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 The INGenWeb Project

Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Marriages --

This List of Surnames Beginning with "I" Also "J"

Name Spouse Date
IDE, Daniel Rachel Boatman 07April1842
IDES, Rachel John Pendergast 17Oct1850
INGALES, Parker Eliza Rozell 25Dec1838
INGOLS, Arethusa William Parker 31Dec1848
INHLE, John Esther Ann Thomas 23Nov1850
INNES, Eliza Barnabas Holdcraft 17May1842
INNIS, Addaugh James Crowder 30Aug1832
IRON, Lewis Caroline Schameln 10April1850
ISGREAG, Barbary Alpheus Peterson 14March1827 L
ISGREAG, Elijah Eleanor Anderson 24Aug1826
ISGREAG, Stephen Polly Lippard 31Dec1821
ISGREG, Thomas Sarah Shockley 17Sept1829
ISGRIGG, Cynthia Ann John Russell 03Nov1833
ISGRIGG, Elizabeth William Willis 04April1850
ISGRIGG, Mary Jane Lorenzo Trowbridge 25Jan1846
ISGRIGG, Mary Louisa Ezekiel Loyd 15Oct1846
IVES, Esther Elkanah Burroughs 07Feb1841
IVINS, Delila William Hoffemeister 06Nov1850

Name Spouse Date
JACK, Joshua Elizabeth Oneal 14Sept1837
JACKSON, Anna James Horton 31Dec1845
JACKSON, Bethany Jonathan Brinson 14Feb1850
JACKSON, Charles Lucina Merril 01Jan1835
JACKSON, Diantha John Williams 29July1845
JACKSON, Frances Jane Samuel Cridling 14April1842
JACKSON, Hannah Jonah Shreve 21Nov1850
JACKSON, Jane William Laswell 28Aug1834
JACKSON, John Rhoda Yoast 13Jan1839
JACKSON, John Jr Diantha Jenison 21Aug1834
JACKSON, Joseph Sarah Watson 11Feb1846
JACKSON, Mary Jane Paul Gest 12Feb1846
JACKSON, Mareney Bluford Harrell 04Oct1849
JACKSON, Nancy John Paugh 22Nov1841
JACKSON, Rebecca Ann Scott Waters 06Oct1839
JACKSON, Samuel Catharine Oneal 05May1831
JACKSON, William Mary Barricklow 22Sept1842
JACKSON, William Harriet Behymer 19Nov1846
JACOB, Margaretta Henry Schulenberg 22Nov1849
JACOBUS, David Mary Winters 01April1841
JAGER, Jacob Catharine Dilk 25March1850
JAMES, Eliza Ellen Benjamin Brown 06May1849
JANES, Catharine Hiram Eaton 24Dec1835
JAQUET, Henry Mary Wurtemburg 28Dec1848
JARVIS, Gilbert Joanna Roberts 09Jan1848
JARVIS, Harves Orilla Weatherbee 21Feb1841
JARVIS, James Rebecca Buchanan 13July1848
JARVIS, Katharine Samuel Kinnett Jr 07Sept1843
JARVIS, Susannah John Pate 11March1847
JARVIS, William Eliza Jane Sailors 24June1847
JENISON, Diantha John Jackson Jr 21Aug1834
JENISON, Lydia James Chestnut 30Nov1839
JENISON, Orinda Ann Alixes Huggins 18Oct1838
JENISON, Rufus Sarah Louisa Hacock 29Jan1829
JENISON, Stephen Frances Montgomery 08April1829
JENKINS, Cephus Caroline Bruce 16March1843
JENKINS, Eleazer Eliza Ann Lacy 19Dec1847
JENKINS, Susan William Bramwell 04Jan1846
JENKS, Joseph Mary Arnold __May1838
JENNINGS, Ann Stephen Small 26Sept1832
JENNINGS, Eliza James Winters 20Aug1840
JENNINGS, Elizabeth Cyrus Buchanan 10Jan1850
JENNINGS, John Samantha Roberts 20march1836
JENNINGS, Joseph Lucy Roberts 05Feb1846
JENNINGS, Mary Isaac Hollaway 01Jan1835
JENNINGS, Mary Charles Clark 27Nov1845
JENNINGS, Sophia Philip dorman 21Dec1828
JENNINGS, Timothy Jane Walker 20Sept1827
JENNISON, Diantha Ann John Crowell 25Oct1850
JENNISON, Lucy Montgomery Pike 16Feb1845
JENNISON, Lydia Simeon Risinger 03Oct1850
JESSUP, Isaac Jr Malinda Brinson 19Jan1843
JOBE, Matthew Sarah Glasgow 14Oct1849
JOHNS, Edmond Juliann McMillan 17Nov1831
JOHNS, Emily Charles Stanley 29July1849
JOHNS, Harris Marcessa Cole 22March1838
JOHNS, Julian John Green 15Aug1839
JOHNS, Mary Nicholas Seaman 23NOv1843
JOHNS, Narcepa Simon Bergen 22Aug1848
JOHNS, Rachel Samuel Hoage 04July1841
JOHSON, Amanda Goff Wilson 09April1837
JOHNSON, Amanda Melvina Benjamin James Arnold 29May1845
JOHNSON, Betsey Samuel Cole 09Dec1819
JOHNSON, Beverly Elizabeth Mary Dorman 18Dec1844
JOHNSON, Caroline Abel Butterfield 27Aug1840
JOHNSON, Catherine Reason Wilson 13Dec1846
JOHNSON, Catherine John Huntington 01Nov1846
JOHNSON, Charles Mary Dean 25Dec1850
JOHNSON, Christina Henry Manship 30Oct1844
JOHNSON, Clarissa Ninian Beall 13March1845
JOHNSON, Cynthia James McCreery 11June1840
JOHNSON, David Elizabeth Henson 06March1845
JOHNSON, David Elmira Burr 26June1845
JOHNSON, David Margaret Withrow 08Aug1850
JOHNSON, Davis Martha Ann Allen 08Feb1844
JOHNSON, Dudley Nancy Ann Demaree 27Sept1847
JOHNSONElen George Baker 15Aug1822
JOHNSONElen/Eleanor Beverly Blair 08Aug1826
JOHNSON, Elizabeth David Heaton 20April1826
JOHNSON, Elizabeth John Smith 21March1839
JOHNSON, George Elizabeth Skeen 18Oct1846
JOHNSON, Isaac Rebecca Kennet 02Aug1827
JOHNSON, James Melisse Durant 24June1838
JOHNSON, James Martha Johnson 30Oct1828
JOHNSON, James Zerilda Jarvis 26July1834 L.
JOHNSON, John Lety Harris 30April1826
JOHNSON, Margaret Peter Ramer 09Oct1845
JOHNSON, Martha James Johnson 30Oct1828
JOHNSON, Martha Jane James Parker 25July1844
JOHNSON, Mary George Buchanan 12July1827
JOHNSON, Mary Asha Goodrich 04April1844
JOHNSON, Mary Jane James Henderson 14Jan1830
JOHNSON, Matthew Margaretta Kramer 15Feb1848
JOHNSON, Melissa Drewery Shoemaker 01Oct1846
JOHNSON, Morgan Mary Canfield 27Feb1834
JOHNSON, N.D.J. Mary Edwards 27Feb1834
JOHNSON, Nancy Washington Tucker 14Feb1850
JOHNSON, Nathaniel Rebecca Murray 20Aug1846
JOHNSON, Prudence John Mason 29April1844
JOHNSON, Rachel David Brown 14Nov1850
JOHNSON, Rebeca Henry Pate 24May1832
JOHNSON, Rebecca John Cox 18Dec1823
JOHNSON, Robert Catharine Henderson 07April1839
JOHNSON, Samuel Isabel Capito 20June1839
JOHNSON, Sarah Jane Obed Wilson 27Aug1837
JOHNSON, Sarah George Dowers 20Aug1846
JOHNSON, Thomas Sarah Drum 20Sept1832
JOHNSON, Wallace Louisa Lewis 15May1842
JOHNSON, Wayne Elizabeth Kennett 07May1832
JOHNSON, Wesley Malinda Thompson 02Feb1837
JOHNSON, Willard Cynthia McDowell 11Sept1845
JOHNSON, William Clemma Pribble 10Oct1833
JOHNSON, William Margaret Shook 31March1842
JOHNSON, William Ann Knight 02Jan1844
JOHNSTON, Gideon Elisabeth Roberts 02Oct1839
JOLLY, Alexander Mary Conn 16Feb1849
JOLLY, Anna Alva Lacock 05Oct1848
JOLLY, Charlotte William Boatman 05June1850
JOLLY, Jackson Charlott Shreve 30June1837 L.
JOLLY, Jacob Indiana Weldon 11Feb1841
JOLLY, John Lucnda Brown 16Jan1845
JOLLY, Phebe Reuben Mason 09Sept1847
JOLLY, Polly James Whitaker 11May1837
JOLLY, Sally John Whitaker 05Dec1838
JOLLY, Samuel Frances McDowell 04June1843
JOLLY, Samuel Ann McGuire 11Feb1850
JOLLY, Sarah Mark Raney 13March1834
JOLLY, Thomas Julia Brady 19Dec1847
JOLLY, William Prudence Craig 30Sept1830
JOLY, Betsey/Elizabeth Nicholas Sherry 01March1821
JONES, Elijah Eliza Ann Cole 05Aug1847
JONES, Henry Civel Erven 10Sept1833
JONES, Isaac Rebecca Kelley 03Oct1850
JONES, Jacob Jane McMullen 20Sept1842
JONES, James Katy Williams 14March1839
JONES, Johannah Daniel Sands 17Feb1850
JONES, Katharine Samuel Laughridge 10Feb1831
JONES, Mary Obidiah Hand 18March1839
JONES, Mary William Sprague 07Oct1834
JONES, Meranda Nelson Shepherd 14Sept1843
JONES, Reuben Mary Gillam 16Jan1827
JONES, Samuel Marinda Draper 15April1834 L.
JONES, Samuel Rebecca Keever __July1838
JONES, Samuel Margarite Sunman 16Feb1843
JONES, Susannah James Cowan 30Jan1849
JONES, Sylvanus Nancy Valalee 20June1839 L.
JONES, Thomas Sally Songer 08Jan1824
JONES, William Mary Cradle 11Nov1823
JONES, Wilmina Alexander Rigby 19June1849
JUDD, Amos Eliza Hull 21Feb1847
JUDD, George Adeline Hall 08Jan2846
JUNKMAN, Philip Mary Caiting 26Oct1848
JUSTICE, Jesse Zilly Hart 11July1847
JUSTICE, Squire Clarissa Ann Driskell 04July1850
JUSTICE, William Mary Loyd 11Feb1847

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