SMITH, James A.

Date of birth:  10 Oct 1864
Date of death: 5 Jun 1890 – Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, June 13, 1890,
Volume XXX Number 51, page 6 column 2


James Smith, son of William Smith of Clark Township, was drowned on last Thursday evening in a fish pond, while rescuing a boy by the name of Kaylor who, while bathing in the pond, was seized with cramps. Smith suc­ceeded in saving the life of Kaylor and brought him safely to the shore, but from exhaustion he then fell back into the pond and was himself drowned.


The Franklin Democrat, Friday, June 13, 1890,
Volume XXX Number 51 page 2 column 4




  Johnson County,

The undersigned coroner of Johnson County, State of Indiana, did on the 6th day of June, 1890, hold an inquest on the body of James Smith, late of said county, found dead in said county and state on the 5th day of June, 1890.

Having viewed the body and heard the testimony of witnesses, find that de­ceased came to his death by accidental drowning.

Deceased was 26 years old, five feet seven inches high, fair complexion, sandy hair and mustache.

Coroner J. C. 

Franklin, Ind., June 9, 1890.

Link to James A. Smith’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry