city, Sunday evening, March 8, 1885, by the Rev. C. P. Spinning, Milo H. Overless and Miss Ada E. Morrell. (Prescott Eagle)

Married: At Pleasanton, March 5, 1885, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. C. P. Spinning, Mr. J. M. Heckman, of Leona, Kansas, and Miss Maggie Lowry, of this county. (Prescott Eagle)

Died: On Saturday, March 7, 1885, Amanda M., wife of William M. Ford, of this city, in the thirty-ninth year of her age. (Prescott Eagle)

Apr 4, 1885

pg 2, col 1

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents in Centerville township, on Sunday, March 22, 1885, by Rev. G. H. Hinton, Mr. Charles E. Holstein and Miss Allie M. Mundell. (Prescott Eagle)

pg 3, col 1

Died: Frank Keller buried an infant child at the Martin Cemetery last Tuesday.

col 2

Died: At 8 o’clock on Sunday evening last, John Deveraux, aged about 82 years. The funeral took place from Saint Patrick’s church, in this city, at 11 o’clock a.m., on Tuesday, March 31st, Rev. Father Wattoren, of Ft. Scott, officiating. There was a very large attendance at the funeral. The remains were interred at the Catholic cemetery near town. Deceased was born in County Tipperary in Ireland. He came to this county in 1857. His wife died about six years since. They were the parents of six children, five of whom are now living in Freedom township, three boys and two girls. Deceased was well known throughout this section as a honorable and upright man and a conscientious and devout Catholic.

col 3

Married: J. M. Ritchie was married to a Miss Copeland the latter part of last week, by the Rev.–well, well, we have forgotten the name of the individual who tied the nuptial knot.

Married: We were also informed that Justin Winship led to the altar a Miss Jones. We presume the information is correct, as we saw "Jut" loading up some furniture &c., at Ruble & Son’s store last Monday.

Apr 11, 1885

pg 2, col 1

Married: At the residence of the Circuit Clerk, Ft. Scott, Kans., by Rev. Boaz, Mr. Frank Shirley to Miss Claudia Roberts, both of Fulton, Kans. We are not informed as to the time when the "knot" was tied, but our greeting to the newly-married couple will be nonetheless hearty on that account. We wish them a pleasant voyage, and may their lives be useful ones. Of course, they could not think of keeping house without the Independent, so Frank just came around and ordered it first of all.

Married: At the residence of Isaac Scott, Fulton, Kans., on Thursday, April 2d, 1885, Theodore Hixson to Miss Maggie E. Simpson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. V. Staley. We join the glad throng of friends in wishing the young couple unalloyed bliss.

Pg 3, col 4

Died: At the residence of J. G. McElhiney, Fulton, Kans., at 6 o’clock on Saturday morning, Mr. Joseph Wallace, aged about 43 yrs. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church on Sunday [Apr] 5th, at 11 o’clock a. m., Rev. Samuel Keyes officiating. As to the birthplace of the deceased, nothing definite is known. It is supposed that his home was at Baltimore, Md., as he was often heard to speak of that city as his home. As to his family relations he was very reticent, and outside of the fact that he had a brother at one time in California, another at Huntington, Ind., and still another in Spain, nothing was, so far as we can learn, disclosed by him. From a memorandum found on a cover of one of the old books at the express office, in the handwriting of deceased, it seems that Osaga station (now Fulton) was opened October 25, 1870, and Joseph D. Wallace was the first operator. He remained in that position until about the first of June, 1871. He then worked on a farm and also followed carpentering near here for about three years. He then got a position at Sedalia, Mo., as train dispatcher, which place he filled about three years, after which he returned to this place and worked at carpentering about four years. He next got a position as station agent and operator at Fontana, Kans., where he remained about a year, after which he returned again to Fulton, where he has resided ever since. He had no relatives here, but he had many friends, for beneath a rough exterior was hidden a warm and tender heart. His will power was marvelous. Many a less resolute man would have succumbed to a fate that was inevitable years before he did. How cheerless indeed must have been his thoughts when he reflected upon the fact that not a single relative knew of his whereabouts or of his physical condition. Far from home and relatives and a victim to that fell disease, consumption, dying inch by inch, yet he did not choose to go to his friends and relatives, who no doubt would have received him with open arms. Kind friends he had who tenderly watched over him and ministered to his wants with fidelity and skill. His dying couch was made as soft and tender to his feeble frame as experienced hands and warm affection could make it, and when the king of terrors had carried away the weary spirit from its earthly tabernacle, his pulseless hands were tenderly folded across the breast that never more in this life can feel the waves of passion, discord or pain. Sadly they closed for the last time the eyes that were no more forever to gaze upon the alluring scenes of this world, its follies and its vices. Sadly the remains were enclosed within the somber casket, and with slow and measured tread the procession accompanied them, first to the house of God, where appropriate ceremonies were held, and then to the "city of the dead," where at that remained of what once was Joseph D. Wallace was consigned to mother earth. His body is at rest, and now let there be peace about his grave, and let all the faults and follies of his life remain forever entombed with his poor emaciated and disease-stricken body.

Apr 18, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Married: By Judge Cheney, on Apr 8, F. A. Baldwin, of Prescott, and Miss Flora Dugan, of Fulton. (Fort Scott Monitor)

Married: At the residence of Geo. Gardiner, Esq., near Washburne, Kans., on Sunday, April 12, by Rev. J. W. Talbot, of Fulton, Mr. William Follis to Miss Maggie J. Atchison, recently from Norwich, Conn. A good number of friends and acquaintances were present, and many wishes were expressed for the prosperity of the young couple. Mr. F. sometime since subscribed to the Independent, and we thought at the time that he had a guilty look on his countenance, as if about to become a party to some kind of mischief.

Apr 25, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Married: At the residence of Father Waitron, Ft. Scott, at four o’clock p.m., on Wednesday, April 25th 1885, James R. Stapleton to Miss Rose Reynolds, both of Fulton. Mr. Stapleton is a young man well known to the people of this community, as he has occupied a position at the post office and store of M. A. Stapleton & Co. for a number of years. Miss Reynolds is also well known to almost every one in the community, and has by her good qualities become endeared to all her acquaintances. She has for a long time taught a class at the Sabbath school, and has many warm friends among the little folks. The hearty good wishes of the Independent are hereby extended to the happy couple. May they always enjoy the esteem and confidence. [See also Stapleton in Fulton Business Profiles on this site]

Apr 25, pg 3, col 3

Died: In Fulton, Kansas, April 20th, 1885, Mrs. Mary M. Jones, aged 44 years. Mrs. Jones was born in Sculler county, Illinois, January 14, 1841; came with her parents, John and Mary Stock am, to Linn county, Kansas, in the fall of ‘57. She was married to Thomas Jones, her now bereaved husband, Feb 6, 1859. They made themselves a home in the south part of Linn county, where they continued to reside until the spring of 1880, when they removed to Colorado, but returned in the fall, and since that time have resided in and near this place. Mrs. Jones was one of the pioneer women of Kansas, passed through the border difficulties of war and famine, and lived a most exemplary life, respected by all who knew her. She was connected with the Christian church the greater pat of her life, and identified with the M. E. Church of this place for the last two years; lived a devoted Christian life and passed away in triumph. Her husband and nine children are left in sorrow, and a large circle of friends mourn her departure. Funeral services will be held at the M. E. church in this place on Sunday, April 26th, 1885, at 11 a.m., Rev J. M. Iliff officiating.

May 2, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Died: At his late residence, on Wednesday morning, April 29th, 1885, at 2 o’clock, E. L. Taylor, aged 75 years. The funeral services were held at the family residence at 4 o’clock p.m. Thursday, Rev. Keyes officiating. The remains were interred near the residence. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. Deceased was a man well known to the people of this community for his sterling Christian character and upright and honorable life. He was ever the warm friend and helper of the poor and needy, and no one ever sought him in distress without receiving comfort and assistance. He was an excellent business man, and to his restless energy and untiring zeal many persons in this community are indebted for permanent employment which furnished them the means necessary to provide for the wants of their families. In his death this community has sustained a very severe loss, while the bereaved members of his family have lost a devoted and tender husband and a kind and indulgent father. His suffering was intense and of long duration, yet he murmured not at the affliction that was placed upon him, but submitted with calm resignation and Christian fortitude. All that medical science could accomplish and loving, sympathetic hearts could dictate was done for him, but his disease baffled the skill of medical knowledge, and the fervent prayers of kindred and friends availed not to lengthen his term of years. Calmly his life faded away, even as the soft twilight of a glorious summer evening fades into utter darkness. His death was emblematic of his life. His faith in the promises of his Father remained firm and unshaken to the end. Let him rest! No more can the busy scenes of life arouse him to action. He sleeps the sleep of the just, and may the influence of his life work remain to us as a shining example of all that is good, pure and noble, and when the dread summons shall have come to each of us may we be as well prepared as was he for the great change that awaits us. [See also Fulton Business Profiles for E. L. Taylor]

May 9, 1885 - pg 3, col 3

Died: At the family residence near Fulton, Monday, May 4th, at 11:57 p. m., Alexander F. Simpson, aged 69 years. The funeral took place from the residence on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. W. Talbot officiating. Deceased was born at Straban, Ireland, May 7th, 1816. He came to America in 1828. After stopping at Philadelphia a few years, he removed with his father’s family to Tennessee, and from there to Sullivan county, Mo., in 1858. There he remained about five years, and then removed to this county, where he continued to reside until the time of his death. While in Tennessee he united with the Presbyterian church, at the age of 16, and remained a member thereof until his arrival in Missouri, when, on account of there being no Presbyterian organization near him, he united with the M. E. church, and remained a member of that church until his arrival in Kansas, when he again united with the Presbyterian church, at Mapleton. In 1878 he united with the Fish Creek Presbyterian church, of which he was an honored member at the time of his death. He was married to Sarah McBride, at Charleston, Tenn., July 12, 1856. His health had been very poor since last Christmas [1884], at which time he had a severe attack of heart disease. He leaves a family of eight children - four girls and four boys. Deceased was an upright and honorable man and leaves a large number of personal friends who sincerely mourn his loss. He knew that death was coming and was prepared for it. Our citizens extend to the bereaved family their sympathy and condolences in this their hour of deep affliction.

May 23, 1885 - pg 3, col 2

Married: On Thursday evening, [May] 15th, at 8 o’clock, at the residence of the M. H. Redfield, on Main Street, an event occurred which had been anticipated with pleasurable interest by a wide circle of friends of the principal parties thereto. It was the marriage of Mr. P. R. Rice and Miss Josephine Redfield, both very prominent members of Fort Scott society. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. W. C. Porter, of the Presbyterian church, and was in the doctor’s happiest vein.

Jun 6, 1885 - pg 3, col 2

Married: At Fort Scott, Kansas, June 2, 1885, by Judge O. A. Cheney, Mr. Geo. Latta and Miss Nancy A. Armstrong, both of this county. The young couple starts out upon life’s voyage with fair prospects of success, and we wish them a pleasant trip and success in their undertakings.

Jun 13, 1885 - pg 3, col 1

Married: At the residence of Nathaniel Lowry, in Osage Township, June 7th, 1885, by Rev. G. H. Hinton, Rev. L. W. Stone of Fulton, Kans., to Miss Susie Smith, of Vernon County, Missouri. Mr. Stone is one of the leading carpenters and builders of our city, and is an old and respected citizen of Bourbon County. The bride is one of Vernon County’s fair young ladies, and Lou’s many friends will congratulate him on his happy choice of a life companion. We predict for them a happy voyage o’er the sea of life.

Jun 27, 1885

pg 2, col 2

Married: On Sunday evening, June 21st, at 8 o’clock, by W. J. Stone, Esq., Mr. William R. Shadley to Miss Ida Logsden, both of Fulton. In this case the course of true love ran smoothly enough, but there were several persons who objected. However, Will’s persistence overcame all obstacles and in the end he triumphed over all opposition and carried the prize off. The Independent wishes the happy young couple success in life, which we feel certain they will attain. Mr. S. is a hard working young man and will, we think, succeed well as a Benedict.

Pg 3, col 4

Died: After a brief illness, Mrs. Nickleson, wife of Peter Nickleson, last Tuesday morning. She was buried at Osage Cemetery. She leaves a husband and four children and a large circle of friends to mourn her death. (Xenia Xylographics)

July 1885 through September 1886

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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