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Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Family Trees --

William Wise

Contributed by Carolyn Wise

My husband Ronald Wise's gg grandfather was William Wise, son of J.B. Wise
(John Benedict Wise, we were told) and Nancy McLaughlin. In 1901, in Cowley
Co., Kansas, the following biographical sketch was written about him.


William Wise is an old and highly esteemed resident of Cowley county,
Kansas, within whose borders he located in September, 1873. He now resides
on the southwest quarter of section 21, Maple township, although his farm is
being operated by his sons. He was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, October
17, 1826 and is a son of J.B. and Nancy (McLaughlin) Wise.
J.B. Wise was also born in Hamilton county, Ohio, and there he was reared to
manhood. In 1840, he moved to Ripley county Indiana, and bought 160 acres of
land, which he successfully cultivated for a period of twenty years. He died
there in 1860. His wife was a native of Kentucky and they were the parents
of the following children: William; Rebecca; Jane; Solomon; George; John;
Harrison; Fred; James; Martha; Melinda; Rachael; Mary and one who died in
infancy. Of those named the following are still living: William; Harrison;
John; Fred; James; and Martha.
William Wise attended the common school, as did the rest of the children.
When seventeen years old, he returned to his native county and engaged in
agricultural pursuits. After remaining there for four years, he returned to
Ripley county, Indiana, where he spent the following six years in farming.
He owned a 60-acre farm in that county, but, with the exception of an
orchard, it contained practically, no improvements. When he located in
Kansas, he traded it to Jacob Green for the southwest quarter of section 21,
Maple township, Cowley county, --his present farm. He at once proceeded to
improve this property, and broke 40 acres, which he put in wheat. His
present home was erected in 1884, and the barn and outbuildings have been
added at various times. He owns 80 acres in section 20 Maple township, which
he purchased from George Moore, in 1892. For the past few years, Mr. Wise
has rented his farm to his sons, who are extensive producers of wheat, oats,
corn and stock. Mr. Wise made a specialty of horses, when he operated the
farm and bred nothing but high grade animals, some of which he sold for
fancy prices. He is a man of many sterling qualities, always ready to help
the needy and assist in furthering worthy enterprises, and his latter days
are being spent amid friends and relatives.
Mr. Wise wedded Eliza Jane Miller, a native of Hamilton county, Ohio, and a
daughter of David and Betsy (Carney) Miller, and they are the parents of the
following children: Mary; Eliza Jane; Lutetia; Louisa; Silas; Harrison;
Annie; and William, Jr. Mary, who died in 1874, was the wife of David Tague.
Eliza Jane is the wife of Benjamin Berkshire, of Wichita, Kansas. Lutetia,
who died in 1894, was the wife of George Myers. Louisa is the wife of George
Patterson, of Johnson county, Kansas. Silas who is a farmer in Maple
township, wedded Orisa M. Cunningham. Harrison, who carries on farming in
section 32, Maple township, married Miss Evans. Annie is the wife of Robert
Norman, a jeweler of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. William, Jr., who cultivates
his father's farm, married Maggie Buckles. Mr. Wise is a strong Republican,
and has served as township treasurer, aand as a school director. He belongs
to the I.O.O.F.

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