STONE, Elijah

Date of birth:  20 Jun 1810 – Hamilton County, Ohio
Date of death: 17 Feb 1893 – Stones Crossing, Johnson County, Indiana (stone shows Feb 18)

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, March 10, 1893, page 3 column 4


Elijah Stone was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, June 20th, 1810, and died at his home near Stones Crossing, Feb­ruary 17th, 1893, at the age of eighty-two years, seven months and twenty-eight days. In 1816, he with his parents immigrated to the forests of Indiana territory. (The same year it became a state.) Thus he went to work to procure a home in the new state. He was strong and rugged and possessed all the ele­ments that constituted a good pioneer. For many years, he has been a citizen of Johnson county, Indiana. The P. O. at his place (Stones Crossing) honors the name of this good man. He was mar­ried December 8, 1831, to Miss Eliz­abeth Ann Taylor, to them were born six children. His wife died twenty years later.

He was again married to Mrs. Rachel Dorrell Lampkins, with whom he lived until death. He joined the Baptist church in 1832, and was baptized on Christmas day of the same year. For a number of years he has been an hon­ored member of the church of the United Brethren in Christ. His pastor always found royal entertainment in his Christian home. On the evening of Feb­ruary 17, he went to bed in his usual health. About eleven o’clock he awoke and felt some pain in [his] breast but arose dressed himself not knowing the end was so near. But alas, before his clothing could be removed death had stolen away the sweet cords of life. Truly death came to him “as a thief in the night.” The life of a good man has gone out.

Father Stone was a good neighbor, loving father and kind husband. He leaves a wife three sons, two daughters, and a host of friends to mourn their loss. The estimation in which he was held by his neighbors was evinced by the throng that attended the funeral. The funeral sermon was delivered by his pastor, Rev. T. E. Kinneman. He was buried in the Honey Creek cemetery to await the resurrection morn. His place in the home, church and the community will be very difficult to fill. He died as he had lived, a Christian.

Link to Elijah Stone’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry