STILTS, Curtis M.

Date of birth:  8 Jan 1860
Date of death: 26 Oct 1893 – Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, November 3, 1893,
Volume XXXIV Number 17, page 1 column 2

The funeral of Curtis Stilts occurred at Greenwood last Friday. He was a prominent Knight of Pythias and a highly respected man. He died last Thursday from typhoid fever.

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, November 3, 1893,
Volume XXXIV Number 17, page 6 column 3





Curtis M. Stiltz [sic], after an illness of four weeks died. His funeral services were conducted at Mt. Auburn church, and his remains were deposited in Greenwood cemetery. His funeral was one of the largest ever known in this place. More than 100 members of the K. of P. were present to put the remains in the last resting place. Curtis was a member of the band at this place and the fellow members of the band will miss a good member.


Resolutions of Respect.

The Smith’s Valley Detective Asso­ciation at its meeting, October 28, ordered the following resolutions placed upon the records of the association an a copy furnished the Franklin Democrat and Franklin Republican for publi­cation.

Whereas, God in his wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our beloved and fellow-member, C. W. Stilts,

Be It Resolved, that we vote our unanimous expression of sympathy to the friends of our fellow-member realizing that their loss is ours also,

Resolved, That the secretary of our association present the parents of our brother a copy of the resolutions as a token of our affection for him.

J. J. Clary,

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, November 10, 1893,
Volume XXXIV Number 18, page 6 column 3&4



In view of the death of our dear friend and brother, Curtis M. Stillz [sic], who departed this life in the bloom of usefulness and the vigor of young manhood, be it

Resolved, By the Mt. Auburn Sunday school, of which he was such an active and worthy member, that while we bow in humble submission to the will of Providence, we none the less deeply mourn the loss of an earnest Christian worker; one who was ever ready and willing to do duty; a kind, sociable accommodating friend and neighbor to all; an upright, conscientious citizen, the hope and stay of his parents and family.

Resolved, That we extend our sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of our departed brother in this their sad affliction.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be placed on file in the Sunday school and a copy be sent to the parents and family.

George Gregg,
Tom Durrell,
C. C. Hughes.


The Franklin Democrat, Friday, November 17, 1893,
Volume XXXIV Number 19, page 3 column 1



Greenwood, Ind., Oct 30, 1893—In view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our worthy brother, C. M. Stilts, who departed this life, Oct 26, 1893, the members of Greenwood lodge, No. 238, Knight of Pythias, do hereby desire to express our heartfelt sympathy to the deceased. Therefore, we consider it a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that we sincerely regret his removal from our midst, and that the lodge has lost a most worthy member, his parents and sister a dutiful son and loving brother.

Resolved: That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the lodge, a copy be sent to the bereaved family, that they be published in the Green­wood Era, the Franklin Democrat, and the Franklin Republican.

W. H. Dunlavy,
W. E. Tinkle,
W. H. Turner.

Link to Curtis M. Stilts’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady, Cathea Curry and Lois Johnson