Barber County Kansas

The Barber County Index, October 16, 1901.

Mrs. Maggie Rule Dead.

Again the dark shadow has passed over our community and left many sad hearts and sorrowing friends caused by the death of Mrs. Maggie Rule, wife of Oliver Rule, one of our worthy citizens.

Mrs. Rule was born in Hickory county, Missouri, Nov. 4, 1870, living there until she married. December 12, 1897, she emigrated to Barber county with her husband. They have only been permitted to live together in prosperity and happiness about four years. Mrs. Rule only left one child to weep after a mother's love. Mrs. Rule died Oct. 8, 1901.

The community at large pains in sympathy for the bereaved husband and family. The deceased has been a devoted Christian for 15 years and was always willing and ready to do all she could for the cause she loved so well and at last when death came she whispered she was anxiously waiting to receive her reward.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Atwell, to a large and appreciative audience after which the remains were conveyed to the cemetery followed by a large number of people.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

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