SMITH, Frances

Date of birth:  15 Nov 1872 – Middleport, Meigs County, Ohio
Date of death: 14 Jan 1898 – Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee

Franklin Republican, January 18, 1898

Miss Francis [sic] Smith Dead

Miss Francis [sic] Smith, who grad­uated from Franklin college with the class of ’94, died at Nashville Tenn., Friday of congestion of the lungs. Miss Smith when here was one of the most popular students in Franklin college. She was a member of the Pi Beta Phi and hers is the first death in the local chapter.

The remains were brought to Seymour Saturday where the funeral services were held at the home of her brother J. C. Smith. Monday morning the body was brought to Franklin for interment in Greenlawn Cemetery. Short services were conducted by Dr. W. T. Stott at the grave.

Miss Smith was born in Middleport, O., Nov. 15, 1872. When quite young she removed with her parents to Aurora, Ind., where they resided for ten years. After graduating from Franklin college she taught in Selm [sic] University, Alabama, two years when she was forced to resign her position on account of ill health. Last fall she accepted a position in Roger Williams University in Nashville, where she did good work until taken suddenly ill soon after the holidays.

Miss Smith was a thorough student and was a most successful instructor. Her death is mourned by a large circle of friends.

Submitted by Lois Johnson

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, January 21, 1898,
Volume XXXVIII Number 28, page 1 column 2



A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., last Saturday, announced the death of Miss Frances Smith, daughter of Dr. Smith of that place. Miss Smith was a student of Franklin college for several years, having graduated here in 1894, and her father is a member of the board of directors of the institution. The remains were brought to this city and the funeral held on Monday morning, the remains being interred in Greenlawn cemetery where deceased’s mother was buried several years ago.

Link to Frances Smith’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry