Date of birth:  11 Jul 1889
Date of death: 1 Aug 1890

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, August 8, 1890,
Volume XXXI Number 7, page 6 column 1





A thirteen-month-old child of George and Amanda Stivers died last Friday of cholera infantum. The funeral service was conducted on Saturday by Rev. F. S. Kirtley, after which the remains were interred in the Miner cemetery.

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, August 8, 1890,
Volume XXXI Number 7, page 6 column 4



Homer W., little son of Geo. W. and Amanda Stivers, was born July 11, 1889, departed this life Aug. 1, 1890, age one year and twenty days.

Little Homer, after a brief illness of three days, quietly passed away amid a host of sorrowing friends, and the little bud of hope that was just beginning to unfold to nature was plucked from these fair bowers to bloom in fairer climes.

The funeral exercises took place at the Pisgah Christian church, Saturday, Aug 2nd, at 10:30 a.m., being nicely conducted by Elder F. S. Kirtley of Irvington, after which we quietly laid little Homer away to meet him upon that happy shore to part no more.

“Sleep on sweet babe and rest,
God called thee because he thought it best.”

E. E. E.

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry