Barber County Kansas

The Barber County Index, March 14, 1900.

Laura Harris

Died: Laura, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Green Harris, was claimed by death Wednesday night, March 7, 1900. She was afflicted with the dreaded pneumonia which has been prevalent this winter.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist chapel in this city on Thursday afternoon by Rev. Cain and interment was in Highland cemetery.

Laura was a favorite among her young friends and a comfort and a cheer to her parents. Her death leaves a sad vacancy in the family as well as in the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris reside six miles southeast of Medicine Lodge and have hosts of friends who extend sincere sympathy in their loss and misfortune.

Freddie Harris, baby brother of Laura Harris, who died about a week after she died.

Thanks to Ellen (Knowles) Bisson for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

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