Barber County Kansas

The Barber County Index, November 1, 1905.

Susan (Smith) Knowles

Have just learned of the death of Mrs. Susan Knowles of Sun City which occurred at a late hour [Oct 28, 1905]. The deceased was 68 years of age. She was apparently very strong and only a week ago she was unusually lively.

Mrs. Knowles leaves a husband, one son and two daughters [Frank S., Finette McNicholas, and Alzina Harrington] to mourn her absence, as well as scores of dear friends.

It was first thought that appendicitis was her trouble but further developments soon showed that it was a stricture of the bowels. Post mortem examination was held by Drs. Hutchinson, Peak and [Tenney], the latter being a sister[-in-law] of the deceased.

She was interred in the Lake City cemetery Monday afternoon.

[Corrections by Ellen Knowles Bisson appear in brackets.]

Obituary: John Shaw Knowles, husband of Susan (Smith) Knowles.

Alzina (Knowles) Harrington Cornish, daughter of J.S. & Susan Knowles.

Frank Storrs Knowles, son of J.S. & Susan Knowles.

Thanks to Ellen (Knowles) Bisson for finding, transcribing and contributing the above article to this web site!

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