Barber County Kansas

The Barber County Index, 17 July 1901.

Luther C. Drury Dead

The community was shocked Monday to hear that Luther C. Drury, of Deerhead township, had passed away Sunday night. His death was due to injuries received by being thrown under a horse Tuesday night of last week. The deplorable feature of the accident was that he lied (sic) out all night in an unconscious condition without assistance. He was found Wednesday morning by neighbors and at once removed to the house. Dr. Hutcheson of Coats was called and for a few days he seemed to be improving but on Friday he took a relapse and finally passed away Sunday night.

The accident happened in a canyon in his pasture where he was driving cattle, and while it is not known exactly how it happened, the indications from the bruises on the body, are that the horse fell with him.

Funeral services were held at Lake City yesterday. Rev. J.J. Griffin, pastor of the Baptist Church of this city preached the sermon. Mr. Drury leaves a wife and three small children to mourn his sudden departure, and citizens from all parts of the county unite in extending sympathy in their distressing affliction.

L.C. Drury was 53 years of age and one of Barber County's oldest citizens. He was one of the county's most substantial stockmen and his honor and integrity were without a breath of reproach. We feel deeply his demise because he was a man in every sense of the word-- a man that builds up a community and helps maintain it in times of misfortune and threatening calamity. But his earthly career is at an end and all that we have of this noble man is his example among us.

Barber County Index, July 3, 1901.

From Deerhead.

Mrs. Drury and Orrin Rowley went to the county seat on Business Friday.

Barber County Index, July 24, 1901

Card of Thanks

Mrs. Nettie Drury desires to express heartfelt thanks to many friends who so lovingly and tenderly cared for her husband through his last hours.

L.C. Drury was a son in law to Newell Rowley.

Gravestone of Luther C. Drury, Lake City Cemetery, Lake City, Barber County, Kansas.

Photo courtesy of Kim Fowles.
In my Father's house are many mansions.
DIED JULY 15, 1901.
AGED 53Y, 1M, 15D.

Gravestone of Luther C. Drury
Lake City Cemetery, Lake City, Barber County, Kansas.
Photo courtesy of Kim Fowles.

Thanks to Kim Fowles for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news articles to this web site!

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