Hiram Eaton was born in Steuben County, New York, in 1811, and of English descent. When eight years of age, he, with his parents, moved to near Napoleon, where he has since lived. He received his education at home and at pay schools. He worked on the Louisville canal during the summer of 1829-30. After returning he purchased 80 acres of woods (school land) for which he paid one-fourth down and the balance in ten years, with interest at 7 per cent. He also worked near Cincinnati one season. In 1854 he was elected Trustee of Jackson Townsip. He married in Adams Township, in 1835. a Miss Catherine Janes, of New Tork State. Mr. Eaton has lived a quiet farm life and now posesses about 300 acres of good farm land. He is one of six living settlers of Ripley County, who settled not later than 1820.