Barber County Kansas

Joseph and William Huff

Hazelton Express, April 23, 1885.

A Good Capture

Last Friday, Sheriff Rigg and Deputy O'Shee, of Kiowa, made a good capture southwest of here about twenty miles. The sheriff of Mitchell county, came here in search of Joseph and William Huff, charged with killing a boy who had been herding cattle for them four years ago. The Sheriff had learned that the Huff's were living in this county near Kiowa, and with this clue it was an easy matter for our law officers to locate them. Friday morning about day-light our officials swooped down on the men, who were in separate dug-outs, and with the aid of Winchesters and revolvers secured their men.

It appears that the Huff's were charged with stealing cattle in Mitchell county, and the boy they killed was cognizant of the fact, and to keep him from telling on them, they beat his brains out with a club, and buried the body. Their exploit was told to a companion, a hard case, who soon afterwards, disappeared from the county. Lately he returned and told of the occurrence. A search was made and the buried body discovered.

The mother of the Huff's told a neighbor of their whereabouts, and the sheriff of Mitchell county came here and secured his men.

Sheriff Rigg says the Huffs appeared to be living on the "free love" plan in their Barber county homes, and he is of the opinion they are a hard lot.

-- Reprinted from The Barber County Index.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

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