Barber County, Kansas.  

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Barber County Index, February 10, 1909.

Joe Hargis Arrested

A warrant was issued by County Attorney Field last Friday for the arrest of Joe Hargis of Lake City who cut Vincent Schmidl in Fred Lake's store February 1st, on account of which was published last week. Hargis is charged with assault with intent to kill. His preliminary hearing was set for February 19th, before Judge D. E. Tedrow in this city.

The facts in this case are substantially as stated last week except that Mr. Schmidl claims that there were no words whatever between him and Hargis before Hargis sprung at him. He states that he was engaged in a conversation with Tonk Mills when Hargis sprung at him from behind. We have not heard Hargis's side of the case.

Schmidl's face is cut severely. The wound extends, curve shape, almost the entire length of the cheek and the knife blade protruded entirely through the cheek part of the distance of the incision, but with careful attention it will heal without leaving serious results other than a prominent scar.

We shall know more about this unfortunate affair after the evidence on both sides is submitted.

Also see:

Fight At Lake City
Barber County Index, February 3, 1909.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!