STIMSON, Rev. Samuel M.

Date of birth:  About 1815
Date of death: 29 Nov 1894 – Decatur County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, November 30, 1894,
Volume XXXV Number 21, page 1 column 3


The Death of Rev. Dr. Stimson.

Just after noon yesterday Rev. S. M. Stimson, D. D., one of the best known and most highly respected Baptist min­isters of Indiana, died at his home, one mile south of here, of heart failure.

Dr. Stimson and wife returned from the association meeting at Shelbyville on Wednesday, and remembering his age, nearly seventy-nine, his friends remarked on his sprightness of mind and manner that day.

On the next day, Thursday, he was stricken with neuralgia of the heart, from which he suffered until death came to his relief.

The funeral will be held at the Baptist church at 2 p.m. tomorrow, the sermon being preached by Rev. B. F. Cavins, of Peru, and the interment will be in Sandcreek Cemetery. —Greens­burg Graphic. [Decatur County, Indiana]

Dr. Stimson is well known in this city, especially to the Baptists. He has been active in work for Franklin College. He has not been here for about nine months.


Link to Rev. Samuel M. Stimson’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry